Land acquisition planning |
B: 172. Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities (KTOI) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
KTOI Project Coordination and Oversight |
C: 119. Project Management (KTOI) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Attach Progress Report in Pisces |
D: 132. Submit Annual Report for FY10 (KTOI) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Land acquisition planning |
E: 172. Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities (KTOI) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
KTOI Project Coordination and Oversight |
F: 119. Project Management (KTOI) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Attach Progress Report in Pisces |
G: 132. Submit Annual Report for FY11 (KTOI) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Provide coordination, support, review & integration for River Restoration Plan. |
H: 122. Provide Technical Review & Integration for Project Planning & Implementation (CFS) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Project design & implementation |
I: 119. Manage & Administer Project (CFS) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Provide coordination, support, review & integration for River Restoration Plan. |
J: 122. Provide Technical Review & Integration for Project Planning & Implementation (CFS) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Coordination and integration of scientific information. |
K: 119. Manage & Administer Project (CFS) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Project Planning (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
L: 119. Project Planning (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Data Collection for Habitat Enhance Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
M: 157. Data Collection for Habitat Enhance Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Modeling and Analysis (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
N: 162. Modeling and Data Analysis (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Open File Report (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
O: 183. Prepare an Open File Report (USGS-ID) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Project Planning (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
P: 119. Project Planning (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Data Collection for Habitat Enhance Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
Q: 157. Data Collection for Habitat Enhance Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Modeling and Analysis (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
R: 162. Modeling and Data Analysis (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Open File Report (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
S: 183. Prepare an Open File Report (USGS-ID) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Validate data & information on wintering & foraging behavior for 2010 season |
T: 157. Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) -FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Analysis of wintering & foraging behavior of KRW Sturgeon |
U: 162. Analyze & Interpret Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Report on wintering & foraging behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon |
V: 141. Reports on Results of Studies on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Validate data & information on wintering & foraging behavior for 2011 season |
W: 157. Collect, Generate & Validate Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) -FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
03/30/2012 |
Analysis of wintering & foraging behavior of KRW Sturgeon |
X: 162. Analyze & Interpret Data on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Report on wintering & foraging behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon |
Y: 141. Reports on Results of Studies on Behavior of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon (USGS-MA, BK-Riverfish) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Data from studies on sex pheromone communication in Kootenai River White Sturgeon |
Z: 157. Collect, Generate, Validate Data to Chemical Communication Systems in White Sturgeon (D. Close)-FY10 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Analysis of data from studies on sex pheromone communication in Kootenai River White Sturgeon |
AA: 162. Analyze Data to Understand Chemical Communication Systems in White Sturgeon (D. Close) - FY10 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Progress report on 3 year study to determine sex pheromone communication in KRW Sturgeon |
AB: 141. Produce an Interim Report on Initial Findings (D. Close) - FY10 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Data from studies on sex pheromone communication in Kootenai River White Sturgeon |
AC: 157. Collect, Generate, Validate Data to Chemical Communication Systems in White Sturgeon (D. Close)-FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Analysis of data from studies on sex pheromone communication in Kootenai River White Sturgeon |
AD: 162. Analyze Data to Understand Chemical Communication Systems in White Sturgeon (D. Close) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Progress report on 3 year study to determine sex pheromone communication in KRW Sturgeon |
AE: 141. Produce an Interim Report on Initial Findings (D. Close) - FY11 |
01/31/2012 |
10/12/2011 |
