Contract Description:
Draft July 19, 2006
Project Title: Umatilla Hatchery and Liberation O&M
Statement of Work and Budget FY2007
BPA Project Number: 1989-035-00
BPA Project Title: Umatilla Hatchery O&M
Contract Number: 20129 (CR-78732)
Contract Title: Umatilla Hatchery O&M
Performance/Budget Period: October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007
Contract Background Section:
This ongoing contract funds Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) to operate and maintain the Umatilla Hatchery and transfer fish from various Columbia River hatcheries (including Umatilla) to Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) operated facilities. The hatchery proposal is one of six strategies identified by ODFW, CTUIR, and others to restore anadromous fish production including reestablishing salmon production through hatchery releases and supplementing steelhead populations using endemic broodstock (Umatilla Sub-basin Umbrella). The most notable Umatilla Hatchery limitation is well capacity which proved out at only 5,000gpm instead of the 15,000gpm projected. Umatilla Hatchery production objectives are 150k summer steelhead (71% of goal), 810k spring Chinook (68% of goal), and 600k fall Chinook (9% of goal). The fall Chinook program has been reduced from 2.68M to 600k until factors that limit post release survival of fall Chinook are identified and solved. Umatilla Hatchery is operated by ODFW and Umatilla satellite facilities by CTUIR in a coordinated manner under an Annual Operating Plan (AOP) developed under the Umatilla Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Oversite Committee (UMMEOC).
Artificial propagation facilities not only include the Umatilla Hatchery, but five acclimation facilities, three adult spawning facilities and five fish production hatcheries. Acclimation sites include: Imeques (Spring Chinook), Pendleton (coho and steelhead), Thornhollow (fall Chinook), Bonifer (steelhead), and Minthorn (steelhead). Adult collection facilities include: Minthorn (steelhead), Three Miles Falls Dam (fall Chinook), and South Fork of the Walla Walla (spring Chinook). Additional fish hatcheries include: Priest Rapids, Bonneville, Oxbow, Cascade, and Little White Salmon hatcheries.
Fish production has changed in the program due to Umatilla water flow limitations and adaptive management. Generally, these changes have resulted in reduced production at Umatilla Hatchery and additional fish production from other Columbia Basin hatcheries. Current fish production (proposed changes in parenthesis) for the Umatilla Hatchery include:
· Summer Steelhead 150,000 smolts
· Spring Chinook 600,000 smolts (proposed to increase to 810,000)
· Fall Chinook 600,000 sub-yearling smolts
Other fish produced and transferred to the Umatilla Subbasin include:
· Spring Chinook 210,000 smolts--(proposed 0 with the production transferred to Umatilla Hatchery) from Little White National Fish Hatchery
· Fall Chinook 480,000 yearling smolts from Bonneville Hatchery
· Coho 1,000,000 smolts from Cascade Hatchery
· Coho 500,000 from Oxbow Hatchery
This proposal would fund all Umatilla Hatchery fish production, hatchery maintenance, and fish transfers into the Umatilla River Sub-basin.