Transaction Complete |
A: 164. 04d-09 WWT (Converse-Hardy / Beaver-Frazier (2)) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
B: 164. 102b-06 IDWR (Henslee / Pole Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
C: 164. 14c-09 WWT (Hardy & Converse / Beaver & Frazier (2)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
D: 164. 95c-08 WWT (WDFW / Beaver Creek (1)) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
E: 164. 264-09 TFT (ECREP / Tualatin) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
F: 164. 122-06 TFT (DOC / Mill Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
G: 164. 104b-06 WWT (WDFW / Methow (2)) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
H: 164. 133-09 TFT (Eddin / Fifteenmile Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
I: 164. 123b-09 WWT (Whitters / Entiat River (1)) |
09/30/2009 |
05/04/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
J: 164. 140-07 TFT (Anspach / Walla Walla) |
09/30/2009 |
03/09/2009 |
Water acquired instream |
K: 164. 127d-09 IDWR (Hughes & Jones / Morgan Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
L: 164. 146a-07 MWT(Von de Ruhr / Ninemile Cr-Lease) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
M: 164. 147-07 MWT(Sawbuck / Keep Cool Creek) |
09/30/2009 |
05/08/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
N: 164. 148-07 MWT(Sawbuck / Stonewall Creek) |
09/30/2009 |
05/08/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
O: 164. 267-09 WWT (Masterson / Teanaway (18)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
P: 164. 159b-09 DRC (DWA Bank / Deschutes) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
Q: 164. 186-08 WRC (Boesel / Okanogan (2)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
R: 164. 230-09 WRC (Nelson / Cow Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
S: 164. 164-08 DRC (CCID / Deschutes - Winter) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
T: 164. 165-08 DRC (SID / Deschutes - Warner) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
U: 164. 272-09 WWT (Mus / Gold Cr (4)) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
V: 164. 275-09 WWT (O PUD / Gold Cr (3)) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
W: 164. 183-08 WWT (Cromarty / Teanaway (6 & 7)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
X: 164. 177b-09 WRC (Chewuch Canal Co / Chewuch Rr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
Y: 164. 224-09 WRC (CCC / Chewuch (Lower)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
Z: 164. 189-08 WRC (English & Repsher / Manastash) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AA: 164. 190-08 WRC (Allen / Manastash) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AB: 164. 191-08 WRC (Miller / Manastash) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AC: 164. 193-08 WRC (Graf / Manshtash) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AD: 164. 194-08 WRC (High Valley / Manastash) |
09/30/2009 |
04/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AE: 164. 195-09 MWT (Tin Cup Water Co / Tin Cup) |
09/30/2009 |
03/15/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AF: 164. 240-09 DRC (Stills / Trout & Mud Springs Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/01/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AG: 164. 249-09 DRC (Swalley / Main Canal Piping - Phase 3) |
09/30/2009 |
09/01/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AH: 164. 277-09 WRC (Irrigation Co / Little Barkley) |
09/30/2009 |
09/08/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AI: 164. 278-09 WRC (Drought Response / Methow Trib) |
09/30/2009 |
09/08/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AJ: 164. 78b-08 TFT (Underhill / Fifteenmile) |
09/30/2009 |
05/05/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AK: 164. 88c-07 MWT (Janke / Little Blackfoot) |
09/30/2009 |
10/31/2008 |
Transaction Complete |
AL: 164. 93d-09 TU (Murphy / Spring Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
05/21/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AM: 164. 134b-09 WRC (Lehman / Methow) |
09/30/2009 |
05/08/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AN: 164. 242-09 TFT (CCCC / Birch Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
08/06/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AO: 164. 254-09 WWT (Holmes / Teanaway (16)) |
09/30/2009 |
08/10/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AP: 164. 256-09 WRC (W.C. District / Wolf Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
04/14/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AQ: 164. 266-09 WWT (Schober / Teanaway (17)) |
09/30/2009 |
06/11/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AR: 164. 239-09 DRC (COID C-1 / Deschutes) |
09/30/2009 |
09/01/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AS: 164. 210-09 WRC (--- / French Cr (1))- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AT: 164. 211-09 WRC (--- / French Cr (2))- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AU: 164. 212-09 WRC (Ross / Methow)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AV: 164. 213-09 WRC (Hess / Upper Methow)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
AW: 164. 214-09 WRC (--- / Beaver Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AX: 164. 215-09 OWT (EFID / Neil Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AY: 164. 216-09 OWT (EFID / EF Hood River)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
AZ: 164. 217-09 OWT (Redding / Rudio Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BA: 164. 218-09 OWT (--- / McKay and Umatilla)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BB: 164. 92e-09 TFT (--- / Lostine) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BC: 164. 220-09 OWT (Alpine Meadows GC / Trout Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BD: 164. 221-09 OWT (Gyllenhall / Bridge Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BE: 164. 244-09 WRC (Gregerich / Manastash) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BF: 164. 223-09 TFT (Woodward / Gable Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BG: 164. 263-09 TFT (--- / Roberts Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
05/05/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BH: 164. 225-09 TFT (--- / Indian Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BI: 164. 181-08 TFT (Petroff / Fifteenmile Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BJ: 164. 143d-09 WWT (OID / Salmon Cr) |
09/30/2009 |
