Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 34866: 199802100 EXP HOOD RIVER FISH HABITAT
Project Number:
Hood River Fish Habitat
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Gorge Hood 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
30111: 1998-021-00 EXP HOOD RIVER FISH HABITAT
  • 39395: 1998-021-00 EXP HOOD RIVER FISH HABITAT
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
Hood River Production Program
6030 Dee Highway
Parkdale, Oregon 97041
Fisheries Program Manager:  Brad Houslet (541) 553-2039
Fiscal Officer: Arthur Mitchell (541) 553-3219
Hood River Production Program Coordinator:  Chris Brun (541) 806-0293
Technical Contact:  Joe McCanna (541) 352-9326


OBJECTIVE 1.  Provide coordination of all activities, administrative oversight, and assist in project implementation and monitoring activities.

OBJECTIVE 2.  Coordinate, implement, and revise, as needed, the Hood River Fish Habitat Protection, Restoration, and Monitoring Plan and Hood River Action Plan.

OBJECTIVE 3.  Monitor and evaluate the changes in fish presence and habitat due to project implementation of the East Fork Irrigation Central Canal project (capital).

OBJECTIVE 4.  Monitor East Fork Hood River tributary surface waters for organophosphate pesticides in spring and summer, before and after pesticide applications.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Jan Brady Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4514
Christopher Brun Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Contract Manager (541) 352-3548
Lisa Gang Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3893
Brad Houslet Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Supervisor (541) 553-2039
Paul Krueger Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5723
Joseph McCanna Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Technical Contact (541) 352-9326
Arthur Mitchell Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Administrative Contact (541) 553-3219
Michelle O'Malley Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-5138
Richard Yarde Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3769

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Project administration requirements completed B: 119. Manage Project 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
All work complies with environmental regulations C: 165. Work with BPA on environmental compliance requirements 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Final Annual Report complete D: 132. Prepare and submit annual report 01/31/2008 01/31/2008
Hood River Watershed Action Plan Update Complete E: 114. Provide implementation support 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Water quality data and summaries F: 157. Pesticide monitoring in the East Fork Hood River basin 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Data on Neal Creek passage & habitat changes G: 157. Monitor changes to fish passage & habitat on Neal Creek & the EFID Neal Creek Lateral 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Acquire and store 54 logs. H: 29. Acquire large woody debris 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Lidar data for West and Middle Fork Hood River I: 157. Cost-share for Lidar flight 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Conceptual Fish Passage Design Alternatives J: 175. Middle Fork Falls Fish Passage Preliminary Design 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Preliminary engineering design of new EFID intake structure K: 175. East Fork Head Gate Preliminary Design 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Determine water loss and pumping efficiency of Dee Irrigation District's open ditch system. L: 175. Survey and Preliminary Design for Dee Ditch Piping 09/30/2008 09/30/2008
Preliminary design for piping a 14,330 ft. section of open ditch portion of the FID Lowline dtich. M: 175. Survey and Prelimary Design for Farmers Lowline Ditch Piping. 09/30/2008 09/30/2008

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 4 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Lower Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 4 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007
B 119 Manage Project 02/09/2007
C 165 Work with BPA on environmental compliance requirements 02/09/2007
D 132 Prepare and submit annual report 02/09/2007
E 114 Provide implementation support 02/09/2007
F 157 Pesticide monitoring in the East Fork Hood River basin 02/09/2007
G 157 Monitor changes to fish passage & habitat on Neal Creek & the EFID Neal Creek Lateral 02/09/2007
H 29 Acquire large woody debris 02/09/2007
I 157 Cost-share for Lidar flight 02/09/2007
J 175 Middle Fork Falls Fish Passage Preliminary Design 02/09/2007
K 175 East Fork Head Gate Preliminary Design 02/09/2007
L 175 Survey and Preliminary Design for Dee Ditch Piping 02/09/2007
M 175 Survey and Prelimary Design for Farmers Lowline Ditch Piping. 02/09/2007