Completion of environmental compliance requirements |
A: 165. NOAA 4d permit compliance |
01/31/2007 |
10/31/2005 |
Physical/enviromental profile |
B: 157. Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels |
01/31/2007 |
08/30/2006 |
Installation/removal of adult trap |
C: 70. Install/remove adult trap |
01/31/2007 |
01/17/2006 |
Adult Trap data |
D: 157. Adult trap monitoring |
01/15/2007 |
01/17/2006 |
Seine adults for broodstock |
E: 66. Seining activities for adult broodstock collection |
01/15/2007 |
12/05/2006 |
Transported adults |
F: 66. Transport supplementation adults |
01/15/2007 |
10/05/2006 |
Biological data on adults seined, not used for supplementation, marked and released |
G: 157. Adult sampling and marking for spawning population estimation |
01/15/2007 |
01/05/2006 |
Adult spawner data |
H: 157. Sampling of spawners placed into spawning channels |
01/15/2007 |
01/05/2006 |
Spawned Chum |
I: 64. Spawn chum salmon |
01/15/2007 |
01/05/2006 |
Adult data for artificial production |
J: 157. Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation |
01/15/2007 |
01/05/2006 |
Thermally marked fry |
K: 59. Incubate chum salmon |
01/31/2007 |
03/31/2006 |
Fecundity estimates |
L: 157. Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity |
01/31/2007 |
02/15/2006 |
Reared chum |
M: 63. Rear chum salmon fry |
05/31/2006 |
05/18/2006 |
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking |
N: 157. Sampling of chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry |
04/30/2006 |
04/30/2006 |
Released fry |
O: 66. Transport chum salmon fry to release locations |
05/31/2006 |
05/18/2006 |
Fry trap installation |
P: 70. Install fry traps at monitoring weirs |
02/20/2006 |
02/17/2006 |
Daily and seasonal fry totals |
Q: 157. Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry |
05/15/2006 |
05/05/2006 |
Marked fry |
R: 157. Place strontium mark on naturally produced fry |
05/15/2006 |
05/04/2006 |
Fecundity Estimates |
S: 162. Analysis of hatchery data |
06/30/2006 |
06/30/2006 |
potential egg deposition (PED) and actual egg deposition (AED) values |
T: 162. Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in spawning channels |
07/31/2006 |
07/31/2006 |
Population estimates |
U: 162. Analysis of adult sampling and marking for population estimates |
01/31/2007 |
07/31/2006 |
Adult origin analysis |
V: 162. Analysis to determine project origin adult returns |
08/31/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
In-season updates |
W: 161. Ad hoc in-season reports |
08/31/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Successful Duncan Creek planning and coordination |
X: 118. EXPIRED: EXPIRED: EXPIRED: Duncan Creek project planning and coordination |
09/30/2006 |
09/30/2006 |
Completion of all BPA, PSMFC and WDFW administrative requirements |
Y: 119. Duncan Creek project management and administration |
01/31/2007 |
09/29/2006 |
Annual report |
Z: 132. Generate annual report |
10/10/2006 |
10/10/2006 |
Report on origin of adults based on otolith decoding |
AA: 157. Decode otoliths collected from fall 2005 spawners |
08/28/2006 |
08/28/2006 |
Repaired upstream weir |
AB: 186. Repair Duncan Creek adult trap |
11/30/2005 |
11/30/2005 |
Review of population estimation |
AC: 122. Review of population estimation methods/analysis by Carl Schwarz |
08/31/2007 |
Recommendations on population estimation methodology |
AD: 162. Recommendations on population estimation methods by Carl Schwarz |
08/31/2007 |
Concrete pad and associated plumbing |
AE: 171. Construct permanent rearing area for chum fry at Washougal Hatchery |
01/31/2007 |
Thermally marked fry |
AF: 59. Incubate chum salmon |
04/15/2007 |
04/15/2007 |
Fecundity estimates |
AG: 157. Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity |
03/31/2007 |
03/31/2007 |
Reared chum |
AH: 63. Rear chum salmon fry |
05/31/2007 |
05/31/2007 |
Fry trap installation |
AI: 70. Install fry traps at monitoring weirs |
02/20/2007 |
02/20/2007 |
Daily fry totals |
AJ: 157. Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry |
05/31/2007 |
05/31/2007 |
Marked fry |
AK: 157. Place strontium mark on naturally produced fry |
03/31/2007 |
08/31/2007 |
Population estimates |
AL: 162. Analysis of adult sampling and marking for population estimates |
08/31/2007 |
08/31/2007 |
Completion of all BPA, PSMFC and WDFW administrative requirements |
AM: 119. Duncan Creek project management and administration |
09/30/2007 |
09/30/2007 |
Physical/enviromental profile |
AO: 157. Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels |
08/31/2007 |
Removal of adult trap |
AP: 70. Remove adult trap |
08/15/2007 |
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking |
AQ: 157. Sampling of chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry |
04/30/2007 |
04/30/2007 |
Released fry |
AR: 66. Transport chum salmon fry to release locations |
05/31/2006 |
05/21/2006 |
Fecundity Estimates |
AS: 162. Analysis of hatchery data |
06/30/2007 |
06/30/2007 |
Potential egg deposition (PED) and actual egg deposition (AED) values |
AT: 162. Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in spawning channels |
07/31/2007 |
07/31/2007 |
Report on origin of adults based on otolith decoding |
AU: 157. Decode otoliths collected from fall 2006 spawners |
08/30/2007 |
Adult origin analysis |
AV: 162. Analysis to determine project origin adult returns |
08/31/2007 |
Annual report |
AW: 132. Generate annual report |
09/30/2007 |