Portions of 3 year study for FY 2011 may be published in scientific journals |
AF: 183. Results Published in Scientific Journals (D. Close) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
Presentation of technical deliverables, project coordination and technical integration |
AG: 175. Project Management & Coordination of Technical Design Work (RDG) - FY10 |
03/31/2011 |
03/31/2011 |
Feasibility Report for Phase 1 projects |
AH: 175. Conduct Feasibility Analysis for Technical Design Work - Phase 1 (RDG) - FY10 |
04/30/2010 |
04/30/2010 |
Preliminary Phase 1 Design Report |
AI: 175. Develop Preliminary Design for Phase 1 Projects (RDG) - FY10 |
07/30/2010 |
07/30/2010 |
Final Phase 1 Design Report and Implementation Package |
AJ: 175. Develop Final Design for Phase 1 Projects (RDG) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Feasibility Report Phase 2 projects |
AK: 175. Conduct Feasibility Analysis for Phase 2 Projects (RDG) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Presentation of technical deliverables, project coordination and technical integration |
AL: 175. Project Management, Coordination & Review for Preliminary Design - Phase 2 (RDG) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
On-site implementation support and as-built drawings |
AM: 100. Construction Management Support - Phase 1 (RDG) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
01/30/2012 |
Preliminary Phase 2 Design Report |
AN: 175. Develop Preliminary Design for Phase 2 (RDG) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
02/28/2012 |
Monthly progress reports, including expense detail to support invoicing. |
AO: 119. Project Management & Coordination of Adaptive Management (Geum) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Meeting agendas and supporting material; minutes documenting decisions and action items. |
AP: 174. Involvement & Integration in Design Workshops to Support Data & Information (Geum) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Monitoring plan; information management tools; documentation of coordination with KTOI & co-managers |
AQ: 174. Coordinate, Develop & Produce Adaptive Management Program (Geum) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Data summary reports and GIS geodatabases. |
AR: 157. Collect & Validate Data to Support Renegotiation & Flood Plain Restoration - Phase 2 & 3 (Geum)-FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Narrative report on existing land uses & management in Meander Reach & implications for restoration. |
AS: 175. Support Design Development for Phase 1 & 2 (Geum) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Narrative description of treatments to support environmental compliance & permitting |
AT: 175. Support Preliminary & Final Design - Phase 1, 2 & 3 (Geum) - FY10 |
05/31/2011 |
05/31/2011 |
Monthly progress reports, including expense detail to support invoicing. |
AU: 119. Project Management & Coordination of Adaptive Management (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Meeting agendas and supporting material; minutes documenting decisions and action items. |
AV: 174. Involvement & Integration in Design Workshops to support Adaptive Management (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Final monitoring plan; information management tools; documentation of coordination |
AW: 174. Coordinate, Develop & Produce Adaptive Management Program (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Narrative report identifying restoration opportunities and constraints in the Meander Reach. |
AX: 175. Conduct Feasibility Analysis to Support Project Selection for Phase 3 (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Narrative description of treatments to support environmental compliance & permitting; design drawing |
AY: 175. Support Preliminary & Final Design for Phase 2 & 3 (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Implementation monitoring reports and field logs of oversight activities. |
AZ: 100. Construction Management for Phase 1 (Geum) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
01/27/2012 |
Support products and documents for outreach and education for project stakeholders |
BA: 99. Provide Services & Products to Support Outreach & Education (Open Book Odyssey) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Support products and documents for outreach and education for project stakeholders |
BB: 99. Provide Services & Products to Support Outreach & Education (Open Book Odyssey) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Documentation, progress on FY 10 SOW and budget. |
BC: 119. Project Management, Facilitation, Communciations, Information Management (DJW, Ziji) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Coordinate & prepare information for internal team meetings & workshops. |
BD: 119. Provide Services (attendance and/or management of) Project Meetings (DJW, Ziji) - FY10 |
03/31/2011 |
03/31/2011 |
Delivery of a final FY10 progress report to KTOI (for NPCC, BPA) & final Draft FY11 budget delivered |
BE: 119. Progress Reporting, Budget Development & Tracking (DJW, Ziji) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Documentation, progress on FY 11 SOW and budget. |
BF: 119. Project Management, Facilitation, Communciations, Information Management (DJW, Ziji) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Coordinate & prepare information for internal team meetings & workshops. |
