Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 40626: 200708300 EXP GRANDE RONDE SUPPMENTATION M&E
Project Number:
Grande Ronde Supplementation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) on Catherine Creek/Upper Grande Ronde River
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
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Contract Description:
I. Project Goal

To monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of supplementation in recovering spring Chinook salmon populations in the upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek.

RPA 177: In 2002, BPA shall begin to implement and sustain NMFS-approved, safety-net projects.
Deliverables: All of the deliverables contained in this statement of work will apply to this RPA.

II. Background

The ceded lands and usual and accustomed fishing sites in northeast Oregon of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) include areas where fish and wildlife populations have been negatively affected by construction and operation of mainstem Columbia and Snake River dams. CTUIR is seeking restoration of these populations. CTUIR, Nez Perce Tribe (NPT), and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) are cooperating in a Grande Ronde Endemic Spring Chinook Salmon Supplementation Program (GRESCSP) to increase natural production and eventually allow harvest of spring Chinook salmon in the Grande Ronde River basin. Grande Ronde Basin tributaries currently being targeted for spring Chinook supplementation include the upper Grande Ronde River, Catherine Creek and the Lostine River. The focus of this project is directed at Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, within the ceded lands boundary of CTUIR. Adult spring Chinook salmon are captured at weirs on these tributaries operated by CTUIR and spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery. CTUIR also operates juvenile acclimation facilities for spring Chinook salmon in the upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek. This project is for the M&E portion of the project formerly numbered 199807003.

III. Location of Project

The project is located in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. The Catherine Creek Acclimation Facility is at river mile 29 (rkm 47.5) of Catherine Creek (HUC 17060104). The Catherine Creek Adult Collection Facility is at river mile 20 (rkm 33.0) of Catherine Creek (HUC 17060104). The Grande Ronde Acclimation Facility is at river mile 199 (rkm 319.4) of the Grande Ronde River (HUC 17060104). The Grande Ronde Adult Collection Facility is at river mile 191 (rkm 307.4) of the Grande Ronde River

IV. BPA-Furnished Property

1. Catherine Creek acclimation facility and water right.
2. Catherine Creek adult weir.
3. Upper Grande Ronde acclimation facility and water right.
4. Upper Grande Ronde adult weir.

V.  Objectives of this project are to: 1)plan for, administer, and coordinate Project activities, 2) operate two juvenile spring Chinook salmon acclimation facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, 3)operate two or more adult anadromous salmonid collection facilities on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, 4)provide comanagers assistance in Program operations, 5)communicate results to the scientific community, 6)evaluate acclimated juvenile spring Chinook salmon performance, 7)evaluate life history differences between wild and hatchery-origin (F1) adult spring Chinook salmon, 8)describe life history characteristics and genetics of adult summer steelhead collected at weirs, 9)evaluate environmental factors affecting migration or survival of anadromous salmonids, 10)evaluate weir effects on fish migration or behavior, and 11)provide Program assistance for monitoring and evaluation activities.

VI.  Summary of Major Accomplishments for the Program and Project:
This proposal is listed as new.  However, work is actually ongoing from Project 199800703.  Beginning in 2002, this project was split into two components (Operations and Maintenance and Monitoring and Evaluation) for contracting purpose.  This proposal severs the ties under project 199800703, thus resulting in this new project proposal number, even though project activities are ongoing.

1997  Adult traps were installed late in the spring Chinook salmon spawning run on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River.  One unmarked male (729 mm FL) and one unmarked female (680 mm) were caught at Catherine Creek from July 22-26.  Five unmarked spring Chinook (2 males, 800-904 mm and 3 females, 710-760 mm) were caught at the upper Grande Ronde River trap from June 27-July5.