09/03/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BK: 164. 228-09 WWT (Breed / Libby Cr (2)) |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BL: 164. 229-09 WWT (WWCC / Titus Cr (1))- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BM: 164. 253-09 WWT (Delaney / Mill Cr (3)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BN: 164. 231-09 WWT (Kuchin / Whiskey Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BO: 164. 232-09 WWT (RUA / Rattlesnake Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BP: 164. 233-09 WWT (WDFW / SF Cowiche Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BQ: 164. 234-09 WWT (Roan / First Cr (1))- |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BR: 164. 235-09 WWT (White / First Cr (2))- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BS: 164. 246-09 WWT (Parker / Cowiche (4)) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BT: 164. 237-09 WWT (PID / Peshastin Cr (1))- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BU: 164. 157-07 WWT (Colville Tr / South Nanakin) |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BV: 164. 29e-09 IDWR (Storlie & Kaiser / Big Hat) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BW: 164. 43b-09 TFT (City of M-F / Walla Walla)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BX: 164. 50d-09 IDWR (Vanderbilt / Fourth of July Creek) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
BY: 164. 58b-09 TFT (Sams and Truax / NF Walla Walla) |
09/30/2009 |
07/08/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
BZ: 164. 58e-09 DRC (TSID / Whychus Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction Complete |
CA: 164. 71f-09 DRC (AWLP / Deschutes) |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transaction developed |
CB: 164. 97b-06 WRC (--- / Cowiche Cr)- |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
CC: 157. DRC - Collect / Generate / Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water Transactions researched |
CD: 154. DRC - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
CE: 165. DRC - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
CF: 114. DRC - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
CG: 174. DRC - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Devices installed, modified or removed |
CH: 148. DRC - Install flow measuring devices in 3 areas in the Deschutes |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
CI: 191. DRC - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Projects administered |
CJ: 119. DRC - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
CK: 99. DRC - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
CL: 141. DRC - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
CM: 189. DRC - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Collecting, Generating, Validating data during FY '09 complete |
CN: 157. IDWR - Collect / Generate / Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
FY '09 work for water transactions completed |
CO: 154. IDWR - Develop and Negotiate water transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
CP: 165. IDWR - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
FY 09 transactions initiated and/or complete |
CQ: 114. IDWR - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Plan produced |
CR: 174. IDWR - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Gauges installed |
CS: 148. IDWR - Install flow measuring devices in Idaho |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordinate with entities in the IDWR region |
CT: 191. IDWR - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Projects administered |
CU: 119. IDWR - Manage and Administer Projects and par of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
CV: 99. IDWR - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
CW: 141. IDWR - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
CX: 189. IDWR - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
CY: 157. MWT - Collect / Generate / Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water Transactions Proposed and/or Completed |
CZ: 154. MWT - Develop water transactions for implementation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Environmental compliance complete |
DA: 165. MWT - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
FY 09 and future transactions identified |
DB: 114. MWT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Plan produced |
DC: 174. MWT - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Gauges installed |
DD: 148. MWT - Install flow measuring devices at each new project stream |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordinate with entities in the MWT region |
DE: 191. MWT - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Managed and Administered MWT projects as part of the CBWTP |
DF: 119. MWT - Manage and Administer Project as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
DG: 99. MWT - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
DH: 141. MWT - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordinate with entities in the CBWTP region |
DI: 189. MWT - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Completed annual report |
DJ: 132. NFWF - Annual Report |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Brochure Completed |
DK: 189. NFWF - Brochure |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
DL: 189. NFWF - Coordination with State Water Resources' Agencies |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
cost share documented |
DM: 119. NFWF - Cost-Sharing |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
DN: 141. NFWF - Expense and output report |
09/30/2009 |
Work towards easement and possible implementation |
DP: 172. NFWF - Prepare Conservation Easements |
09/01/2009 |
09/01/2009 |
Procedures modified |
DQ: 119. NFWF - Procedure Modification |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
logic models established |
DR: 119. NFWF - Program Evaluation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
DS: 99. NFWF - Public Presentations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
DT: 189. NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Coordination and Support |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
sites completed |
DU: 119. NFWF - Site Visits |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Work with contractors complete |
DV: 119. NFWF - Subcontract Development and Management |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Annual and monthly records kept |
