NEPA Clearance Document is on file |
A: 165. Verify that all NEPA - Environmental Compliance has been completed |
10/31/2007 |
10/31/2007 |
Prioritize individual restoration sites by subwatershed |
B: 114. Review and Prioritize Individual Restoration Sites by Subwatershed |
07/31/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Write 10 landowner conservation plans for BMP implementation. |
C: 174. Develop Landowner BMP Implementation Plans, Funding Agreements and Contracts |
08/31/2009 |
09/30/2008 |
Riparian plantings on degraded stream reaches. |
I: 47. Riparian Plantings on Agricultural Lands |
06/30/2008 |
06/30/2008 |
Install 6 miles of livestock exclusion fencing |
J: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing |
07/30/2009 |
3 miles of riparian restoration at Upper Corral Creek |
K: 47. Riparian Plantings on Pasture and Rangelands |
06/30/2008 |
06/30/2008 |
Design and Implement One Alternative Water Development for Livestock |
L: 34. Alternative Water Development |
08/31/2009 |
08/30/2008 |
Provide technical comments regarding barrier modification along West Fork Little Bear Creek |
M: 122. Provide Technical Review of Passage Barriers |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Attend 2 meetings; review implementation plan, participate in TMDL review and development |
N: 122. Coordinate Planning Efforts with Potlatch River TMDL Efforts |
08/31/2008 |
09/30/2008 |
Attend 2 meetings of the Clearwater Policy Advisory Committee |
O: 122. Participate on the Clearwater Policy Advisory Committee |
07/30/2009 |
12/31/2008 |
Install/maintain and gather temperature data from approximately 30 data loggers and USGS flow gauge. |
P: 157. Collect Water Temperature and Flow Data |
07/30/2009 |
06/30/2009 |
Provide mailings to 500 landowners and direct contact with 20 landowners. |
Q: 99. Solicit Agency Staff and Landowner Comments on Watershed Restoration/Protection Strategies. |
08/31/2009 |
12/31/2008 |
Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan |
R: 174. Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan |
07/31/2009 |
07/31/2009 |
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR |
S: 119. Manage and Administer BPA Contracts |
12/31/2008 |
12/02/2008 |
T: 132. NO ANNUAL REPORT; Review progress report format requirements |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Environmental Compliance & Consultation Review |
V: 165. Verify that all NEPA - Environmental Compliance has been completed |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
FY09 SOW package signed by 8/31/09, accrual estimate, accurate invoices, general management |
W: 119. Manage and Administer BPA Contracts |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Provide mailings to 500 landowners and direct contact with 20 landowners. |
Y: 99. Program Outreach and Communications |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Maintain and gather temperature data via USGS flow meter |
Z: 157. Collect Water Temperature and Flow Data |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Reduce erosion on 1 mile of forest road |
AA: 38. Forest road erosion control--Hagen |
08/31/2009 |
Design and Implement Alternative Water Development for Livestock |
AB: 34. Off-site livestock watering pond --Hatley |
08/31/2009 |
Install 3,340 of exclusion fencing |
AC: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Avulsion Reach |
08/31/2009 |
Install 1025 of exclusion fencing |
AD: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Round Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Install 3,000 feet of exclusion fencing. |
AE: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
300 riparian plants on 0.19 miles (0.92 acres) of degraded stream |
AF: 47. Riparian Plantings--Stayton Property @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/30/2009 |
2,000 riparian plants on 0.83 miles (4.00 acres) of degraded stream |
AG: 47. Riparian Plantings--Swanstrom @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/30/2009 |
100 riparian plants on .06 miles (.28 acres) of degraded stream |
AH: 47. Riparian Plantings--Ulschmid @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/30/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.34 miles (1.7 acres) of degraded stream. |
AI: 47. Riparian Plantings--Ragan @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/25/2009 |
100 riparian plants on 0.14 miles (0.64 acres) of degraded stream. |
AJ: 47. Riparian Plantings--Griffin @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/25/2009 |
1,000 riparian plants on 0.30 miles (1.43 acres) of degraded stream. |
AK: 47. Riparian Plantings--Mitchell @ Big Bear Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/25/2009 |
1,000 riparian plants on 0.20 miles (0.8 acres) of degraded stream reaches |
AL: 47. Riparian Planting--Johnson Property @ Spring Valley Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.19 miles (1.5 acres) of degraded stream |
AM: 47. Riparian Plantings--Bafus @ Nora Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
300 riparian plants on 0.12 miles (0 .6 acre) of degraded stream |
AO: 47. Riparian Plantings--Kirsch @ Little Potlatch Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.44 miles (2.12 acres) of degraded stream |