1998 Adult traps sampled the spring Chinook salmon spawning run more effectively in 1998 due to earlier installation.  The Catherine Creek trap captured 28 spring Chinook from June 13-Sept 28.  Peak catch (17.8% of the total) occurred June 13.  Thirteen females (mean FL 822 mm, range 690-870) and fifteen males (mean FL 839 mm, range 698-920 were collected.  The upper Grande Ronde River trap captured 33 spring Chinook from June 4-July 19.  Peak catch of 4 fish (12.1% of the total) occurred June 16.  Nineteen females (mean FL 848 mm, range 740-910) and fourteen males (mean FL 883 mm, range 710-985) were collected. All spring Chinook captured in both traps were unmarked.

1999 Extremely low escapements of spring Chinook salmon occurred in 1999.  The Catherine Creek adult trap captured 16 unmarked spring Chinook from May 13-August 25.  Peak catchers ( 2 fish, 12.5% of the total) occurred on July 2 and July 17.  Seven females (mean FL 719 mm, range 610-768), three males (mean FL 742 mm, range 730-757, and six unkown sex (mean FL 742 mm, range 665-805) were collected.  Overall mean FL for 16 fish was 732 mm and the range 610-805.  Only one unmarked spring Chinook (no data taken) was captured at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap.

Ten unmarked summer steelhead were captured at the Catherine Creek adult trap from May 11-20.  Mean FL was 712 mm and the range was 610-805.  Three (all female) ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) summer steelhead were collected from May 19-21.  Mean FL of ad-clipped fish was 605 mm and the range 580-650.  Three unmarked summer steelhead were collected as mortalities on the weir (2) or kelt (1) at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap.  Mean FL was 532 mm and the range was 450-600.

2000 Juvenile spring Chinook acclimated and release at both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River facilities were significantly larger and heavier than outmigrating naturally-produced fish of the same brood year.  Median arrival dates at Lower Granite Dam were later for hatchery fish than naturally-produced fish from Catherine Creek, but the reverse was true for the upper Grande Ronde River. Minimum PIT tag detection rates in the hydropower system were higher for hatchery fish than naturally-produced fish from both streams.

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 24 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 22-July 21.  Peak catches (3 fish, 12.5% of the total) occurred on June 3 and June 26.  Five females (mean FL 741 mm, range 705-800), nine males (mean FL 747 mm, range 665-840), and ten fish of unknown sex (mean FL 732 mm, range 665-790) were collected.  Two age 3 males (“jacks”, 485 and 535 mm) were caught.  

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 17 unmarked spring Chinook from June 10-July 27.  Peak catches (3 fish, 17.6 % or the total) occurred on June 16 and June 28.  Nine females (mean FL 701 mm, range 658-775), seven males (mean FL 744 mm, range 660-785) and one fish of unknown sex (680 mm) were caught.

Ten unmarked summer steelhead were caught at the Catherine Creek adult trap from April 1-4.  Six females ranged from 600-745 mm FL (mean 687), and four males from 605-776 mm FL (mean 690).  Eight ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) summer steelhead were caught (7 from April 2-4, 1 kelt on May 10).  Mean FL of 5 females was 624 mm (range 570-680).  Mean FL of 3 males was 611 mm (range 595-619).

Twenty unmarked summer steelhead were caught at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap from April 5-June 4.  Peak catches (2 fish, 10% of the total) occurred on April 27, May 4, May 16, and June 4.  Fourteen females ranged from 595-763 mm FL (mean 655) and six males from 568-715 mm FL (mean 614).  Six unmarked fish were kelts (4 females and 2 males) collected from May 26-June 21.  Four ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) males were captured from April 8-May 4.  Mean FL was 613 mm (range 597-638).

Water temperatures and stream flows were monitored at acclimation and adult trapping sites on both streams.  Below weir surveys were conducted during the adult trapping period on both streams.  Project assistance was provided to ODFW for PIT-tagging of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, collection of captive brood parr, spawning of spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, and spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon.

2001  Juvenile spring Chinook acclimated and release at both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River facilities were significantly larger and heavier than outmigrating naturally-produced fish of the same brood year.  Median arrival dates at Lower Granite Dam were earlier for hatchery fish than naturally-produced fish from both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. Minimum PIT tag detection rates in the hydropower system were more than three times higher for hatchery fish than naturally-produced fish from Catherine Creek.  Too few naturally-produced fish wree captured from the upper Grande Ronde River to facilitate a comparison..

