Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Potlatch River Watershed Restoration
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Clearwater 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
This project seeks to restore A-run Snake River Steelhead to a robust, self-sustaining population within the Potlatch River through:

1. coordinated development of habitat and land management improvement practices on private agricultural and range lands,

2. coordination of interagency watershed planning efforts, continuation of watershed monitoring and

3. development of outreach programs to landowners and agricultural producers.  

The primary objectives of this contract include:

• Identify, plan, design, fund and implement best management practices to improve steelhead habitat within the Potlatch River watershed.
• Coordinate Potlatch River steelhead habitat restoration practices with the State of Idaho's TMDL process and the Clearwater Subbasin Management Planning process.
• Maintain temperature and flow monitoring programs within the Potlatch River system.
• Revise Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan, as needed.

This proposal is consistent with the NWPCC Fish and Wildlife Program’s goal to develop habitat-based programs designed to rebuild healthy, naturally producing fish and wildlife populations by protecting, mitigating, and restoring habitats. This project is consistent with the objectives and strategies of the Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan.

The 377,776-acre Potlatch River watershed is located in north-central Idaho and is the largest tributary in the lower Clearwater River.  The Potlatch River is critical to A-run Snake River steelhead.    

This project represents the transition stage from assessment and planning to implementation.  Based on recent interagency planning/assessment work undertaken for the development of the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan, limiting factors and restoration strategies critical to steelhead spawning and rearing have been identified and prioritized.

In an effort to lower stream temperatures, increase summer flows, decrease surface and channel erosion (and associated nutrient loading), and increase riparian habitat complexities, this project will focus on erosion control and riparian restoration on private agricultural and range lands through the implementation of erosion/sediment control structures, livestock exclusion fencing, off-site water developments, native plantings of riparian areas, and protection of functional riparian areas.  Priority tributaries for restoration work, as determined by the Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan, include:  Big Bear Creek, Little Bear Creek, Pine Creek, Cedar Creek, Corral Creek, Little Boulder Creek, Leopold Creek, Potlatch River, Ruby Creek, Moose Creek, Boulder Creek, Pivash Creek, East Fork Potlatch River, Feather Creek, Purdue Creek, Cougar Creek, and Bob's Creek.


Riparian plantings will be utilized on pasture and rangelands to reduce sedimentation, reduce nutrient loading, reduce stream temperatures, increase/maintain summer flows and increase riparian habitat complexity. Containerized planting stock, both upland and wetland, is planted using hand tools (hoe-dads, shovels, planting bars) and power augers for larger container stock.  Plants and materials will be transported to site with the use of ATVs and, when roads allow, pickups.  Plants are all containerized and range in size from 4 cubic inch seedlings through 5 gallon pots.  

• Species to be planted are all native woody and herbaceous species associated with riparian areas, wetlands, and bordering uplands.  
• Materials will be purchased from local nurseries.  
• Some of the plant materials were grown out from locally-collected propagules.  
• Number of plants and species selection will depend on site conditions (current stocking density, elevation, water table height, etc.).  


Species available include:  Baltic Rush, Beaked Sedge, Brown Sedge, Common Rush, Creeping Spikerush, Daggerleaf Rush, Inflated Sedge, Lens Sedge, Nebraska Sedge, Slender Beaked Sedge, Slender Rush, Small-Fruited Bulrush, Small-Winged Sedge, Water Sedge; Basin Wildrye, Blue Wildrye, Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Idaho Fescue, Sandberg Bluegrass, Slender Hairgrass, Tufted Hairgrass; Blue Lupine, Blue Mountain Penstemon, Common Yarrow, Indian Blanketflower, Missouri Goldenrod, Prairie Smoke, Slender Cinquefoil, Sticky Purple Geranium, Tall Cinquefoil, Taper-Leaved Penstemon, Western Aster; Bebb Willow, Bittercherry, Black Cottonwood, Douglas Hawthorn, Blue Elderberry, Chokecherry, Common Snowberry, Coyote Willow, Douglas Spirea, Drummond Willow, Golden Currant, Kinnikinnick, MacKenzie Willow, Mallow Ninebark, Mountain Huckleberry, Pacific Ninebark, Quaking Aspen, Red-Osier Dogwood, Redstem Ceanothus, Scouler Willow, Serviceberry, Sitka Alder, Syringa, Thinleaf Alder, Woods Rose; Lodgepole Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Western Larch, Western White Pine (scientific names available on request).

Latah Soil and Water Conservation District staff, who worked with the previous assessment, planning and coordination stages of this project, will begin implementing riparian restoration, erosion control and related projects throughout the Potlatch River watershed.  In addition, project staff will continue developing conservation plans with private landowners and seeking additional non-BPA funds to implement best management practices designed for the improvement of steelhead spawning and rearing habitat.  Project staff will also continue coordination efforts with other watershed planning efforts throughout the region to improve fish habitat.

Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Sep-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR A: 119. Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 07/16/2010 08/31/2010
Environmental Compliance & Consultation Review B: 165. Verify that all NEPA - Environmental Compliance has been completed 08/31/2010 03/29/2010
Undertake initial site reviews for 5 potential restoration sites C: 114. Initial Site Review of Potential Restoration Sites 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Provide outreach communication to approximately 500 landowners and members of the general public D: 99. General Program Outreach and Communications 08/31/2010 06/30/2010
Direct contact with 10 landowners and the general public E: 99. Solicit Landowner Participation - General Public Outreach 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Inter-agency critique of Potlatch River Watershed Management Plan F: 191. Solicit Agency Staff Comments on Watershed Restoration/Protection Strategies 07/31/2010 07/31/2010
Attend meetings geared toward Clearwater Subbasin coordination G: 191. Participate in Clearwater Subbasin technical advisory meetings 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan H: 174. Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan 07/31/2010 07/31/2010
Develop 3 landowner conservation plans for project implementation. I: 174. Develop Initial Conservation Concept Plans 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Develop 2 landowner conservation plans for BMP implementation J: 174. Develop Final Conservation Plans, Funding Agreements and Contracts 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Facilitate the technical and local community review of 3 removal/modification projects K: 122. Facilitate the technical and local community review of 3 removal/modification projects 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Provide Design and/or Specifications for 2 projects L: 175. Provide Design and/or Specifications 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Reduce erosion on 1 mile of forest road M: 38. Forest road erosion control--Hagen 08/31/2010 08/28/2010
Rock armor up to 1.75 miles of logging roads N: 38. Rock armor logging roads in East Fork Potlatch River drainage 08/31/2010 05/31/2010
Design and Implement Alternative Water Development for Livestock O: 34. Off-site livestock watering pond --Hatley 08/31/2010
Restore stream functionality to Corral Creek in Tee/Colby Meadow P: 30. Connect Corral Creek to Original Channel in Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010 06/28/2010
Installed Bridge at Tee/Colby Meadow Q: 184. Install Tee/Colby Meadow Bridge 08/31/2010
Increase Instream Habitat Complexity for Tee/Colby Meadow R: 29. Increase Instream Habitat Complexity for Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010
Install Diversions in Tee/Colby Meadow S: 84. Install Diversions in Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Tee/Colby Wetland T: 181. Create wetland in Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Decommission riparian road in Tee/Colby Meadow U: 33. Decommission and Relocate Road in Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010
Install 3,000 feet of exclusion fencing. V: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Tee/Colby Meadow 08/31/2010
Install 1025 of exclusion fencing W: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Round Meadow 08/31/2010 11/01/2009
Install 3,340 of exclusion fencing X: 40. Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Avulsion Reach 08/31/2010 12/10/2009
1,000 riparian plants on 0.34 miles (3.5 acres) of degraded stream. Y: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Bedrock Creek 08/25/2010 08/25/2010
1,000 riparian plants on 1.03 miles (5.0 acres) of degraded stream. Z: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Rock Creek 08/20/2010
1,000 riparian plants on 0.47 miles (2.3 acres) of degraded stream. AA: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Colby Meadow 08/31/2010
500 riparian plants on 0.55 miles (2.66 acres) of degraded stream. AB: 47. Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Upper Round 08/31/2010 08/25/2010
100 riparian plants on 0.7 acre, along 0.14 miles of stream AC: 47. Riparian Plantings - Seegmiller @ Little Potlatch Creek 08/31/2010 06/15/2010
500 riparian plants along 1519 linear feet of stream bank AD: 47. Riparian Plantings - Hepler @ Middle Potlatch Creek 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
200 riparian plants along 700 feet of stream bank AE: 47. Riparian Plantings - Abbott @ Little Potlatch Creek 08/31/2010 06/15/2010
Operate and maintain all contractual habitat improvements AF: 186. Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Strutures 08/31/2010 08/31/2010
Maintain and gather temperature data via USGS flow meter AG: 157. Maintain USGS Monitoring Program 08/31/2010 08/31/2010

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 33 Decommission Road/Relocate Road
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 38 Improve Road for Instream Habitat Benefits
  • 3 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 7 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 1 instance of WE 84 Remove/Install Diversion
  • 1 instance of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation
  • 3 instances of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Manage and Administer BPA Contracts 02/09/2007
B 165 Verify that all NEPA - Environmental Compliance has been completed 02/09/2007
C 114 Initial Site Review of Potential Restoration Sites 02/09/2007
D 99 General Program Outreach and Communications 02/09/2007
E 99 Solicit Landowner Participation - General Public Outreach 02/09/2007
F 191 Solicit Agency Staff Comments on Watershed Restoration/Protection Strategies 02/09/2007
G 191 Participate in Clearwater Subbasin technical advisory meetings 02/09/2007
H 174 Revise Potlatch River Watershed Restoration Plan 02/09/2007
I 174 Develop Initial Conservation Concept Plans 02/09/2007
J 174 Develop Final Conservation Plans, Funding Agreements and Contracts 02/09/2007
K 122 Facilitate the technical and local community review of 3 removal/modification projects 02/09/2007
L 175 Provide Design and/or Specifications 02/09/2007
M 38 Forest road erosion control--Hagen 11/18/2009
N 38 Rock armor logging roads in East Fork Potlatch River drainage 11/18/2009
O 34 Off-site livestock watering pond --Hatley 06/25/2009
P 30 Connect Corral Creek to Original Channel in Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
Q 184 Install Tee/Colby Meadow Bridge 06/25/2009
R 29 Increase Instream Habitat Complexity for Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
S 84 Install Diversions in Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
T 181 Create wetland in Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
U 33 Decommission and Relocate Road in Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
V 40 Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Tee/Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
W 40 Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Round Meadow 06/25/2009
X 40 Livestock Exclusion Fencing--Avulsion Reach 06/25/2009
Y 47 Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Bedrock Creek 06/25/2009
Z 47 Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Rock Creek 06/25/2009
AA 47 Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Colby Meadow 06/25/2009
AB 47 Riparian Plantings--Hatley @ Upper Round 06/25/2009
AC 47 Riparian Plantings - Seegmiller @ Little Potlatch Creek 03/16/2010
AD 47 Riparian Plantings - Hepler @ Middle Potlatch Creek 03/16/2010
AE 47 Riparian Plantings - Abbott @ Little Potlatch Creek 03/16/2010
AF 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Strutures 02/09/2007
AG 157 Maintain USGS Monitoring Program 02/09/2007
AH 132 NO ANNUAL REPORT; Review progress report format requirements 02/09/2007
AI 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007