Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Columbia River Estuary Habitat Restoration
Province Subbasin %
Columbia River Estuary Columbia Estuary 50.00%
Lower Columbia Columbia Lower 50.00%
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  • 40605: 2003-011-00 EXP COLUMBIA R/ESTUARY HABITAT
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Contract Description:
Lower Columbia River Habitat Restoration Project
Statement of Work and Budget FY2007

BPA Project Number:  2003-011-00
Contract Number:  35012
Performance/Budget Period: September 15, 2007– March 31, 2009

Contract Description
The Estuary Partnership will continue to increase the effectiveness, efficiency, and institutionalization of a habitat restoration program in the Columbia River estuary during this contract period. This effort establishes a consistent approach to project prioritization, project selection, and effectiveness monitoring. The outcome of these approaches is a coordinated, ecosystem-based restoration program that is focused on increasing the survival of juvenile salmonids and the development of an approach to monitor the effectiveness of restoration over time.  The geographic scope of this project is within the study area of the Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership (Estuary Partnership) which encompasses the lower 146 river miles of the Columbia River from Bonneville Dam to the Pacific Ocean, including the tidally-influenced portions of its tributaries.

In 2003, the Estuary Partnership was initially awarded funds from Bonneville Power Administration to implement a habitat restoration program in the lower Columbia River and estuary. The program was designed to establish an infrastructure for soliciting, developing, selecting, and funding priority restoration projects. The onset of the program coincided with the completion of the report An Ecosystem-Based Approach to Habitat Restoration Projects with Emphasis on Salmonids in the Columbia River Estuary.  The Estuary Partnership’s restoration program was designed, in part, to meet several of the recommendations of this report, most notably:

• Finalize the proposed project selection guidelines and list specific restoration projects and potential sites
• Prioritize restoration projects that promote the long-term sustainability of ecosystem function and structure at the landscape scale wherever possible
• Perform effectiveness monitoring for implemented projects and develop methods to evaluate cumulative effects of multiple projects; and
• Establish a data system for CRE habitat restoration. (Johnson et al., 2003)

The first four years of this contract included the development and implementation of the Estuary Partnership’s habitat restoration program. During this time, the Estuary Partnership established a competitive review and selection process for project proposals, refined and utilized rigorous set of project selection criteria, developed a restoration prioritization framework, and implemented 30 restoration projects that resulted in over 4,500 acres protected and/or restored and over 26 linear miles of shoreline reconnected or enhanced.  

Bonneville funding has supported applied research and strategic planning necessary to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of future restoration projects. During the second and third year of this project, the Estuary Partnership developed the Lower Columbia River the Restoration Prioritization Framework for Habitat Restoration to strengthen restoration decision-making and emphasize an ecosystem-based approach to site selection. The Estuary Partnership is using the Framework to guide restoration in the estuary towards a coordinated strategy that provides the greater project certainty for success and sustainable results. As the Estuary Partnership’s experience with restoration continues to progress, restoration projects are providing a greater benefit on the health of the Columbia River system and the species for which these projects are intended to help recover.

Perhaps one of the greatest challenges to restoration practitioners’ lies in the inherent uncertainty of how well restoration efforts will work, particularly in as highly modified an ecosystem as the Columbia River estuary.  Due to these uncertainties, more and more projects are being designed and implemented within an adaptive management framework.  Lessons learned from experimental manipulations and monitoring within restoration projects can be applied to increase effectiveness of projects elsewhere.  This contract period will help to overcome these uncertainties by learning from existing restoration efforts, effectiveness monitoring, designing applied restoration experiments, and sharing results across numerous restoration practitioners.

Determining the effectiveness of a restoration activity requires a comparison to a relatively unaltered reference habitat in close proximity to serve as a control for evaluation habitat change.  Such reference sites allows for monitoring the growth, species composition, successional stage and time period of the restoration site in comparison to a reference site, and to assist in developing performance standards and benchmarks for restoration activities in the estuary.  Choosing sites that include an experimental restoration design tied to effectiveness monitoring helps to promote a better understanding of the relationship between habitat restoration activities and species response and performance resulting from the restoration activity.  For these reasons, we have included within this contract year objectives to continue the process of reference site identification and characterization on a reach by reach basis.

