Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 41524: 2008-311-00 EXP NATURAL PRODUCTION MGMT&MONITO
Project Number:
Natural Production Management and Monitoring
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau Deschutes 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
Spring Chinook salmon are an integral part of the cultural and spiritual identity of the people of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO), and are an essential aspect of tribal nutritional health.  The majority of natural production of this species in the Deschutes River Basin occurs on two stream systems on CTWSRO lands: the Warm Springs River and Shitike Creek.

Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Deschutes River basin are a part of the Middle Columbia River steelhead “distinct population segment” (DPS) that was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) on January 5, 2006 and further classified as an “evolutionarily significant unit” (ESU) (71 FR 834).  High stray rates of steelhead within the Deschutes River ESU have contributed to a decision by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to list Middle Columbia River steelhead as threatened.  

Both Chinook salmon and steelhead are culturally significant to the people of the CTWSRO but are also of high economic and recreational value to non-Indians.  This project addresses objectives of the Middle Columbia River Steelhead Recovery Plan, The Deschutes River Subbasin Plan, and the 2000 Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s Fish and Wildlife Program.

The proposed project will focus on the monitoring of populations of wild steelhead and spring Chinook salmon within the Lower Westside Deschutes Assessment Unit, as well as cooperative management and monitoring of hatchery-origin spring Chinook salmon from the Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery (WSNFH).  Project activities will take place in the Warm Springs River (and its tributaries) and Shitike Creek.  All streams are located on the tribal lands of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon.  

Key objectives for this contract will focus on monitoring the distribution and abundance of juvenile and adult spring Chinook and steelhead in reservation streams, investigating methods of increasing production, and determining the genetic characteristics of Oncorhynchus mykiss (resident Rainbow trout and anadromous steelhead) in the Warm Springs River Basin, and beginning a PIT tagging program.  

Methods that will be used to meet the monitoring objectives include the use of rotary screw traps for outmigrating juveniles, spawning ground surveys, and snorkeling surveys.    

Genetic samples will be collected from adult and juvenile O. mykiss in the Warm Springs River Basin at two locations:  at the outmigrant screw trap near the mouth of the river, at the Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery.  

Outmigrating juveniles of both Chinook and steelhead (O. mykiss) will be tagged with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags at the outmigrant traps.
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Contract End Date:
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Obtain & Submit Compliance Documentation A: 165. Produce Documentation For Environmental Compliance 07/31/2009 07/21/2009
Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Rotary Screw Trap (Shitike Cr) B: 70. Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Shitike Creek 02/28/2010 02/01/2010
Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Rotary Screw Trap (Warm Springs River) C: 70. Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Warm Spring River 02/28/2010 02/01/2010
Shitike Creek Outmigrant Data D: 157. Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile Steelhead & Chinook - Shitike Creek 12/18/2009 12/11/2009
Collect Data On Outmigrating Chinook Salmon & Steelhead In The Warm Springs River E: 157. Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile Steelhead & Chinook- Warm Springs River 12/18/2009 12/11/2009
Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek F: 162. Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek 02/26/2010 02/26/2010
Analyze Screw Trap Data G: 162. Analyze Screw Trap Data From Warm Springs River 02/26/2010 02/26/2010
Collect Genetic Samples From Wild Adult Steelhead H: 157. Collect Genetic Samples From Adult Steelhead & Rainbow Trout 06/30/2009 06/01/2009
Collect 200 Genetic Samples from Beaver Creek and the Warm Springs River I: 157. Collect Genetic Samples From Juvenile O. Mykiss In Beaver Creek & The Warm Springs River 12/18/2009 11/06/2009
Deliver Genetic Samples To CRITFC J: 162. Analyze Genetic Samples Collected From Steelhead The Warm Springs River Basin 01/15/2010 12/15/2009
Conduct Steelhead Redd Surveys K: 157. Spawning Ground Surveys (Steelhead Redd Counts) 06/05/2009 06/30/2009
Conduct Chinook Salmon Redd Surveys L: 157. Spawning Ground Surveys (Chinook Salmon Redd Counts) 10/16/2009 10/16/2009
Report Redd Count Data M: 162. Analyze & Report Spawning Ground Survey Data (Steelhead & Spring Chinook) 12/18/2009 12/18/2009
Conduct Summer Snorkel Surveys N: 157. Monitor Juvenile Salmonid Rearing - Snorkeling 09/11/2009 09/11/2009
Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data O: 162. Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data 02/26/2010 02/26/2010
Assist With Fish Handling Operations At The WSNFH. P: 157. Assist With Fish Handling At Warm Springs NFH 02/26/2010 02/26/2010
Outplant Hatchery Chinook Carcasses Q: 44. Carcass Outplanting (Hatchery Chinook) 12/01/2009 11/06/2009
Place Incubation Units In Streams, Monitor Success R: 59. Incubate Eggs (Steelhead-Warm Springs River and Beaver Creek) 08/14/2009 08/14/2009
1500 Juvenile Chinook, 500 Juvenile O. Mykiss (>100mm) Tagged S: 158. PIT Tag Steelhead & Chinook At Outmigrant Traps 12/18/2009 12/18/2009
Funding Package - Submit Draft To COTR V: 119. Project Administration and Management 11/30/2009 11/30/2009
Obtain & Submit Compliance Documentation W: 165. Produce Documentation For Environmental Compliance 07/28/2010
Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Rotary Screw Trap (Shitike Creek) X: 70. Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Shitike Creek 02/28/2011 02/28/2011
Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Rotary Screw Trap (Warm Springs River) Y: 70. Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Warm Spring River 02/28/2011 02/28/2011
Shitike Creek Outmigrant Data Z: 157. Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile O. mykiss & Chinook - Shitike Creek 12/17/2010 12/10/2010
Collect Data On Outmigrating Chinook Salmon & Steelhead In The Warm Springs River AA: 157. Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile O. mykiss & Chinook - Warm Springs River 12/17/2010
Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek AB: 162. Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek 02/18/2011 02/18/2011
Analyze Screw Trap Data AC: 162. Analyze Screw Trap Data From Warm Springs River 02/18/2011 02/18/2011
Collect Genetic Samples From Wild Adult Steelhead AD: 157. Collect Genetic Samples From Adult Steelhead & Rainbow Trout 06/25/2010
Archive genetic samples AE: 162. Archive Genetic Samples Collected From O. mykiss in The Warm Springs River Basin 01/31/2011
Conduct Steelhead Redd Surveys AF: 157. Spawning Ground Surveys (Steelhead Redd Counts) 06/25/2010 06/25/2010
Conduct Chinook Salmon Redd Surveys AG: 157. Spawning Ground Surveys (Chinook Salmon Redd Counts) 10/22/2010 10/22/2010
Report Redd Count Data AH: 162. Analyze & Report Spawning Ground Survey Data (Steelhead & Spring Chinook) 12/17/2010 12/17/2010
Conduct Summer Snorkel Surveys AI: 157. Monitor Juvenile Salmonid Rearing - Snorkeling 09/10/2010 09/08/2010
Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data AJ: 162. Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data 02/28/2011 02/28/2011
Assist With Fish Handling Operations At The WSNFH. AK: 157. Assist With Fish Handling At Warm Springs NFH 02/28/2011 02/28/2011
Up to 4000 Juvenile Chinook, 1000 Juvenile O. Mykiss (>100mm) Tagged AL: 158. PIT Tag Steelhead & Chinook At Outmigrant Traps 02/28/2011
Attach Progress Report in Pisces AM: 132. Submit Progress Report For The Period (Mar 2009) to (Feb 2010) 06/30/2010
Funding Package - Submit Draft To COTR AN: 119. Project Administration and Management 11/30/2010