AP: 47. Riparian Plantings--Peterson @ Little Potlatch Creek |
07/01/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
300 riparian plants on 0.32 miles (1.57 acres) of degraded stream. |
AQ: 47. Riparian Plantings--Westberg @ Little Potlatch Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
100 riparian plants on 0.13 miles (.65 acre) of degraded stream |
AR: 47. Riparian Plantings--Jensen @ Little Potlatch Creek |
07/01/2009 |
06/20/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.28 miles (1.33 acres) of degraded stream. |
AT: 47. Riparian Plantings--Flint @ Little Potlatch Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/20/2009 |
800 riparian plants on 0.20 miles (1.0 acre) of degraded stream. |
AU: 47. Riparian Plantings--Bingham easement @ Middle Potlatch Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/17/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.09 miles (0.44 acres) of degraded stream. |
AV: 47. Riparian Plantings--Firor @ Middle Potlatch Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/17/2009 |
200 riparian plants on 0.13 miles (0.65 acre) of degraded stream. |
AW: 47. Riparian Plantings--Tout @ Pine Creek |
07/01/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.23 miles (1.11 acres) of degraded stream |
AX: 47. Riparian Plantings--Olson @ Pine Creek |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
1500 riparian plants on 0.76 miles (3.67 acres) of degraded stream. |
AY: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Tee Meadow |
07/01/2009 |
07/16/2009 |
1,000 riparian plants on 0.47 miles (2.3 acres) of degraded stream. |
AZ: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
1000 riparian plants on 1.03 miles (5.0 acres) of degraded stream. |
BA: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Rock Creek |
08/31/2009 |
1,000 riparian plants on 0.34 miles (3.5 acres) of degraded stream. |
BB: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Bedrock Creek |
08/31/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.95 miles (4.6 acres) of degraded stream. |
BC: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Racetrack |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
5,000 riparian plants on 0.88 miles (4.27 acres) of degraded stream. |
BD: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Avulsion/Round |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.55 miles (2.66 acres) of degraded stream. |
BE: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Upper Round |
08/31/2009 |
500 riparian plants on 0.23 miles (1.10 acres) of degraded stream. |
BF: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hagen @ Big Bear tributary |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
200 riparian plants on 0.07 miles (2.41 acres) of degraded stream. |
BG: 47. Riparian Plantings--IDL @ Corral Creek (Railroad Fill) |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
400 upland plants on 1.24 acres of deposited fill material. |
BH: 47. Upland Plantings--IDL @ Corral Creek (Railroad Fill) |
07/15/2009 |
07/15/2009 |
Evaluate plantings for success and perform light maintenance as required |
BI: 22. Maintain Riparian Plantings |
08/31/2009 |
08/24/2009 |
Attend meetings geared toward Clearwater Subbasin Goals |
BJ: 191. Attend meetings and review documents geared toward Clearwater Subbasin Goals |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Develop 13 landowner conservation plans for project implementation. |
BK: 174. Draft and Final habitat Implementation Plans |
08/31/2009 |
09/30/2008 |
Facilitate the technical and local community review of 3 removal/modification projects |
BL: 122. Facilitate the technical and local community review of 3 removal/modification projects |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Identify and Select 10 Projects for steelhead habitat improvement. |
BM: 114. Initial contact of landowners and recruitment into SWCD habitat improvement program |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan |
BN: 174. Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Provide Design and/or Specifications for 2 projects |
BO: 175. Provide Design and/or Specifications |
08/31/2009 |
Upload FY 2005 Progress Report |
BQ: 132. FY 2005 Progress Report |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity for Tee/Colby Meadow |
BS: 29. Increase Instream Habitat Complexity for Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Restore stream functionality to Corral Creek in Tee/Colby Meadow |
BT: 30. Connect Corral Creek to Original Channel in Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Decommission riparian road in Tee/Colby Meadow |
BU: 33. Decommission and Relocate Road in Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Install Diversions in Tee/Colby Meadow |
BV: 84. Install Diversions in Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Tee/Colby Wetland |
BW: 181. Create wetland in Tee/Colby Meadow |
08/31/2009 |
Operate and maintain all contractual habitat improvements |
BX: 186. Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/S |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Attach FY 2007-2008 Progress Report in Pisces |
BY: 132. FY07- FY08 Annual Report |
08/31/2009 |
08/31/2009 |
Installed Bridge at Tee/Colby Meadow |
BZ: 184. Install Tee/Colby Meadow Bridge |
08/31/2009 |