In summary, the specific objectives of this project are to:  

(1) Continue the success of the habitat restoration program for the lower Columbia River and estuary (Bonneville Dam to mouth of river).
(2) Develop a multifaceted and broad-based adaptive management program for the lower river and estuarine habitats
(3) Identify and Characterize Reference Sites for Action Effectiveness Research and Status/Trends Monitoring in the Lower Columbia River

The outcome of these combined approaches is a restoration program that is coordinated at both a program and project level; providing a greater likelihood of sustainable project success over the long term.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Catherine Corbett Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership Yes Contract Manager (503) 226-1565
Jamae Hilliard Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (360) 418-8658
Debrah Marriott Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership No Supervisor (503) 226-1565
Michelle O'Malley Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5138
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605
Kenny Weiner Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership No Administrative Contact (503) 226-1565x223
Tracey Yerxa Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4738

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Completion of BPA administrative requirements A: 119. Project Management 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Produce Annual Report on September 15, 2006 - September 14, 2007 work B: 132. Produce Annual report 02/28/2008 02/28/2008
Documentation and assistance to support BPA's Environmental Compliance Group C: 165. NEPA coverage for Project Year 07 work 04/30/2008 04/30/2008
Project Lists for 2007-2010 funding cycles E: 114. Identify potential projects for 2007-2009 funding cycles 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Pile Dike Demonstration Project List F: 114. Identify and develop pile dike demonstration projects 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Create an adaptive management process and framework G: 189. Create an adaptive management process and framework 03/31/2009
Identify reference sites for baseline conditions and action effectiveness monitoring H: 156. Identify reference sites for baseline conditions and action effectiveness monitoring 03/31/2009 10/21/2008
Data Analysis, GIS Maps, Method Development I: 156. Quantitative measure of restoration effectiveness through analysis of past and present monitoring da 03/31/2009 03/02/2009
Installed fence J: 40. Scappoose Bottomlands - Fence Installation on Scappoose Creek 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Removed invasive vegetation K: 53. Scappoose Bottomlands - Invasive Vegetation Removal on Scappoose Creek 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Installed native vegetation L: 47. Scappoose Bottomlands - Riparian Planting on Scappoose Creek 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Installed fence M: 40. Scappoose Bottomlands - Fence Installation at Hogan Ranch 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Removed invasive vegetation N: 53. Scappoose Bottomlands - Invasive Vegetation Removal at Hogan Ranch 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Installed native vegetation O: 47. Scappoose Bottomlands - Planting at Hogan Ranch Wetland 08/31/2008 06/30/2008
Documentation of vegetation planting P: 157. Scappoose Bottomlands - Effectiveness Monitoring 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Completion of administrative requirements Q: 119. Scappoose Bottomlands - Project Management and Administration 03/31/2009 10/15/2008
Documentation of baseline conditions R: 157. Otter Point – Baseline monitoring 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Draft engineering plans S: 175. Otter Point Dike Breach - Draft engineering plans based on preferred design alternatives 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Completion of administrative requirements T: 119. Otter Point Dike Breach - Project Management and Administration 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Completion of administrative requirements U: 119. Mirror Lake Restoration Project - Management and Administration 03/31/2009 12/17/2008
Plant Vegetation V: 47. Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Planting within the Young Creek riparian zone. 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Improve Culvert Passage W: 184. Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Improve Passage into I-84 Culvert. Improve Passage through I84 09/05/2008 09/05/2008
Large Wood Placed X: 29. Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Place Large Wood along 1,500 feet of Youngs Creek 09/05/2008 09/05/2008
Draft engineering plans and permit applications Y: 175. Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Draft engineering plans and permit applications based on 02/15/2008 02/13/2008
Bank and wetland grading and erosion control Z: 181. Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Bank and wetland grading and erosion control 03/31/2009 12/18/2008