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 71 age 4 and 7 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 21-Sept 4.  Peak catch (10 fish, 12.8% of the total) occurred on June 10.  Forty-two females (mean FL 714 mm, range 621-856), thirty-four males (mean FL 733 mm, range 621-930), and two fish of unknown sex (mean FL 782 mm, range 682-882 mm) were caught.  Twelve unmarked age 3 fish (11 males, 1 female) were caught from June 5-July 3.  Mean FL was 536 mm (range 419-617).  Twenty-nine ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) age 3 spring Chinook were caught from June 10-Sept 4.  Peak catch (6 fish, 20.7% of the total) occurred on June 14.  Mean FL was 474 mm (range 370-546).  Fifteen unmarked spring Chinook salmon from Catherine Creek were spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery in August.  Mean FL of females spawned was 715 mm (range 617-805) and mean fecundity was 3,978.  

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River caught 38 unmarked spring Chinook from May 23-July 5.  Peak catch (8 fish, 21.1% of the total) occurred on June 9.  Ten females (mean FL 744 mm, range 708-775), fifteen males (mean FL 732 mm, range 685-771), and thirteen fish of unknown sex (mean FL 720 mm, range 652-850) were caught. Eight unmarked spring Chinook salmon from the upper Grande Ronde River were spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery in August.  Mean FL of females spawned was 736 mm (range 665-785) and mean fecundity was 4,422.  

Unmarked summer steelhead caught at the Catherine Creek adult trap from March 23-May 19 totaled 150.  Peak catch (17 fish, 11.3% of the total) occurred on April 18.  Sixty-two females ranged from 536-766 mm FL (mean 639) and eighty-five males from 519-779 (mean 629).  Two kelts (males, 572, 595 mm) were recaptures of fish previously marked and released.  They were recaptured on June 8 and July 3.  Fifty-one ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) summer steelhead were caught from March 26-May 10.  Peak catch (11 fish, 21.6% of the total) were caught on April 17.  Thirty-six females ranged from 642-760 mm FL (mean 699) and fifteen males from 669-777 (mean 709).

Seventeen unmarked summer steelhead were caught at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap from April 27-June 16.  Peak catches (3 fish, 17.6% of the total) occurred on May 19 and June 1.  Seven females (mean FL 603 mm, range 553-703), and ten males (mean FL 674 mm, range 554-823) were caught.  Two unmarked fish were kelts (female on June 1, male on June 4).  Two ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) summer steelhead were caught.

Water temperatures and stream flows were monitored at acclimation and adult trapping sites on both streams.  Below weir surveys were conducted during the adult trapping period on both streams.  Project assistance was provided to ODFW for PIT-tagging of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, collection of captive brood parr, spawning of spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, and spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon.

2002 Juvenile spring Chinook acclimated and release at both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River facilities were significantly larger and heavier than outmigrating naturally-produced fish of the same brood year.  Median arrival dates at Lower Granite Dam were the same for hatchery fish and naturally-produced fish from Catherine Creek.  Median arrival date for hatchery fish from upper Grande Ronde River was 11 days earlier than for naturally-produced fish.   The minimum PIT tag detection rate in the hydropower system were more than twice as high for hatchery fish than naturally-produced fish from Catherine Creek, and the rate was slightly higher for hatchery than naturally-produced fish from the upper Grande Ronde River..

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 12 age 3, 120 age 4, and 38 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 25-July 31.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 7.1%, 70.6%, and 22.4%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (23 fish, 14.6% of the total) occurred on June 15 and June 17.  Ten of twelve age 3 fish were caught between June 13 and June 17.  Age 3 fish were caught from May 30-July 6.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 619 (age 3), 713 and 639-800 (age 4) and 848 and 802-898 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 562 and 404-615 (age 3), 713 and 630-795 (age 4), and 861 and 802-944 (age 5).  Females comprised 8.3% of age 3 fish, 51.7% of age 4, and 42.1% of age 5.  Mean fecundity for 19 unmarked females spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery was 4,269.

