Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 19625: PI 200201301 WATER ENTITY- CBWTP (NPCC VERSION)
Project Number:
Water Entity - CBWTP
Province Subbasin %
Basinwide - 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
  • 24366: PI 2002-013-01 EXP WATER ENTITY CBWTP
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The Bonneville Power Administration established a cooperative funding agreement with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) to operate the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program (CBWTP). The CBWTP is a program started in FY2002 that funds and supports innovative water transaction projects implemented by qualified local entities (QLEs) throughout flow-limited Columbia River Basin tributaries.

There are currently 10 QLEs in the states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana participating in the CBWTP. The voluntary transactions between these QLEs and willing landowners increase flows for salmon spawning, rearing, and passage and resident fish habitat.

Project Background:
In December 2001, BPA issued a Request for Qualifications for Water Program Solicitation (Solicitation) requesting statements of qualifications from individuals or entities interested in helping BPA implement the Biological Opinion for the Operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System and aspects of Implementation Provision A.8 from the Northwest Power Planning Council's Fish and Wildlife Program. To fulfill these goals and meet the other objectives outlined in the Solicitation, BPA supports the implementation of innovative transactional strategies to increase tributary flows within the Columbia River Basin (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana).

Qualified Local Entities:
BPA sought participation from local entities that would be able to develop innovative transactional strategies to increase tributary flows. BPA approved the following entities as qualified local entities in 2002: Oregon Water Trust, Deschutes Resources Conservancy, Oregon Water Resources Department, Washington Water Trust, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Montana Water Trust, Trout Unlimited, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Walla Walla Watershed Alliance, and Washington Department of Ecology. These qualified local entities are eligible to submit transaction proposals to the regional entity for funding consideration.

Regional Entity:
In April 2002, BPA also selected the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to serve as the regional entity for the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program. NFWF is a non-profit foundation established in 1984, and it is authorized to accept federal funds and leverage them with non-federal partners to invest in innovative strategies for increasing tributary flows. To date the foundation has funded over 5000 projects worth more than $500 million in federal and nonfederal investments to meet national conservation priorities. NFWF established its Pacific Northwest Regional (PNW) Office in September 2000 in order to develop innovative partnerships with both federal and nonfederal entities. The PNW Office currently manages over 250 projects in the Northwest worth over $35 million. NFWF and its PNW office has built upon its existing capabilities in order to operate the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program through its cooperative funding agreement with BPA.

NFWF receives, evaluates, and ranks innovative water proposals submitted by local entities, and facilitates the implementation of projects and individual water transactions with funding from BPA, NFWF and other sources. Using a set of approved criteria, NFWF makes funding recommendations on water project proposals submitted by local entities and obtains BPA approval before funding a project under this program. NFWF ensures effective implementation of funded projects and compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act through its agreements with the local entities participating in the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program. NFWF develops outreach information, issues transaction solicitations, and qualifies additional local entities. NFWF provides BPA with annual reports explaining the success of the Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program to develop and implement innovative ways to increase tributary flows in the Columbia Basin.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Christopher Furey Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3371
Jamae Hilliard Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (360) 418-8658
Vasia Limantzakis Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-4164
Colette Lord National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Yes Administrative Contact (503) 417-8700
