Compliance Documents will be produced |
A: 165. Nutrient Restoration Permits |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Adult white sturgeon tagging and population trends |
B: 158. Kootenai River white sturgeon adult sampling and movements |
03/31/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Movement of adult white sturgeon around Pilot study structure |
C: 157. Use of Pilot Study structure by adult white sturgeon |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Suitable habitat for white sturgeon spawning and recruitment determined |
D: 157. Spawning around Pilot Project habitat structure at Shorty's Island |
03/31/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Physical conditions of Pilot Project measured |
E: 157. Examine Kootenai River bathemetric change from habitat work |
03/31/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Larval white sturgeon sampling |
F: 157. White sturgeon egg hatching success |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Year class strength/contribution of wild juvenile white sturgeon will be determined |
G: 157. Recruitment of juvenile white sturgeon |
03/31/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Bull trout redd surveys |
H: 157. Bull trout redd surveys and population trends |
04/30/2008 |
12/17/2007 |
Baseline characterization of bull trout genetics in the Kootenai River drainage. |
I: 157. Bull trout genetics inventory |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Vital statistics of rainbow trout |
J: 157. Determine Rainbow trout population vital statistics |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Analysis of trout movements relative to changes in flow during the winter |
K: 157. Habitat use relative to changes in flows (trout) |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Vital statistics of burbot completed |
L: 157. Estimate burbot from Bonners Ferry, ID to Kootenay Lk, BC & provide estimate of recruitment |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Burbot and sturgeon sampling in BC coordinated and completed |
M: 189. Coordination of transboundary burbot and sturgeon studies with BCME |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Evaluate effectiveness of burbot donor stock |
N: 157. Evaluate burbot donor stock progeny survival |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Mountain Whitefish sonic tagging |
O: 158. Mountain whitefish sonic telemetry |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Biomonitoring complete |
P: 157. Nutrient restoration biomonitoring |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Identify barriers or degraded habitat |
Q: 157. Identify barriers or degraded habitat |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Coordination of Restoration Efforts For The Kootenai River |
R: 189. Coordination of nutrient restoration efforts with Kootenai Tribe of Idaho |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Collect salmonid population data prior to barrier removal or habitat restoration |
S: 157. Collect salmonid population data prior to barrier removal or habitat restoration |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Meetings attended and data provided |
T: 189. Agency and public coordination for fish work |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Telemetry analysis |
U: 183. Produce comprehensive report or manuscript on sturgeon telemetry |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Physical microhabitat preferences of adult white Sturgeon |
V: 183. Produce comprehensive report or manuscript of adult sturgeon physical microhabitat use using bathyme |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Produce comprehensive report or manuscript on sturgeon population viability analysis |
W: 183. Prepare a comprehensive report or manuscript of white sturgeon population viability analysis |
04/30/2008 |
02/05/2008 |
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR |
X: 119. Manage and Administer Kootenai River Fisheries Recovery Investigation Project |
01/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
White Sturgeon Annual Report Completed |
Y: 132. White sturgeon Annual Report for the period 5/01/07 to 04/30/08 |
03/31/2008 |
03/31/2008 |
Burbot Annual Report Completed |
Z: 132. Burbot Annual Report Draft Report for the period (5/1/2007) to 4/30/2207 |
04/30/2008 |
Nutrient Restoration Annual Report |
AA: 132. Ecosystem Rehabilitation Draft Annual Report for the period (5/1/2007) to (4/30/2008) |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Salmonid Annual Report Completed |
AB: 132. Salmonid Annual Report for the period 5/1/2006 to 4/30/2007 |
04/30/2008 |
Draft Salmonid Annual Report for May 1, 2007-April 30, 2008 Contract period |
AC: 132. Draft Salmonid Annual Report for the period 5/1/2007 to 4/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |
Ecosystem Rehabilitation Draft Annual Report Completed For the Period 5/1/2006 to 4/30/2007 |
AD: 132. Ecosystem Rehabilitation Draft Annual Report for the period 5/1/2006 to 4/30/2007 |
04/30/2008 |
04/30/2008 |