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 11 age 3, 127 age 4, and 4 age 5 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon from May 20-July 17.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 7.7%, 89.4%, and 2.8%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (28 fish, 21.4% of the total) occurred on June 17.  Age 3 fish were caught from June 15-July 1.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 695 and 630-798 (age 4) and 870 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 493 and 424-617 (age 3), 714 and 628-783 (age 4), and 815 and 805-825 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 52.8% of age 4, and 25.0% of age 5.

Unmarked pre-spawn summer steelhead captured at the Catherine Creek adult trap from March 14-June 6 totaled 255.  Peak catch (28 fish, 11.0% of the total) occurred on March 5.  One hundred and fifty-one females ranged from 490-752 mm FL (mean 620) and one-hundred and two males from 534-838 mm (mean 642).  One ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) fish was caught.  Thirteen kelts were collected from April 9-July 24.  Peak catches (2 fish, 15.4% of the total) were on May 5, May 8, and June 5.  Mean FL (mm) of 7 female kelts was 576 (range 410-675) and mean FL of 5male kelts was 666 (range 546-754).  Eight of the thirteen kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 76% 1-salt and 24% 2-salt.

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 1 age 3, 75 age 4, and 26 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 30-July 13.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 1.0%, 73.5%, and 25.5%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (12 fish, 11.9% of the total) occurred on June 16.  One age 3 fish (503 mm) was caught on June 23.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 708 and 651-800 (age 4) and 845 and 805-902 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 503 (age 3), 728 and 649-798 (age 4), and 872 and 801-907 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 53.3% of age 4, and 53.8% of age 5.  Mean fecundity was 3,955 for 25 females from the upper Grande Ronde River spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery..

Only 3 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon were collected at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap.  Three females ranging from 696-747 mm FL were captured from June 5-June 17.  Unmarked prespawn summer steelhead captured at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap from April 24-June 6 totaled 37.  Peak catch (6 fish, 16.2% of the total) occurred on April 26.  Twenty-four females ranged from 555-731 mm FL (mean 615) and thirteen males from 549-703 mm (mean 620).  One hatchery-origin fish was caught.  Kelts caught from April 29-June 21 totaled 36 (18 females and 18 males).  Peak catch (5 fish, 13.9% of the total catch) occurred on June 4.  Mean FL of 18 females was 662 mm (range 567-770).  Mean FL of 18 males was 652 mm (556-757).  Nine of the thirty-six  kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 84% 1-salt and 16% 2-salt.

Water temperatures and stream flows were monitored at acclimation and adult trapping sites on both streams.  Project assistance was provided to ODFW for PIT-tagging of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, collection of captive brood parr, spawning of spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, and spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon.

2003   Juvenile spring Chinook acclimated and release at both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River facilities were significantly larger and heavier than outmigrating naturally-produced fish of the same brood year.  Median arrival dates at Lower Granite Dam were 13-35 earlier for various groups of hatchery fish compared to naturally-produced fish from Catherine Creek, and 3-23 days earlier for hatchery firh from the upper Grande Ronde River.  The minimum PIT tag detection rates in the hydropower system was slightly higher for naturally-produced than hatchery fish for both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River.  Regressions of median arrival date, minimum tag detection rate, week of peak stream flow, and peak flow intensity revealed only one significant correlation (median arrival date and week of peak flow)  

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 6 age 3, 68 age 4, and 180 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 13-July 28.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 2.4%, 26.8%, and 70.9%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (25 fish, 10.1% of the total) occurred on May 24.  Age 3 fish were caught from June 7-July 11.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 717 and 645-800 (age 4) and 869 and 753-993 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 547 and 441-610 (age 3), 723 and 630-785 (age 4), and 915 and 804-1113 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 47.1% of age 4, and 53.9% of age 5.

