Contract Description:
The 2,817 acre Wanaket Wildlife Area was established in 1992 to mitigate for habitat losses due to construction and operation of the McNary Hydroelectric facility. The area is located in Umatilla County in northeastern Oregon and lies adjacent to the south shore of the Columbia River between River Mile 295 and 299. It is bordered by the Port of Umatilla on the west and Hat Rock State Park on the east. State Highway 730 bisects the area. The legal description includes T5N, R28E, portions of sections 12, 23, 34 and T5N, R29E, portions of sections 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21.
Wanaket is managed by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR), through contract with BPA, to provide protection and enhancement credits for wildlife mitigation. Wanaket provides an estimated 2,334 habitat units of protection credit for 7 wildlife mitigation species. Primary habitat types include shrub-steppe/grassland (2477 acres) and riparian wetland (159 acres) and other habitat types include riparian herb, riparian shrub, riparian tree, and sand/cobble/gravel/mud. HEP species include mallard, California quail, western meadowlark, spotted sandpiper, mink, yellow warbler, and downy woodpecker.
The 2008 SOW is a continuation of management activities on Wanaket Wildlife Area and provides direction for planned actions in the 2008 contract period. Many of the major tasks are annual in nature and contribute to the on-going protection of the wildlife area. Management focuses on providing wetland habitat by applying irrigation water to the "McNary Potholes", exclusion of un-permitted livestock grazing, enhancing native vegetation through removing undesirable vegetation, noxious weed control, planting native vegetation, and providing regulated public access.
Project activities include: 1) planning and design, 2) construction and implementation, 3) operations and maintenance, and 4) monitoring and evaluation. Management efforts undertaken as part of this contract are designed to protect, enhance, and mitigate target wildlife mitigation species.
Management activities planned for 2008 will focus on the following tasks:
- Administration and operations of Wanaket Wildlife Area
- Maintain wetland by applying irrigation water
- Maintain the irrigation infrastructure
- Continue noxious weed treatment program
- Continue removal of Russian olive
- Planting native grasses in Russian olive removal sites
- Collect supplemental weed data and update the weed treatment strategy, if needed
- Maintain boundary fence to prevent trespass livestock
- Provide regulated public access
- Conduct monitoring and evaluation (results of weed control and revegetation efforts)
In 2008, capacity to remove Russian olive and treat weeds will be enhanced through outside funding sources. An Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) contract through NRCS will help off-set costs for Russian olive removal and grass planting. In addition, a partnership has been formed with neighboring landowners to treat common weed problems and a grant from the Oregon Department of Agriculture has been secured to help fund those efforts. BPA dollars were used to leverage those funds.
In July, the project received a $24,855 budget increase. The increase will be used for three things 1) to create and manage a database for tracking weed patches and results of treatment; 2) for an additional weed control contract for the West Upland Weed Unit, an area in an intensive weed control and restoration project; and 3) additional money for pumping costs, in order to complete 4 rounds of irrigation this season instead of 3.