39993: 1989-098-00 EXP SALMON STUDIES ID RVRS - NPT
50465: 1989-098-00 EXP - ISS / NPT IDAHO SALMON STUDIES
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The ISS program began in 1992. In 2005, to respond to ISRP recommendations, the program’s data sets were assessed, and the original ISS study design was updated. The data set review indicated the data will be sufficient to address the program’s two main goals (defined above) and that the ANOVA technique proposed in the original study design would be appropriate for much of the analysis. Alternatively, regression and graphical techniques were also developed for some data sets as recommended by the ISRP. The effect of general production hatchery strays into ISS study streams was also addressed in the updated study design. Additional carcass collections were initiated to better quantify the magnitude of this unintended supplementation and will be continued throughout the remainder of the program. We also developed a supplemental proposal to use microsatellite DNA parentage analyses to addres... s the relative reproductive success of natural, supplementation, and general production fish in a subset of study streams. However, this would represent a large and costly commitment by the region, and would require additional funds.
Of the 30 streams involved in the ISS program, the NPT portion of the project encompasses nine (9) streams; 5 in the Clearwater River sub-basin (Lolo Creek, Eldorado Creek, Newsome Creek, Fishing Creek, and Legendary Bear Creek) and 4 in the Salmon River sub-basin (Slate Creek, Secesh River, Lake Creek, and Johnson Creek). Treatment streams include Lolo Creek, Newsome Creek, Fishing Creek, Legendary Bear Creek, and Johnson Creek. The remainder are control streams (Eldorado Creek, Slate Creek, Secesh River, and Lake Creek). The Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery program (NPTH) (BPA Project No. 1983-350-03) collects all carcass and redd survey data required by the ISS program in Eldorado Creek, Lolo Creek, and Newsome Creek, and operates adult weirs and juvenile traps on Lolo Creek and Newsome Creek. All data that is collected is provided to the cooperative ISS project as needed. The Johnson Creek Artificial Propagation Enhancement program (JCAPE) (BPA Project No. 1996-043-00) collects all data required by the ISS program and operates an adult weir and juvenile trap on Johnson Creek. All data that is collected is provided to the cooperative ISS project as needed. The Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring in Secesh River, Idaho program (BPA Contract No. 1997-030-00) operates a DIDSON weir in Secesh River for adult abundance estimates. All data that is collected is provided to the cooperative ISS project as needed. The NPT ISS project (BPA Project No. 1989-098-02) collects all ISS data in Fishing Creek, Legendary Bear Creek, Slate Creek, Lake Creek, and Secesh River and operates juvenile traps in Lake Creek and Secesh River. NPT ISS also operates a video weir on Lake Creek. This weir is a passive weir and allows an adult count into Lake Creek without handling the fish. All data that is collected is provided to the cooperative ISS project as needed. Coordination between all projects is required to maintain standardization of all data collected by all factions involved within ISS. When personnel or equipment shortages might occur within cooperating agencies, NPT ISS personnel and equipment are available for temporary use to install or operate equipment or to collect other data as needed to maintain consistent operations and data for the entire cooperative ISS program.
Since the streams involved in the ISS program are encompassed within numerous National Forests, National Forest Ranger Districts, State, and private lands, coordination amongst numerous Federal, State, Local, and private organizations and individual land owners is required. Additionally, whether taken directly or indirectly, listed species are taken and coordination with the Federal agencies that are responsible for recovery is necessary (NMFS, USFWS, and State). A core group of project leaders from each cooperative agency collects and assembles all the data for evaluation and report writing. Annual reports (based on brood year) are assembled by cooperators, routed to cooperator agencies for approval, and sent to BPA for posting on their website. As with all cooperators, NPT ISS is available to assist temporarily any cooperator install or maintain equipment, collect data, or coordinate activities as needed.
For the majority of the tasks for this contract (January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010), the project is completing work in the third of PHASE III of the design. All tasks described in the 2010 SOW and the work elements are simply a continuation of the project. There are no changes in tasks from 2009.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.
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