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 70 age 3, 180 age 4, and 55 age 5 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon from May 13-July 28.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 23.0%, 59.0%, and 18.0%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (20 fish, 8.5% of the total) occurred on June 10.  Peak catch of age 3 fish (10 fish, 14.3% of the total) occurred on June 18.  Age 3 fish were caught from May 29-July 14.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 730 and 627-794 (age 4) and 851 and 810-934 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 481 and 371-560 (age 3), 743 and 630-800 (age 4), and 854 and 785-951 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 61.7% of age 4, and 36.4% of age 5.  Mean fecundity for 27 unmarked females spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery was 3,814.  Smolt-to-adult survival of the 1998 brood year was 0.007.

Unmarked prespawn summer steelhead captured at the Catherine Creek adult trap from March 12-May 14 totaled 224.  Peak catch (34 fish, 15.2% of the total) occurred on March 24.  One hundred and forty-two females ranged from 533-835 mm FL (mean 688) and eighty-two males from 521-825 mm (mean 692).  Two ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) fish were caught.  Forty-six kelts were collected from March 25-May 22.  Peak catch (9 fish, 19.6% of the total) was on April 7.  Mean FL (mm) of 35 female kelts was 683 (range 553-770) and mean FL of 11 male kelts was 712 (range 612-802).  All 46 kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 33% 1-salt and 67% 2-salt.

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 2 age 3, 4 age 4, and 110 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 22-July 24.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 1.7%, 3.4%, and 94.8%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (22 fish, 18.5% of the total) occurred on June 6. Age 3 fish were caught on June 16 and June 18.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 709 and 703-715 (age 4) and 862 and 802-935 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for males were 543 and 480-605 (age 3), 738 and 680-795 (age 4), and 901 and 802-1090 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 50.0% of age 4, and 52.7% of age 5.  Mean fecundity for 23 unmarked females spawned at Lookingglass Hatchery was 5,249,

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 37 age 3 and 4 age 4 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon from June 4-July 23.  Age 3 fish made up 90.2% of the total caught.  Age 4 fish were caught from June 4-June 22.  Peak catch of age 3 fish (9 fish, 24.3% of the total) occurred on June 23.  Age 3 fish were caught from June 6-July 23.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for 2 age 4 females were 707 and 673-740 and for 2 age 4 males were 735 and 729-740.  Mean FL and range for age 3 fish were 500 and 410-562.

Unmarked prespawn summer steelhead captured at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap from March 21-May 21 totaled 56.  Peak catch (7 fish, 12.5% of the total) occurred on April 9.  Thirty-nine females ranged from 550-789 mm FL (mean 662) and seventeen males from 557-789 mm (mean 662).  No ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) fish were caught.  Kelts caught from April 30-May 27 totaled 21 (14 females and 7 males) from.  Peak catch (3 fish, 14.3% of the total catch) occurred on May 16.  Mean FL of 4 females was 722 mm (range 668-787).  All 21 kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 40% 1-salt and 60% 2-salt.

Water temperatures and stream flows were monitored at acclimation and adult trapping sites on both streams.  Project assistance was provided to ODFW for PIT-tagging of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, collection of captive brood parr, spawning of spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, and spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon.

2004  Juvenile spring Chinook acclimated and release at both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River facilities were significantly larger and heavier than outmigrating naturally-produced fish of the same brood year.  Median arrival dates at Lower Granite Dam were 17-25 days earlier for various groups of hatchery fish compared to naturally-produced fish from both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River.  The minimum PIT tag detection rates in the hydropower system for hatchery fish from both Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River were about 60-70% of the rates for spring-migrating naturally-produced fish.  

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 6 age 3, 74 age 4, and 9 age 5 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 17-August 12.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 6.7%, 83.1%, and 10.1%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (9 fish, 10.8% of the total) occurred on June 14.  Peak catch of age 3 fish (2 fish, 33.3% of the total) occurred on June 25.  Age 3 fish were caught from June 1-June 28.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 677 and 622-758 (age 4) and 862 and 811-980 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 519 and 404-610 (age 3), 693 and 631-790 (age 4), and 888 and 815-930 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 44.6% of age 4, and 66.7% of age 5.