DW: 119. NFWF - Task Invoicing and Record Keeping |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transaction procedure modified and maintained |
DX: 119. NFWF - Transaction Proposals |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transactions recommended |
DY: 119. NFWF - Transaction Recommendation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transactions Reviewed |
DZ: 122. NFWF - Transaction Review |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Solicitations occurred |
EA: 119. NFWF - Transaction Solicitation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transactions Complete |
EB: 164. NFWF - Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Maintenance complete |
EC: 160. NFWF - Website and Database Maintenance |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Environmental Compliance |
ED: 165. NFWF- Environmental Compliance for CBWTP |
09/19/2009 |
09/19/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
EE: 189. NFWF- Qualified Local Entity Meetings and Information exchange |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
EF: 157. OWRD - Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Environmental compliance completed |
EG: 165. OWRD - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
EH: 174. OWRD - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Projects administered |
EI: 119. OWRD - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
EJ: 141. OWRD - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
EK: 189. OWRD - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
EL: 157. TFT - Collect / Generate / Validate field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water Transactions Proposed and/or Completed |
EM: 154. TFT - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Environmental compliance complete |
EN: 165. TFT - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
07/01/2009 |
07/01/2009 |
FY 09 transactions initiated and/or complete |
EO: 114. TFT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Plan produced |
EP: 174. TFT - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Gauges installed |
EQ: 148. TFT - Install flow measuring devices along many rivers in Oregon |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordinate with entities in the OWT region |
ER: 191. TFT - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Project administration requirements |
ES: 119. TFT - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
ET: 99. TFT - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
EU: 141. TFT - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordinate with entities in the CBWTP region |
EV: 189. TFT - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
EW: 157. TU - Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transactions Developed |
EX: 154. TU - Develop water transaction for implementation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
EY: 114. TU - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY 09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
EZ: 174. TU - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
FA: 191. TU - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Projects administered |
FB: 119. TU - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
FC: 99. TU - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
FD: 141. TU - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
FE: 189. TU - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
FF: 141. WDOE - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
FG: 157. WDOE - Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions developed |
FH: 154. WDOE - Develop and negotiate water right transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
FI: 114. WDOE - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY 09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
FJ: 174. WDOE - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Projects administered |
FK: 119. WDOE - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
FL: 189. WDOE - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
FM: 157. WRC - Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Transactions developed |
FN: 154. WRC - Develop water transaction for implementation |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
FO: 165. WRC - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
FP: 114. WRC - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
FQ: 174. WRC - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
FR: 191. WRC - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Project management complete |
FS: 119. WRC - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
FT: 99. WRC - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
FU: 141. WRC - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
FV: 189. WRC - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water Transactions Developed |
FW: 154. WWT - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
FX: 157. WWT - Collect / Generate / Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
FY: 165. WWT - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
FZ: 114. WWT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY 09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Recommendations implemented |
GA: 174. WWT - Implementation of evaluation recommendations |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Devices installed, modified or removed |
GB: 148. WWT - Install flow measuring device on the Walla Walla and Yakima |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
GC: 191. WWT - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
CBWTP processes administered |
GD: 119. WWT - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Outreach completed |
GE: 99. WWT - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Reports Completed |
GF: 141. WWT - Provide reports to CBWTP |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Coordination Completed |
GG: 189. WWT - Regional Coodination |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Water Transactions Proposed and/or Completed |
GH: 154. OWT/OT - MOA - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
GI: 99. OWT/OT - MOA - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
FY 09 transactions initiated and/or complete |
GJ: 114. OWT/OT - MOA - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY09 Development |
09/30/2009 |
09/30/2009 |
Environmental compliance complete |
GK: 165. OWT/OT - MOA - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
07/01/2009 |
09/01/2009 |