Place Large wood according to preferred restoration design AA: 29. Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Large Woody Debris Placement 03/31/2009 12/18/2008
Riparian Plant Lists AB: 47. Lower Lewis River Riparian Revegetation 03/31/2009 12/08/2008
Topographic Survey and Hydraulic Modeling Results AC: 175. Chinook Diversion Habitat Reconnection 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Design and Permit drawings and Outreach and Education Materials AD: 175. Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge Habitat Restoration Project 03/31/2009
Baseline Conditions Assessment AE: 157. Sharnelle Fee - Monitoring of Baseline Conditions 03/31/2009 08/29/2008
Sharnelle Fee Dike Breach AF: 181. Sharnelle Fee - Dike Breach 03/31/2009
Reinforced adjacent levee AG: 181. Sharnelle Fee - Reinforcement of adjacent property owner's levee 03/31/2009 10/15/2008
Project Management AH: 119. Sharnelle Fee - Project Management 03/31/2009 12/31/2008
Community Outreach AI: 99. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Community Outreach 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Secure Permanent Easement AJ: 188. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Permanent Access and Geotechnical Investigations 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Prepare final design AK: 175. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Prepare Final Design 04/30/2008 04/30/2008
Permits Secured AL: 165. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Permitting 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Pre and Post Construction Photos and final construction design AM: 30. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Construction 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Project Management/ Fiscal Administration AN: 119. Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Project Management 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Native Plant Installation AO: 47. Sandy River Delta Burn Area Rehabilitation-Native Plant Installation 04/15/2008 04/08/2008
Summary Report AP: 157. Sandy River Delta and Mirror Lake-Vegetation 07/31/2008 07/31/2008
Completion of Administrative Requirements AQ: 119. Sandy River Delta and Mirror Lake-Vegetation Project Management 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Final Action Effectiveness Report AR: 157. Fort Clatsop-Habitat, Salmon and Slamon prey Action Effecitiveness 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Completion of Administrative Requirements AS: 119. Fort Clatsop-Project Management 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Final Report AT: 157. Mirror Lake- Fish and Fish Prey AE 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Otolith Final Report AU: 157. Mirror Lake-Otolith Analysis AE 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Lipid Report AV: 157. Mirror Lake-Lipid Contents and Classes AE 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Genetic Stock Report AW: 157. Mirror Lake-Genetic Stock Analysis AE 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Stomach Analysis Final Report AX: 157. Mirror Lake-Stomach Contents Taxonomy Analysis 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Contribution to Annual Report AY: 119. Mirror Lake-Project Management AE 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
2008 Data Collection Report AZ: 157. Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch- Vegetation AE 03/31/2009 12/08/2008
2008 Data Collection Report BA: 157. Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Water Quality Sampling Action Effectiveness 03/31/2009 12/08/2008
2008 Data Collection Report BB: 157. Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Photo Point and Data Collection Action Effectiveness 03/31/2009 12/08/2008
Invoices, Progress Reports, and Annual Report Contribution BC: 119. Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Project Management 03/31/2009 12/31/2008
Post-construction Assessment and Maintenance BD: 29. Walluski Lake-Increase Instream Habitat Complexity 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Restoration Plan BE: 174. Mirror Lake Restoration Project-Produce Plan 03/31/2009 11/24/2008
2008 Data Collection BF: 157. Mirror Lake Restoration-Assess Stream Canopy Cover and Termperature 03/31/2009 12/17/2008
Specific Site Data for Selection of Pile Structure Projects BG: 157. Pile Structure Data Collection for Final Selection 08/22/2008 08/22/2008
Deliverable: Identification of 15 Pile Structure Removal Projects BH: 114. Identify Potential Pile Structure Removal Projects 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Refined Scoring Matrix and Project Summaries BI: 141. Produce Pile Structure Project Summary and Scoring Matrix Report 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Final Draft of Pile Structure Removal: Program Planning and Implementation BJ: 174. Produce final draft of Pile Structure Removal: Program Planning and Implementation 08/31/2008 08/31/2008
Construction Contract Photo Documentation of the Site Pre-and Post-Construction BK: 184. Big Creek Fish Passage Structure 09/14/2008 09/14/2008
Final Report BL: 119. Big Creek-Manage and Administer Progject 03/31/2009 11/03/2008