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
  • 1 instance of WE 44 Enhance Nutrients in Water Bodies
  • 4 instances of WE 70 Install Fish Monitoring Equipment
  • 9 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 9 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 44 Enhance Nutrients in Water Bodies
  • 1 instance of WE 59 Incubate Eggs
  • 4 instances of WE 70 Install Fish Monitoring Equipment
  • 12 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 2 instances of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 8 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 2 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Produce Documentation For Environmental Compliance 02/09/2007
B 70 Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Shitike Creek 11/27/2007
C 70 Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Warm Spring River 11/27/2007
D 157 Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile Steelhead & Chinook - Shitike Creek 11/27/2007
E 157 Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile Steelhead & Chinook- Warm Springs River 11/27/2007
F 162 Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek 02/09/2007
G 162 Analyze Screw Trap Data From Warm Springs River 02/09/2007
H 157 Collect Genetic Samples From Adult Steelhead & Rainbow Trout 04/02/2009
I 157 Collect Genetic Samples From Juvenile O. Mykiss In Beaver Creek & The Warm Springs River 07/22/2009
J 162 Analyze Genetic Samples Collected From Steelhead The Warm Springs River Basin 02/09/2007
K 157 Spawning Ground Surveys (Steelhead Redd Counts) 11/27/2007
L 157 Spawning Ground Surveys (Chinook Salmon Redd Counts) 11/27/2007
M 162 Analyze & Report Spawning Ground Survey Data (Steelhead & Spring Chinook) 02/09/2007
N 157 Monitor Juvenile Salmonid Rearing - Snorkeling 11/27/2007
O 162 Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data 02/09/2007
P 157 Assist With Fish Handling At Warm Springs NFH 11/27/2007
Q 44 Carcass Outplanting (Hatchery Chinook) 11/27/2007
R 59 Incubate Eggs (Steelhead-Warm Springs River and Beaver Creek) 05/12/2009
S 158 PIT Tag Steelhead & Chinook At Outmigrant Traps 04/02/2009
T 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/09/2007
U 132 No Annual Progress Report Due 02/09/2007
V 119 Project Administration and Management 02/09/2007
W 165 Produce Documentation For Environmental Compliance 03/01/2009
X 70 Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Shitike Creek 07/21/2010
Y 70 Install/Monitor/Remove/Maintain Screw Trap - Warm Spring River 07/21/2010
Z 157 Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile O. mykiss & Chinook - Shitike Creek 07/21/2010
AA 157 Collect Data On Outmigrating Juvenile O. mykiss & Chinook - Warm Springs River 07/21/2010
AB 162 Analyze Screw Trap Data From Shitike Creek 03/01/2009
AC 162 Analyze Screw Trap Data From Warm Springs River 03/01/2009
AD 157 Collect Genetic Samples From Adult Steelhead & Rainbow Trout 03/01/2009
AE 162 Archive Genetic Samples Collected From O. mykiss in The Warm Springs River Basin 03/01/2009
AF 157 Spawning Ground Surveys (Steelhead Redd Counts) 07/21/2010
AG 157 Spawning Ground Surveys (Chinook Salmon Redd Counts) 07/21/2010
AH 162 Analyze & Report Spawning Ground Survey Data (Steelhead & Spring Chinook) 03/01/2009
AI 157 Monitor Juvenile Salmonid Rearing - Snorkeling 07/21/2010
AJ 162 Analyze Juvenile Salmonid Snorkeling Data 03/01/2009
AK 157 Assist With Fish Handling At Warm Springs NFH 07/21/2010
AL 158 PIT Tag Steelhead & Chinook At Outmigrant Traps 07/21/2010
AM 132 Submit Progress Report For The Period (Mar 2009) to (Feb 2010) 03/01/2009
AN 119 Project Administration and Management 03/01/2009