Andrew Purkey National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Yes Administrative Contact (503) 417-8700x6009
Molly Whitney National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Yes Administrative Contact (503) 417-8700
Krystyna Wolniakowski National Fish and Wildlife Foundation No Contract Manager (503) 417-8700
Richard Yarde Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3769

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Deliverable Complete A: 164. 12c-04 OWT ( Thompson Mill / Calapo) 09/30/2005 05/22/2006
Deliverable Complete B: 164. 99-05 IDWR (Ellsworth / Eighteen Mile) 09/30/2005 12/20/2005
Deliverable Complete C: 164. 33-03 DRC (Middle Deschutes River) 11/17/2005
Deliverable Complete D: 164. 03b-05 WWT (Ubber / Gold Creek) 09/30/2005 09/15/2005
Deliverable complete E: 164. 105-05 WWT Gold Creek #2 09/30/2005 08/26/2005
Deliverable Complete F: 164. 29b-05 IDWR (Henslee / Big Hat) 11/17/2005
Deliverable complete G: 164. 15b:20b-05 WWT - Cromarty / Teanaway 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete H: 164. 98-05 MWT (Meuli / Ronan) 09/30/2005 09/20/2005
Deliverable complete I: 164. 63b-05 MWT - Ronan Creek, Hawkins Storage Release Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete J: 164. 81-05 OWT - Carlsen Lease 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete K: 164. 89-05 MWT - Tin Cup Diversion Reduction Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable Complete L: 164. 47-04 WWT (Taneum Ditch / Taneum) 09/30/2005 11/03/2005
Deliverable Complete M: 164. 65b-05 IDWR (DOT / Beaver) 09/30/2005 11/17/2005
Deliverable complete N: 164. 101-05 IDWR (WD74 / Lemhi) 09/30/2005 09/15/2005
Deliverable complete O: 164. 82-05 WWWA - Plucker Streamflow Transaction 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete P: 164. 38c-05 WWT - Teanaway River #14 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete Q: 164. BPA NFWF - Water/Easement Transaction Line Item 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete R: 164. 92-05 OWT (Lostine / Lostine) 09/30/2005 09/20/2005
Deliverable Complete S: 164. 100-05 IDWR (Bonnuccelli / Lemhi) 09/30/2005 11/17/2005
Deliverable Complete T: 164. 85-05 DRC (TSID / Squaw) 11/17/2005
Deliverable Complete U: 164. 102-05 IDWR (Henslee / Pole) 09/30/2005 11/17/2005
Deliverable complete V: 164. 95-05 WWT (--- / Beaver Creek) 09/30/2005 08/26/2005
Deliverable complete W: 164. 72b-05 IDWR (Lemhi / Lemhi) 09/30/2005 08/16/2005
Deliverable complete X: 164. 44b-05 OWT - RPB 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete Y: 164. 71b-05 DRC (AWLP / Deschutes) 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete Z: 164. 24b-05 WWT - Libby Creek, #1-2005 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AA: 164. 04b-05 WWT (Hardy / Beaver) 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete AB: 164. 70b-05 OWT - Middle Fork Ranch 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AC: 164. 34b-05 DRC (Marshall/COID) 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AD: 164. 75-05 OWT - Webb-Buckhollow Creek 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AE: 164. 68b-05 TU - Mannix/Wasson Creek Single Season Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable Complete AF: 164. 13d-05 WWT - T.Valley Farms / Teanaway 09/30/2005 09/15/2005
Deliverable complete AG: 164. 78-05 OWT - Underhill - Fifteenmile Lease 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AH: 164. 64b-05 IDWR - Kenney Creek Water Transaction 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AI: 164. 93-05 TU (Murphy / Spring) 09/30/2005 08/16/2005
Deliverable complete AJ: 164. 86-05 MWT - Fire Creek Split-Season Diversion Reduction Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AK: 164. 104-05 WWT (Judd-Stokes / Methow) 09/30/2005 08/26/2005
Deliverable complete AL: 164. 88-05 MWT - Little Blackfoot Diversion Reduction Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AM: 164. 90-05 MWT - Sweeney Creek 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AN: 164. 91-05 MWT (Watson / Rock Creek) 09/30/2005 08/16/2005
Deliverable complete AO: 164. 103-05 OWT (Long Tom / Long Tom) 09/30/2005 09/20/2005
Deliverable complete AP: 164. 08b-05 TU (Hoxworth / Rock Creek) 09/30/2005 08/16/2005