The adult trap at Catherine Creek captured 60 age 3, 556 age 4, and 19 age 5 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon from May 17-August 12.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 9.4%, 87.6%, and 3.0%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (100 fish, 17.4% of the total) occurred on June 14.  Peak catch of age 3 fish (14 fish, 23.3% of the total) occurred on June 21.  Age 3 fish were caught from May 28-Aug 4.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 705 and 621-798 (age 4) and 824 (age 5).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 518 and 418-620 (age 3), 713 and 635-800 (age 4), and 886 and 803-1000 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 49.3% of age 4, and 5.3% of age 5.  Smolt-to-adult survival of the 1999 brood year was 0.002.

Unmarked prespawn summer steelhead captured at the Catherine Creek adult trap from March 9-June 5 totaled 181.  Peak catch (24 fish, 13.3% of the total) occurred on March 19.  One hundred and two females ranged from 505-775 mm FL (mean 635) and seventy-nine males from 515-830 mm (mean 636).  No ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) fish were caught.  Twenty-one kelts were collected from April 19-June 23.  Peak catch (5 fish 23.8% of the total) was on May 3.  Mean FL (mm) of 9 female kelts was 649 (range 561-790) and mean FL of 12 male kelts was 649 (range 547-820).  Nineteen kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 59% 1-salt and 41% 2-salt.

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 5 age 3 and 28 age 4 unmarked spring Chinook salmon from May 28-July 20.  Ages 3 and 4 made up 15.2% and  84.8%,  respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of age 4 fish (5 fish, 17.08% of the total) occurred on June 21.  Age 3 fish were caught from May 26-July 20.  Mean FL and range (in mm) for age 4 females were 683 and 621-763.  Mean FL and ranges for males were 531 and 409-613 (age 3), and 715 and 645-791 (age 4).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish and 39.3% of age 4.

The adult trap at the upper Grande Ronde River captured 60 age 3, 369 age 4, and 4 age 5 ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) spring Chinook salmon from June-July 31.  Ages 3, 4, and 5 made up 13.9%, 85.2%, and 0.9%, respectively, of the total caught.  Peak catch of pooled ages 4/5 fish (80 fish, 21.4%% of the total) occurred on June 18.  Peak catch of age 3 fish (15 fish, 25.0% of the total) occurred on June 21.  Age 3 fish were caught from June 15-July 12.  Mean FL and ranges (in mm) for females were 702 and 628-782 (age 4).  Mean FL and ranges for males were 525 and 380-620 (age 3), 707 and 623-784 (age 4), and 821 and 805-846 (age 5).  Females comprised 0% of age 3 fish, 55.0% of age 4, and 0% of age 5.

Unmarked prespawn summer steelhead captured at the upper Grande Ronde River adult trap from March 17-May 26 totaled 63.  Peak catch (8 fish, 12.7% of the total) occurred on March 31 and April 5.  Forty-three females ranged from 545-735 mm FL (mean 623) and twenty-males from 542-736 mm (mean 608).  No ad-clipped (hatchery-origin) fish were caught.  Three kelts were collected, females on May 5 and May 7 and a male on May 18.  All three kelts were recaptures of fish previously marked and passed above the weir.  Age composition of the run was approximately 78% 1-salt and 22% 2-salt.

Water temperatures and stream flows were monitored at acclimation and adult trapping sites on both streams.  Project assistance was provided to ODFW for PIT-tagging of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, collection of captive brood parr, spawning of spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatchery, and spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon.

2005 Juvenile spring Chinook salmon were acclimated at Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde River facilities during March/April.  Pre-volitional and pre-forceout sampling was conducted.  Survival and migration timing to Lower Granite Dam were estimated for varisous groups of hatchery fish and compared to natural-origin fish.

