Contract Description:
BPA Project Number: 1988-120-25
Statement of Work and Budget FY2007
BPA Project Title: Yakima Fisheries Project Management, Data & Habitat
Contract Number: ________________
(Replaces Contract Number 27813)
Contract Title: YKFP Management, Data and Habitat (MDH)
Performance/Budget Period: 05/01/07 - 09/30/07
This proposal provides for all YN management and coordination functions associated with the Yakima / Klickitat Fisheries Project (YFKP or Project) in the Yakima Subbasin. When this proposal references Klickitat activities, we are generally referring to project coordination and sharing of data and methodologies. Klickitat Subbasin management and coordination activities are now covered under a separate project, 198812035. The Yakama Nation serves as the Project's "Lead Agency", and is responsible for the implementation of Project programs and activities, in coordination with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Given its size and complexity, the Project requires significant management and administrative resources. The Yakama Nation's management and coordination responsibilities (identified herein) are expected to continue through and beyond the proposal performance period.
In broad categories, the Yakama Nation is responsible to implement and coordinate:
1. Project planning activities, including those pertaining to facility construction and modifications;
2. Operation and maintenance activities at all YKFP facilities;
3. Project research activities;
4. Design and development of a centralized database for Project use and dissemination to others;
5. Habitat restoration and protection projects within the target ecosystem.
This proposal has eight primary objectives:
1. Provide comprehensive management oversight of the implementation of YKFP activities.
2. Support YN policy development related to YKFP activities in the Yakima and Klickitat Subbasins.
3. Coordinate and/or perform all tasks necessary to the development of project planning documents.
4. Provide required administrative support for Project operations, including financial management and accountability.
5. Design, develop and manage YKFP's Data and Information System.
6. Schedule and conduct the YKFP's Project Annual Review (PAR), which includes presentations by project scientists and provides for peer review of research activities.
7. Participate in watershed planning, protection and restoration initiatives by various agencies, groups and committees.
8. Coordinate, plan and implement habitat protection and restoration projects in the Yakima Subbasin.
The Yakama Nation serves as the YKFP's Lead Agency. Pursuant to the 1994 Memorandum of Understanding between the Yakama Nation and WDFW, the Lead Agency is responsible for the implementation of all Project operations. In broad categories these operations include facility design and construction, the operation and maintenance of existing facilities, and the monitoring and evaluation of research conducted. The Yakama Nation is responsible for managing and directing all Project employees, and ensuring the quality and efficiency of all activities. To accomplish management objectives, the YN provides all administrative support for day-to-day operations.
The Yakama Nation and WDFW share Project planning responsibilities. Generally, the Yakama Nation will take the lead role in coordinating the planning activities. WDFW leads certain research activities, including the Yakima Species Interaction Study and the reproductive success study. WDFW participates in Project management through Project 199506425, YKFP Policy/Technical Involvement/Planning.
The YKFP is a complex and comprehensive project that requires significant management and administrative resources. It covers all salmonid species over thousands of square miles, and extends into two major subbasins. As Lead Agency, the Yakama Nation manages eighteen (18) fish production and research facilities. It manages or coordinates numerous research programs. To accomplish Project objectives, the Yakama Nation employs approximately 98 people, including managers, scientists, technicians, fish culturists, laborers and office support personnel. Project management personnel work out of the YKFP’s Central Office in Toppenish, Washington, the Nelson Springs Office and Research Facility northeast of Yakima, Washington and a satellite office in Ellensburg, Washington,
The Lead Agency is also responsible for the development and submittal of funding proposals that ensure sufficient funding for Project operations. Given the YKFP’s complexity, the Yakama Nation, after consultation with BPA and the NPPC, has divided the Project into separate funding proposals. This project (MDH) oversees management and operations of the following:
1. O&M Lower Yakima River Supplementation & Research Complex,
2. O&M Upper Yakima River Supplementation & Research Complex
3. Yakima Monitoring & Evaluation
4. Klickitat Monitoring and Evaluation,
5. Klickitat Watershed Enhancement Project
6. Design and Construction
7. Klickitat Management, Data and Habitat project.
This proposal supports the Yakama Nation’s management of all YKFP activities in the Yakima Subbasin which are necessary to efficiently and effectively achieve Project planning, research, production, and habitat goals.