Deliverable complete AQ: 164. 61b-05 MWT - Teller - Storage Delivery and Diversion Reduction Agreement 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AR: 164. 87-05 MWT - Ninemile Creek Diversion 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AS: 162. WWWA - Data Analysis 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AT: 162. IDWR - MIKE Basin Model 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete AU: 162. DRC - Data Analysis 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete AV: 2. Environmental Compliance - Supplemental Analysis for Conservation Easements 03/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete AW: 2. Environmental Compliance - NEPA review / CX for water transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete AX: 157. DRC - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete AY: 157. IDWR - Fish Habitat Surveys 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete AZ: 157. DRC - Water Quality Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BA: 157. TU - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete BB: 157. WDOE - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BC: 157. IDWR - Flow Measurements 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BD: 157. IDWR - Stream Data 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BE: 157. WWT - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BF: 157. DRC - Compile Data 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BG: 157. OWT - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete BH: 157. MWT - Gauging Station 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BI: 157. IDWR - Data from Stream Gauges 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BJ: 157. OWRD - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BK: 157. MWT - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BL: 157. WWWA - Transaction Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BM: 157. OWT - Compile Flow Data 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BN: 172. NFWF - MC Prepare HS Conservation Easement 08/02/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BO: 172. NFWF - MC Prepare W Conservation Easement 08/02/2005
Deliverable complete BP: 118. MWT - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BQ: 118. WWWA - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BR: 118. MWT - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BS: 118. NFWF - Public Presentations 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BT: 118. NFWF - Press Releases 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BU: 118. WWWA - New Strategies 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete BV: 118. IDWR - Water Transactions Strategies 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BW: 118. TU - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BX: 118. MWT - Develop New Strategies 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BY: 118. DRC - Site Visits 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete BZ: 118. DRC - Communication 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CA: 118. TU - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CB: 118. DRC - Collaboration with Other Qualified Local Entities 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CC: 118. NFWF - Power Point Presentation 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CD: 118. NFWF - Glossary 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CE: 118. OWRD - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CF: 118. OWRD - Develop New Strategies 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CG: 118. WWT - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CH: 118. WWT - Develop New Strategies 01/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CI: 118. WWWA - Communication with Agencies and Planners 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CJ: 118. DRC - Monitoring Coordination 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CK: 118. NFWF - Radio Stories 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CL: 118. DRC - Meeting/Committee Participation 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CM: 118. OWRD - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CN: 118. NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Coordination and Support 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CO: 118. NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Meetings and Information Exchange 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CP: 118. NFWF - Templates and Models 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete CQ: 118. OWT - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CR: 118. WDOE - Develop New Strategies 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CS: 118. OWT - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CT: 118. OWT - Identify Focus Areas 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CU: 118. WDOE - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CV: 118. WWT - Cultivating Transactions 04/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CW: 118. NFWF - Coordination with State Water Resources' Agencies 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CX: 118. WWWA - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CY: 118. IDWR - Meeting/Committee Participation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete CZ: 168. DRC - Cultivating Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DA: 160. NFWF - Website Maintenance and