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) - All Populations
  • 3 instances of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 1 instance of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 13 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 4 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Chum (Oncorhynchus keta) - Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) - Lower Columbia River ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Cutthroat Trout, Coastal (O. c. clarkii) - Southwest Washington/Columbia River ESU
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) - All Populations
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Lower Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Project Management 02/09/2007
B 132 Produce Annual report 02/09/2007
C 165 NEPA coverage for Project Year 07 work 02/09/2007
D 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007
E 114 Identify potential projects for 2007-2009 funding cycles 02/09/2007
F 114 Identify and develop pile dike demonstration projects 02/09/2007
G 189 Create an adaptive management process and framework 02/09/2007
H 156 Identify reference sites for baseline conditions and action effectiveness monitoring 02/09/2007
I 156 Quantitative measure of restoration effectiveness through analysis of past and present monitoring da 02/09/2007
J 40 Scappoose Bottomlands - Fence Installation on Scappoose Creek 08/04/2008
K 53 Scappoose Bottomlands - Invasive Vegetation Removal on Scappoose Creek 02/28/2008
L 47 Scappoose Bottomlands - Riparian Planting on Scappoose Creek 02/28/2008
M 40 Scappoose Bottomlands - Fence Installation at Hogan Ranch 08/04/2008
N 53 Scappoose Bottomlands - Invasive Vegetation Removal at Hogan Ranch 04/29/2008
O 47 Scappoose Bottomlands - Planting at Hogan Ranch Wetland 02/28/2008
P 157 Scappoose Bottomlands - Effectiveness Monitoring 02/09/2007
Q 119 Scappoose Bottomlands - Project Management and Administration 02/09/2007
R 157 Otter Point – Baseline monitoring 02/09/2007
S 175 Otter Point Dike Breach - Draft engineering plans based on preferred design alternatives 02/09/2007
T 119 Otter Point Dike Breach - Project Management and Administration 02/09/2007
U 119 Mirror Lake Restoration Project - Management and Administration 02/09/2007
V 47 Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Planting within the Young Creek riparian zone. 07/15/2008
W 184 Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Improve Passage into I-84 Culvert. Improve Passage through I84 07/15/2008
X 29 Mirror Lake Restoration Project – Place Large Wood along 1,500 feet of Youngs Creek 07/15/2008
Y 175 Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Draft engineering plans and permit applications based on 02/09/2007
Z 181 Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Bank and wetland grading and erosion control 04/02/2008
AA 29 Stephens Creek and Willamette Confluence - Large Woody Debris Placement 04/02/2008
AB 47 Lower Lewis River Riparian Revegetation 08/22/2008
AC 175 Chinook Diversion Habitat Reconnection 02/09/2007
AD 175 Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge Habitat Restoration Project 02/09/2007
AE 157 Sharnelle Fee - Monitoring of Baseline Conditions 02/09/2007
AF 181 Sharnelle Fee - Dike Breach 02/09/2007
AG 181 Sharnelle Fee - Reinforcement of adjacent property owner's levee 02/09/2007
AH 119 Sharnelle Fee - Project Management 02/09/2007
AI 99 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Community Outreach 02/09/2007
AJ 188 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Permanent Access and Geotechnical Investigations 08/22/2008
AK 175 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Prepare Final Design 02/09/2007
AL 165 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Permitting 02/09/2007
AM 30 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Construction 08/22/2008
AN 119 Skamokawa Creek Restoration-Project Management 02/09/2007
AO 47 Sandy River Delta Burn Area Rehabilitation-Native Plant Installation 06/08/2007
AP 157 Sandy River Delta and Mirror Lake-Vegetation 02/09/2007
AQ 119 Sandy River Delta and Mirror Lake-Vegetation Project Management 02/09/2007
AR 157 Fort Clatsop-Habitat, Salmon and Slamon prey Action Effecitiveness 06/16/2008
AS 119 Fort Clatsop-Project Management 02/09/2007
AT 157 Mirror Lake- Fish and Fish Prey AE 07/15/2008
AU 157 Mirror Lake-Otolith Analysis AE 07/15/2008
AV 157 Mirror Lake-Lipid Contents and Classes AE 07/15/2008
AW 157 Mirror Lake-Genetic Stock Analysis AE 07/15/2008
AX 157 Mirror Lake-Stomach Contents Taxonomy Analysis 07/15/2008
AY 119 Mirror Lake-Project Management AE 02/09/2007
AZ 157 Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch- Vegetation AE 02/09/2007
BA 157 Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Water Quality Sampling Action Effectiveness 02/09/2007
BB 157 Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Photo Point and Data Collection Action Effectiveness 02/09/2007
BC 119 Scappoose Creek at Hogan Ranch-Project Management 02/09/2007
BD 29 Walluski Lake-Increase Instream Habitat Complexity 07/18/2008
BE 174 Mirror Lake Restoration Project-Produce Plan 02/09/2007
BF 157 Mirror Lake Restoration-Assess Stream Canopy Cover and Termperature 07/15/2008
BG 157 Pile Structure Data Collection for Final Selection 02/09/2007
BH 114 Identify Potential Pile Structure Removal Projects 02/09/2007
BI 141 Produce Pile Structure Project Summary and Scoring Matrix Report 02/09/2007
BJ 174 Produce final draft of Pile Structure Removal: Program Planning and Implementation 02/09/2007
BK 184 Big Creek Fish Passage Structure 07/18/2008
BL 119 Big Creek-Manage and Administer Progject 02/09/2007