Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Capital Land Acquisitions
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Pend Oreille 100.00%
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P1 1992-061-00 Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation (Part 1 of 2)
Statement of Work and Budget FY2005

BPA Project Number:  1992-061-00
BPA Project Title:
Contract Number:  00016694
Contract Title:  IDF&G Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation: Planning & Design
Performance/Budget Period:  March 31, 2005 - February 28, 2006

Katherine Cousins
Mitigation Staff Biologist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
2750 Kathleen Avenue
Coeur d'Alene, ID  83815
Phone 208/769-1414  Fax 208/769-1418

Jim Lau
Chief of Administration
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
600 S. Walnut Street
Boise, ID  83707
Phone 208/287-2800 / Fax 208/287-334-2148

Conan Chiu
Financial Specialist
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
600 S. Walnut Street
Boise, ID  83707
Phone 208/287-2813/ Fax 208/334-2148


The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act) of 1980 (Public Law 96-501) directed that measures be implemented by BPA to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife to the extent affected by development and operation of hydropower projects on the Columbia River system (Martin et al. 1988).  The Act created the Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC or Council), which in turn developed the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (Program). Under the Act, BPA has the authority and obligation to fund fish and wildlife mitigation activities that are consistent with the Council's Fish and Wildlife Program (USDE 1996).

Part of the Program was the development of wildlife protection, mitigation, and enhancement plans for each of the hydropower facilities on the Columbia River system and ultimately, implementation of the plans to mitigate wildlife habitat losses.  The IDFG developed a mitigation plan in 1987 for the Albeni Falls hydroelectric facility that was constructed by the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers (COE) on the Pend Oreille River in Bonner County, Idaho between 1951 and 1955 (Martin et al. 1988). Mitigation plans for wildlife habitat losses at each of the Columbia River Basin dams were submitted by BPA to the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1989 including the mitigation plan for Albeni Falls Dam in Idaho (USDE 1996).  The Council reviewed and approved the Albeni Falls plan in 1990 (USDE 1996).

BPA prepared the Albeni Falls Wildlife Management Plan: Environmental Assessment in 1996.  The plan guides the development of wildlife mitigation projects associated with Albeni Falls Dam proposed by the IDFG and the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group, approved by the Northwest Power Planning Council, and proposed for funding by BPA.  The plan enables the IDFG and the Kalispel, Coeur d'Alene, and Kootenai Indian Tribes to: 1) Protect and enhance through land acquisition, a variety of wetland and riparian habitats; 2) Restore 28,587 Habitat Units (HUs lost as a result of the construction of Albeni Falls Dam, and; 3) Conduct long-term wildlife habitat management activities at individual mitigation project sites (USDE 1996). In lieu of annualizing HU losses the NPPC has decided to mitigate losses at a 2:1 ratio. That is, for every 2 HUs protected the HU ledger will be reduced by 1 HU.

The Northern Idaho Wildlife Mitigation Agreement was jointly prepared and approved by the IDFG and BPA in June 1997 (BPA and IDFG 1997).

This Idaho Department of Fish and Game administrative contract assumes the responsibility of collecting, maintaining and forwarding to BPA any and all documentation pertaining to NEPA/ESA compliance measures that must be undertaken prior to the start of implementation activities occurring on the Boundary Creek WMA and on the Pend Oreille WMA's.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
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Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Deliverable complete A: 172. Pursue site information, title search and conservation easements 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete B: 172. Identify willing landowner participants 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete C: 118. Coordinate the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete D: 118. Meet with County Commissioners 10/07/2005
Deliverable complete E: 118. Build relationships with entities interested in wildlife mitigation 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete F: 118. Coordinate enhancement, O&M activities defined in site-specific Wildlife Mgmt. Plan 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete G: 118. Coordinate Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation activity w/ongoing Avista (WA Water Power) mitigation 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete H: 118. Coordinate/dev. Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Proj. presentations to the Wildlife Caucus 02/15/2006
Deliverable complete I: 114. Identify cost-sharing partnerships 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete J: 119. Develop/maintain IDFG budgets, manage/maintain contracts & inv. records & IDFG spending auth. 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete K: 99. Coordinate/implement info education prog for/Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Proj. 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete L: 87. Coord. completion baseline surveys/assist w/M&E & eval prog. Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete M: 132. Submit report to BPA describing progress on mitigation lands 02/28/2006 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete N: 165. Coordinate completion of hazardous waste surveys 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete O: 165. Complete NEPA checklist and coordinate completion of cultural resource surveys 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete P: 174. Develop site-specific management plans 02/28/2006
Deliverable complete Q: 141. Quarterly status reports on all milestones 02/28/2006

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 172 Pursue site information, title search and conservation easements
B 172 Identify willing landowner participants
C 118 Coordinate the Albeni Falls Interagency Work Group
D 118 Meet with County Commissioners
E 118 Build relationships with entities interested in wildlife mitigation
F 118 Coordinate enhancement, O&M activities defined in site-specific Wildlife Mgmt. Plan
G 118 Coordinate Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation activity w/ongoing Avista (WA Water Power) mitigation
H 118 Coordinate/dev. Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Proj. presentations to the Wildlife Caucus
I 114 Identify cost-sharing partnerships
J 119 Develop/maintain IDFG budgets, manage/maintain contracts & inv. records & IDFG spending auth.
K 99 Coordinate/implement info education prog for/Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation Proj.
L 87 Coord. completion baseline surveys/assist w/M&E & eval prog. Albeni Falls Wildlife Mitigation
M 132 Submit report to BPA describing progress on mitigation lands
N 165 Coordinate completion of hazardous waste surveys
O 165 Complete NEPA checklist and coordinate completion of cultural resource surveys
P 174 Develop site-specific management plans
Q 141 Quarterly status reports on all milestones
R 185