Databse Expansion 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DB: 160. DRC - Escrow Monitoring 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DC: 160. IDWR - Habitat Improvement Database 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DD: 154. WWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DE: 154. OWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DF: 154. WDOE - Transaction Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DG: 154. WDOE - Evaluate Water Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DH: 154. DRC - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DI: 154. TU - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DJ: 154. WWWA - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DK: 154. IDWR - Develop and Negotiate Water Transactions in Idaho 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DL: 154. OWRD - Transaction Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DM: 154. MWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DN: 156. IDWR - Develop Non-Habitat Related Monitoring Program 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DO: 114. WDOE - Prioritize Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DP: 114. MWT - Identifying Watersheds Suitable for Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DQ: 114. WWWA - Prioritize Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DR: 114. IDWR - Identify and Prioritize Water Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DS: 114. DRC - Prioritize Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DT: 114. MWT - Prioritize Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DU: 114. WWT - Prioritize Transactions 01/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DV: 114. WWWA - Site Investigations 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DW: 148. OWT - Install Telemetry Sites 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete DX: 148. WDOE - Gauging Station 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Closing DY: 5. NFWF- BPA Acquire W easement
Closing DZ: 5. NFWF- BPA Acquire HS easement 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EA: 119. IDWR - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EB: 119. DRC - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EC: 119. WWT - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete ED: 119. NFWF - Cost-Sharing 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EE: 119. OWT - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EF: 119. TU - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EG: 119. WDOE - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EH: 119. IDWR - Cultivating Water Transactions 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EI: 119. OWRD - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EJ: 119. WWWA - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EK: 119. MWT - Contract Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EL: 119. NFWF - Procedure Modification 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EM: 119. NFWF - Water Transactions Guidance 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EN: 119. NFWF - Transaction Solicitation 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EO: 119. NFWF - Transaction Recommendation 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EP: 119. NFWF - Task Invoicing and Record Keeping 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EQ: 119. NFWF - Transaction Checklists 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete ER: 119. NFWF - Site Visits 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete ES: 119. NFWF - Subcontract Development and Management 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete ET: 99. MWT - Presentations 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EU: 99. OWT - Community Education 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EV: 132. WWWA - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EW: 132. OWT - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EX: 132. MWT - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EY: 132. NFWF - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete EZ: 132. OWRD - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FA: 132. TU - Annual Report 05/19/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FB: 132. IDWR - Annual Report 12/01/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FC: 132. WWT - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FD: 132. WDOE - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FE: 132. DRC - Annual Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FF: 115. WWWA - Mapping 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FG: 115. WWT - Stream and Habitat Assessment 01/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FH: 115. OWT - Conduct Water Right Assessments 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FI: 