Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program


RPA 58.1 Evaluate smolt survival and/or fitness from Bonneville Dam through the estuary
Title Evaluate smolt survival and/or fitness from Bonneville Dam through the estuary
Description Monitor and evaluate smolt survival and/or fitness in select reaches from Bonneville Dam through the estuary. (Initiate in FY 2007-2009 Projects)

Projects Coverage Assessment
No gap for the survival component; but, there is one for the fitness component. AFEP project EST-02-P-01 is using acoustic telemetry to make survival estimates for various reaches in the lower river and estuary (Bonneville to the mouth). No gap exists. Both JSATS and POST offer capabilities to track juvenile fish and generate certain survival estimates. However, management needs, and the roles of the tag systems in satisfying those needs require clarification. This is occurring through improved coordination led by the Corps and BPA.
None. The "and/or" element causes ambiguity. Assuming both survival and fitness are required, consider assessing applicability and feasibility to measure fitness of juvenile salmon at select locations in the lower Col. R. and estuary under AFEP project EST-09-P-01 or a new project.
Questions/Guidance For Sponsors
1. What are the juvenile survival rates by tagged species/life history type from Bonneville Dam to the plume for various river segments and study-years? [[/Break]] 2. What are the common themes in the survival data for tagged juvenile salmonids in the lower Columbia River and estuary?

Projects listed in this section were associated with an RPA or Subaction by a BPA analyst.
Viewing 2 of 2 Project Associations
Year List
Project #
Project Title
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 20182003-007-00Columbia River Estuary Ecosystem Monitoring
2008, 2009, 2010, 20112003-114-00Coastal Ocean Acoustic Salmon Tracking (COAST)

Portfolio Name: FCRPS BiOp RPA 58.1
Total # of Projects: 17
Criteria Summary:
Group 1
     Work Element ID In List "157. Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data"
     OR Work Element ID In List "162. Analyze/Interpret Data"
Group 2
     Environmental Metric Custom "Fish - Condition of Life Stage: Fish"
     OR Environmental Metric Custom "Fish - Growth Rate: Fish"
     OR Environmental Metric Custom "Fish - Survival Rate: Fish"
     OR Environmental Metric Custom "Fish - Timing of Life Stage: Fish"
Group 3
     Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, Chinook (Lower Columbia River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, Chinook (Lower Columbia River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, Chinook (Snake River spring/summer-run ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, Chinook (Upper Columbia River spring-run ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, Chinook (Lower Columbia River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, chum (Columbia River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, coho (Lower Columbia River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Salmon, sockeye (Snake River ESU)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Steelhead (Middle Columbia River DPS)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Steelhead (Snake River Basin DPS)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Steelhead (Upper Columbia River DPS)"
     OR Fish ESU (Evolutionary Significant Unit) In List "Steelhead (Lower Columbia River DPS)"
     OR Fish Population In List "Salmon, Chinook (Snake River fall-run ESU) - Snake River Lower Mainstem"
     OR Fish Population In List "Salmon, sockeye (Snake River ESU) - Redfish Lake"
Group 4
     Estuary In List "A (Coastal Lowlands Entrance-Mixing)"
     OR Estuary In List "B (Coastal Uplands Salinity Gradient)"
     OR Estuary In List "C (Volcanics Current Reversal)"
     OR Estuary In List "D (Western Cascades Tributary Confluences)"
     OR Estuary In List "E (Tidal Flood Plain Basin Constriction)"
     OR Estuary In List "F (Middle Tidal Flood Plain Basin)"
     OR Estuary In List "G (Upper Tidal Flood Plain Basin)"
     OR Estuary In List "H (Western Gorge)"
     OR Mainstem In List "Bonneville Dam to The Dalles Dam"