BG: 119. Provide Services (attendance and/or management of) Project Meetings (DJW, Ziji) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Delivery of a final FY11 progress report to KTOI (for NPCC, BPA) & final Draft FY12 budget delivered |
BH: 119. Progress Reporting, Budget Development & Tracking (DJW, Ziji) - FY11 |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Plan and initial tools for information needs to support the adaptive management decision making |
BI: 160. Plan, Improve & Develop Data & Information Management for Adaptive Management (Data) - FY10 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Updated plan & expansion of tools for information needs to support the adaptive management decisions |
BJ: 160. Plan, Improve & Develop Data & Information Management for Adaptive Management (Data) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Project team will be kept apprised of environmental coordination issues |
BK: 165. Provide input documentation, integration of Critical EC Issues During Feasibility & Design(MEI)-FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Permit and approval applications, process tracking, and issued approvals |
BL: 165. Develop & Submit Phase 1 Permit Applications (MEI) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Products will be associated with the initiation of this regulatory process. |
BM: 165. Support NEPA Process for Phase 2 Projects (MEI) - FY10 |
04/30/2012 |
03/30/2012 |
Status summaries of environmental compliance efforts will be prepared twice a year. |
BN: 165. Biannual EC Progress Reports (MEI) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
12/31/2010 |
Project team will be kept apprised of environmental coordination issues |
BO: 165. Provide input documentation, integration of Critical EC issues during Feasibility & Design(MEI)-FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
04/30/2012 |
Permit and approval application process tracking and issued approvals |
BP: 165. Continuation of Securing Phase 1 Permits & Approvals (MEI) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Coordination of Phase 2 permit & EC processes. |
BQ: 165. Initiate Phase 2 Permitting (MEI) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
NEPA for Phase 2 project initiated |
BR: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Coordination & Preparation (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for geology and soils |
BS: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Geology & Soils (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for water resources |
BT: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Water Resources (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for biological resources |
BU: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Biological Resources (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for cultural resources |
BV: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Cultural (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for Air, Noise, Health and Public Safety |
BW: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Air, Noise, Health & Public Safety (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for Visual analysis |
BX: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Visuals (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for Land Use, Transportation & Recreation |
BY: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Land Use, Transportation & Recreation (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for Socioeconomics |
BZ: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Socioeconomics (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Initial NEPA work completed for Cumulative Effects |
CA: 165. Phase 2 NEPA Compliance - Cumulative Effects (NEPA Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Work plan for identifying & securing additional funds |
CB: 174. Provide a Funding Strategy & Plan for the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration (Evergreen) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Support KTOI in Implementation of project cost sharing |
CC: 174. Implement Funding Strategy (Evergreen) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Expert Technical Review per KTOI request |
CD: 122. Provide Expert Technical Review for Phase 2 Projects (Technical Reviewers) - FY10 |
01/31/2011 |
01/31/2011 |
Expert Technical Review per KTOI request |
CE: 122. Provide Expert Technical Review for Phase 2 Projects (Technical Reviewers) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Feasibility Report for Phase 3 Projects |
CF: 175. Conduct Feasibility Analysis for Phase 3 Projects (RDG) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Pre-construction Services |
CG: 122. Provide Pre-Construction Services for Final Design Phase 1 (KTOI Contractor) - FY11 |
08/01/2011 |
08/01/2011 |
Material Acquisition for Habitat Restoration Project |
CH: 98. Material Acquisition (KTOI Contractor) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
04/27/2012 |
Completed projects for Phase 1 Braided Reach 1 (1a and 1b) |
CI: 29. Increase Instream Habitat Complexity and Stabilization (GFB) - FY11 |
04/27/2012 |
11/16/2011 |
Install Fence for Phase 1 Braided Reach 1 Projects |
CJ: 40. Install Fence (GFB) - FY11 |
04/30/2012 |
11/23/2011 |
Acquisition and delivery of cuttings, planting, and seeding to Phase 1 Braided Reach 1 areas |
CK: 47. Plant Vegetation (GFB) - FY11 |
11/30/2011 |
11/16/2011 |