115. MWT - GPS/GIS 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FJ: 115. WWWA - Conduct Water Rights Assessments 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FK: 115. MWT - Stream and Habitat Assessment 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FL: 115. MWT - Conduct Water Rights Assessments 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FM: 115. WDOE - Water Right Assessment 05/19/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FN: 115. DRC - Conduct Water Right Assessments 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FO: 115. DRC - Transaction Evaluation 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FP: 115. WWT - Conduct Water Rights Assessment 01/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FQ: 115. WDOE - Stream Assessment 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FR: 115. TU - Conduct Water Right Assessment 09/30/2005
Deliverable complete FS: 115. OWRD - Conduct Water Right Assessment 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FT: 141. MWT - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FU: 141. OWRD - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FV: 141. IDWR - Quarterly Report 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FW: 141. OWT - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FX: 141. DRC - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FY: 141. WWWA - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete FZ: 141. TU - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GA: 141. WWT - Quarterly Reports 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GB: 141. NFWF - Quarterly Reporting 07/31/2005
Deliverable complete GC: 141. WDOE - Quarterly Reports 07/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GD: 122. NFWF - Transaction Review 08/31/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GE: 122. OWRD - Technical Review 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GF: 159. OWT - Data Transfer 09/30/2005 10/27/2005
Deliverable complete GG: 159. TU - Data Transfer 09/30/2005 09/29/2005
Deliverable complete GH: 6. Real Property Services 09/20/2005 10/27/2005

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 164 12c-04 OWT ( Thompson Mill / Calapo)
B 164 99-05 IDWR (Ellsworth / Eighteen Mile)
C 164 33-03 DRC (Middle Deschutes River)
D 164 03b-05 WWT (Ubber / Gold Creek)
E 164 105-05 WWT Gold Creek #2
F 164 29b-05 IDWR (Henslee / Big Hat)
G 164 15b:20b-05 WWT - Cromarty / Teanaway
H 164 98-05 MWT (Meuli / Ronan)
I 164 63b-05 MWT - Ronan Creek, Hawkins Storage Release Agreement
J 164 81-05 OWT - Carlsen Lease
K 164 89-05 MWT - Tin Cup Diversion Reduction Agreement
L 164 47-04 WWT (Taneum Ditch / Taneum)
M 164 65b-05 IDWR (DOT / Beaver)
N 164 101-05 IDWR (WD74 / Lemhi)
O 164 82-05 WWWA - Plucker Streamflow Transaction
P 164 38c-05 WWT - Teanaway River #14
Q 164 BPA NFWF - Water/Easement Transaction Line Item
R 164 92-05 OWT (Lostine / Lostine)
S 164 100-05 IDWR (Bonnuccelli / Lemhi)
T 164 85-05 DRC (TSID / Squaw)
U 164 102-05 IDWR (Henslee / Pole)
V 164 95-05 WWT (--- / Beaver Creek)
W 164 72b-05 IDWR (Lemhi / Lemhi)
X 164 44b-05 OWT - RPB
Y 164 71b-05 DRC (AWLP / Deschutes)
Z 164 24b-05 WWT - Libby Creek, #1-2005
AA 164 04b-05 WWT (Hardy / Beaver)
AB 164 70b-05 OWT - Middle Fork Ranch
AC 164 34b-05 DRC (Marshall/COID)
AD 164 75-05 OWT - Webb-Buckhollow Creek
AE 164 68b-05 TU - Mannix/Wasson Creek Single Season Agreement
AF 164 13d-05 WWT - T.Valley Farms / Teanaway
AG 164 78-05 OWT - Underhill - Fifteenmile Lease
AH 164 64b-05 IDWR - Kenney Creek Water Transaction
AI 164 93-05 TU (Murphy / Spring)
AJ 164 86-05 MWT - Fire Creek Split-Season Diversion Reduction Agreement
AK 164 104-05 WWT (Judd-Stokes / Methow)
AL 164 88-05 MWT - Little Blackfoot Diversion Reduction Agreement
AM 164 90-05 MWT - Sweeney Creek
AN 164 91-05 MWT (Watson / Rock Creek)
AO 164 103-05 OWT (Long Tom / Long Tom)
AP 164 08b-05 TU (Hoxworth / Rock Creek)
AQ 164 61b-05 MWT - Teller - Storage Delivery and Diversion Reduction Agreement
AR 164 87-05 MWT - Ninemile Creek Diversion
AS 162 WWWA - Data Analysis
AT 162 IDWR - MIKE Basin Model
AU 162 DRC - Data Analysis
AV 2 Environmental Compliance - Supplemental Analysis for Conservation Easements
AW 2 Environmental Compliance - NEPA review / CX for water transactions
AX 157 DRC - Transaction Monitoring
AY 157 IDWR - Fish Habitat Surveys
AZ 157 DRC - Water Quality Monitoring
BA 157 TU - Transaction Monitoring
BB 157 WDOE - Transaction Monitoring
BC 157 IDWR - Flow Measurements
BD 157 IDWR - Stream Data
BE 157 WWT - Transaction Monitoring
BF 157 DRC - Compile Data
BG 157 OWT - Transaction Monitoring
BH 157 MWT - Gauging Station
BI 157 IDWR - Data from Stream Gauges
BJ 157 OWRD - Transaction Monitoring
BK 157 MWT - Transaction Monitoring
BL 157 WWWA - Transaction Monitoring
BM 157 OWT - Compile Flow Data
BN 172 NFWF - MC Prepare HS Conservation Easement
