All permits in place |
B: 165. Complete the Permitting Process Required to Operate Downstream Migrant Traps. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
PIT tag Hood River stock hatchery winter steelhead. |
C: 158. PIT Tag Experimental Group of Hood River Stock Hatchery Winter Steelhead. |
03/31/2008 |
01/24/2008 |
Sample Hood River stock summer and winter steelhead smolts at Oak Springs Hatchery. |
D: 157. Sample Steelhead Smolts at Oak Springs Hatchery Prior to Transfer to Hood River. |
04/30/2008 |
04/08/2008 |
Juvenile traps in-place and operational |
E: 70. Install Downstream Migrant Traps in The Hood River Subbasin. |
04/01/2008 |
03/27/2008 |
Transport and release PIT tagged hatchery StW smolts into EF Hood River |
F: 66. Release of PIT Tagged Hood River Stock Hatchery StW Into East Fork of Hood River. |
05/01/2008 |
04/25/2008 |
Estimate subbasin steelhead production |
G: 157. Mark/Recapture Program on Rb-St in Hood River Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Abundance data into project databases |
H: 157. Monitor Abundance of Non-Supplemented Species of Juvenile Salmonids in Hood River. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
PIT tag wild and hatchery downstream migrant salmonids |
I: 158. PIT Tag Downstream Migrant Salmonids. |
06/30/2008 |
06/30/2008 |
Streamflow data into project databases |
J: 157. Monitor Streamflow at Selected Sites in the Hood River Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Powerdale Trap data into project database |
K: 160. Manage Data Obtained From Work Conducted as Part of BPA Project #1988-053-08. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Mount scale samples. |
L: 157. Mount Juvenile and Adult Scale Samples. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Harvest estimates of non-tribal fisheries below Powerdale Dam |
M: 157. Estimate Non-Tribal Harvest of Jack & Adult Anadromous Salmonids in Hood River Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Summaries of Powerdale Trap data |
N: 161. Summaries of Data Collected at Powerdale Dam. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data |
O: 161. Summaries of Juvenile Salmonid Data in Hood River Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Summaries of Jack and Adult Salmonid Bio-Data. |
P: 161. Summaries of Jack & Adult Salmonid Bio-data at Powerdale Dam |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Summaries of jack/adult harvest and life history data |
Q: 161. Summaries Characterizing Harvest Data for Jack & Adult Salmonids. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Genetic samples cataloged & submitted to OSU |
R: 157. Catalog Genetic Samples Collected at Powerdale Dam. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Summaries of Count and Biodata Collected at Powerdale Dam. |
S: 161. Provide Project #2003-054-00 with Data Base of Count & Biodata Collected at Powerdale Dam. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
PIT tagging data submitted to PSMFC |
T: 159. Submit PIT Tag Information To The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
All databases up-to-date |
U: 160. Maintain Project Databases on Juvenile & Adult Salmonids Sampled in Hood R Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Project administration requirements completed |
V: 119. Administration of BPA Contract. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Preliminary in-season summary of FY 2008 data complete |
W: 132. Annual Reports. |
09/15/2008 |
09/15/2008 |
Cost-effective program operating smoothly |
X: 191. Integrate Project With Other Fishery Related Activities Within Hood River Subbasin. |
09/30/2008 |
09/30/2008 |