Adult traps were operated on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River during March-August to catch summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon.  Spawning ground surveys were conducted on Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River.  Scales and genetics tissues were collected from both species.  Scales were aged to determine age composition.  Tissues were sent to NOAA-Fisheries and CRITFC for analysis.  Data were collected from adult spring Chinook salmon from both streams used as conventional broodstock.  Life histories of naturally-produced adult spring Chinook salmon were compared to hatchery-origin fish.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

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Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Complete environmental compliance requirements A: 165. Review of ESA Collection Permits as needed 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Assist ODFW in pre-transfer sampling of juvenile spring Chinook salmon at Lookingglass Hatcher B: 157. Pre-transfer sampling 03/31/2009 03/31/2009
Prerelease sampling C: 157. Prerelease sampling 05/01/2009 05/01/2009
Assist ODFW in collecting data from adult spring Chinook salmon used as conventional broodstock D: 157. Assist ODFW in collecting data from adult spring Chinook salmon 10/31/2009 10/31/2009
Assess tribal harvest of spring Chinook salmon E: 157. Assess tribal harvest of spring Chinook salmon 09/28/2009 08/28/2009
Assist ODFW in conducting spawning ground surveys for spring Chinook salmon. F: 157. Assist ODFW in conducting spawning ground surveys 09/24/2009 09/24/2009
PIT tag juvenile spring Chinook salmon G: 158. PIT tag juvenile spring Chinook salmon 10/31/2009 10/31/2009
Age scales of summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon. H: 157. Age summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon from Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde 11/26/2009 10/26/2009
Create and maintain databases I: 160. Create and maintain databases 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Obtain fish and environmental data J: 159. Obtain fish and environmental data 12/31/2009
Analyze summer steelhead data K: 162. Analyze adult summer steelhead life history data 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Analyze adult spring Chinook data L: 162. Analyze adult spring Chinook life history data 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Analyze juvenile spring Chinook life history data M: 162. Analyze juvenile spring Chinook life history data 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Run re-construction N: 162. Run reconstruction 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Develop predictive models. O: 162. Develop predictive models 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Post project data on the web. P: 161. Post project data on the web 12/31/2009
Peer-reviewed publications/presentations. Q: 183. Peer-reviewed publications/presentations. 12/31/2009
Project coordination R: 189. Coordinate project activities 12/31/2009 12/31/2009
Attach 08 Progress Report to PISCES S: 132. Submit Annual Report for the period 1/1/08 to 12/31/08 12/31/2009
Manage and administer project T: 119. Manage and Administer Project 12/31/2009 12/31/2009

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 183 Produce Journal Article
  • 6 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 4 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 183 Produce Journal Article
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 159 Transfer/Consolidate Regionally Standardized Data
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 2 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Review of ESA Collection Permits as needed 02/09/2007
B 157 Pre-transfer sampling 09/22/2009
C 157 Prerelease sampling
D 157 Assist ODFW in collecting data from adult spring Chinook salmon
E 157 Assess tribal harvest of spring Chinook salmon
F 157 Assist ODFW in conducting spawning ground surveys
G 158 PIT tag juvenile spring Chinook salmon
H 157 Age summer steelhead and spring Chinook salmon from Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde
I 160 Create and maintain databases 02/09/2007
J 159 Obtain fish and environmental data 02/09/2007
K 162 Analyze adult summer steelhead life history data 02/09/2007
L 162 Analyze adult spring Chinook life history data 02/09/2007
M 162 Analyze juvenile spring Chinook life history data 02/09/2007
N 162 Run reconstruction 02/09/2007
O 162 Develop predictive models 02/09/2007
P 161 Post project data on the web 02/09/2007
Q 183 Peer-reviewed publications/presentations. 02/09/2007
R 189 Coordinate project activities 02/09/2007
S 132 Submit Annual Report for the period 1/1/08 to 12/31/08 02/09/2007
T 119 Manage and Administer Project 02/09/2007
U 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007