BO 172 NFWF - MC Prepare W Conservation Easement
BP 118 MWT - Meeting/Committee Participation
BQ 118 WWWA - Meeting/Committee Participation
BR 118 MWT - Cultivating Transactions
BS 118 NFWF - Public Presentations
BT 118 NFWF - Press Releases
BU 118 WWWA - New Strategies
BV 118 IDWR - Water Transactions Strategies
BW 118 TU - Meeting/Committee Participation
BX 118 MWT - Develop New Strategies
BY 118 DRC - Site Visits
BZ 118 DRC - Communication
CA 118 TU - Cultivating Transactions
CB 118 DRC - Collaboration with Other Qualified Local Entities
CC 118 NFWF - Power Point Presentation
CD 118 NFWF - Glossary
CE 118 OWRD - Meeting/Committee Participation
CF 118 OWRD - Develop New Strategies
CG 118 WWT - Meeting/Committee Participation
CH 118 WWT - Develop New Strategies
CI 118 WWWA - Communication with Agencies and Planners
CJ 118 DRC - Monitoring Coordination
CK 118 NFWF - Radio Stories
CL 118 DRC - Meeting/Committee Participation
CM 118 OWRD - Cultivating Transactions
CN 118 NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Coordination and Support
CO 118 NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Meetings and Information Exchange
CP 118 NFWF - Templates and Models
CQ 118 OWT - Cultivating Transactions
CR 118 WDOE - Develop New Strategies
CS 118 OWT - Meeting/Committee Participation
CT 118 OWT - Identify Focus Areas
CU 118 WDOE - Meeting/Committee Participation
CV 118 WWT - Cultivating Transactions
CW 118 NFWF - Coordination with State Water Resources' Agencies
CX 118 WWWA - Cultivating Transactions
CY 118 IDWR - Meeting/Committee Participation
CZ 168 DRC - Cultivating Transactions
DA 160 NFWF - Website Maintenance and Databse Expansion
DB 160 DRC - Escrow Monitoring
DC 160 IDWR - Habitat Improvement Database
DD 154 WWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DE 154 OWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DF 154 WDOE - Transaction Implementation
DG 154 WDOE - Evaluate Water Transactions
DH 154 DRC - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DI 154 TU - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DJ 154 WWWA - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DK 154 IDWR - Develop and Negotiate Water Transactions in Idaho
DL 154 OWRD - Transaction Implementation
DM 154 MWT - Prepare Water Transactions for Implementation
DN 156 IDWR - Develop Non-Habitat Related Monitoring Program
DO 114 WDOE - Prioritize Transactions
DP 114 MWT - Identifying Watersheds Suitable for Transactions
DQ 114 WWWA - Prioritize Transactions
DR 114 IDWR - Identify and Prioritize Water Transactions
DS 114 DRC - Prioritize Transactions
DT 114 MWT - Prioritize Transactions
DU 114 WWT - Prioritize Transactions
DV 114 WWWA - Site Investigations
DW 148 OWT - Install Telemetry Sites
DX 148 WDOE - Gauging Station
DY 5 NFWF- BPA Acquire W easement
DZ 5 NFWF- BPA Acquire HS easement
EA 119 IDWR - Contract Management
EB 119 DRC - Contract Management
EC 119 WWT - Contract Management
ED 119 NFWF - Cost-Sharing
EE 119 OWT - Contract Management
EF 119 TU - Contract Management
EG 119 WDOE - Contract Management
EH 119 IDWR - Cultivating Water Transactions
EI 119 OWRD - Contract Management
EJ 119 WWWA - Contract Management
EK 119 MWT - Contract Management
EL 119 NFWF - Procedure Modification
EM 119 NFWF - Water Transactions Guidance
EN 119 NFWF - Transaction Solicitation
EO 119 NFWF - Transaction Recommendation
EP 119 NFWF - Task Invoicing and Record Keeping
EQ 119 NFWF - Transaction Checklists
ER 119 NFWF - Site Visits
ES 119 NFWF - Subcontract Development and Management
ET 99 MWT - Presentations
EU 99 OWT - Community Education
EV 132 WWWA - Annual Report
EW 132 OWT - Annual Report
EX 132 MWT - Annual Report
EY 132 NFWF - Annual Report
EZ 132 OWRD - Annual Report
FA 132 TU - Annual Report
FB 132 IDWR - Annual Report
FC 132 WWT - Annual Report
FD 132 WDOE - Annual Report
FE 132 DRC - Annual Report
FF 115 WWWA - Mapping
FG 115 WWT - Stream and Habitat Assessment
FH 115 OWT - Conduct Water Right Assessments
FJ 115 WWWA - Conduct Water Rights Assessments
FK 115 MWT - Stream and Habitat Assessment
FL 115 MWT - Conduct Water Rights Assessments
FM 115 WDOE - Water Right Assessment
FN 115 DRC - Conduct Water Right Assessments
FO 115 DRC - Transaction Evaluation
FP 115 WWT - Conduct Water Rights Assessment
FQ 115 WDOE - Stream Assessment
FR 115 TU - Conduct Water Right Assessment
FS 115 OWRD - Conduct Water Right Assessment
FT 141 MWT - Quarterly Reports
FU 141 OWRD - Quarterly Reports
FV 141 IDWR - Quarterly Report
FW 141 OWT - Quarterly Reports
FX 141 DRC - Quarterly Reports
FY 141 WWWA - Quarterly Reports
FZ 141 TU - Quarterly Reports
GA 141 WWT - Quarterly Reports
GB 141 NFWF - Quarterly Reporting
GC 141 WDOE - Quarterly Reports
GD 122 NFWF - Transaction Review
GE 122 OWRD - Technical Review
GF 159 OWT - Data Transfer
GG 159 TU - Data Transfer
GH 6 Real Property Services
GI 185