Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 46784: 199901700 EXP NPT LAPWAI CREEK WATERSHED REST.
Project Number:
Protect and Restore Lapwai Creek Watershed
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Snake Clearwater 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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  • 52657: 1999-017-00 EXP N LAPWAI CREEK WATERSHED REST.
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Contract Description:
Justification for NC Contract amendment in April 2011 --

Lapwai Creek and Sweetwater Creek recently experienced a flood event the weekend of April 1-3 and high flows continued through the week.  This flooding, along with snow accumulation in the upper watershed, has impacted the potential to complete several Work Elements in Contract #46784, which expires April 30, 2011.  The NPT has established contracts with contractors to complete the work, but do to the existing weather conditions and stream discharge flows the contractors will not be able to complete this work by April 30th.  Work Elements H – L, Q-R involve removing non functioning levees, which under current conditions is not feasible.  I spoke with the local power company who will be installing power for Work Element M and they felt work could be completed in May but current soil conditions have too high of a water content.  Based on this I am requesting a 60 day extension for this contract.  Below is a table listing which Work Elements are at risk of not being completed.   I will call you in a few minutes to discuss this further.

WE ID Work Element                                                  Title
H 29 Increase Instream Habitat Complexity Stablize eroded stream bank on TU 3123
K 47 Plant Vegetation                                 Plant Native trees and shrubs on TU 3125
L 29 Increase Instream Habitat Complexity Stablize eroded stream bank on TU 3125
M 34 Develop Alternative Water Source Develop alternative water source for livestock on TA 365
N 34 Develop Alternative Water Source Develop alternative water source for livestock on Waha Unit
Q 47 Plant Vegetation                                 Plant Native trees and shrubs on TU 348
R 29 Increase Instream Habitat Complexity Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 348


Our mission is to work proactively within the region’s diverse landscapes to restore and protect the ecological processes of the Lapwai Creek watershed to the greatest extent possible.  We will work to rehabilitate habitat that will support healthy, self-sustaining fish populations and provide clean water for the benefit of all.  We will work within present challenges and opportunities toward achieving a balance whereby all communities can thrive for generations to come.

Hé-yey, Nez Perce for steelhead or rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), are a culturally and ecologically significant resource of the Lapwai Creek watershed and comprise a portion of the federally listed Snake River Basin Steelhead distinct population segment (DPS).  The majority of the Lapwai Creek drainage is federally identified as critical habitat for this DPS while also providing habitat for the federally listed Snake River Nacó’x, or fall chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), evolutionarily significant unit (ESU).  The Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District (District) and the Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management- Watershed (Tribe), in an effort to support the continued existence of these and other aquatic species, have developed the "Strategy for the Restoration of Lapwai Creek Watershed" document to direct efforts and resources toward the highest priority restoration projects and areas of the Lapwai Creek watershed.  The prioritization framework considered four aspects to determine the relative importance of performing restoration in a certain area: density of critical fish species, physical condition of the AU, water quantity, and water quality.  It was established, through vigorous data analysis within these four areas, that the top three areas to pursue restoration within the Lapwai Creek watershed are Lapwai Creek from stream km 17-34, Sweetwater Creek from the mouth to km 13 and from the mouth of Lapwai Creek to km 17.


The "Strategy for the Ecological Restoration of Lapwai Creek Watershed," which was completed under the FY 07 contract, was the main reference for prioritizing implementation and developing the FY 10 SOW.  

The NRAMP inventory and project selection will continue on tribal and private properties within the areas identified as priority assessment units in the "Strategy for the Ecological Restoration of Lapwai Creek Watershed."  The NRAMP protocol will complete an inventory, assessment, and management plans to identify stream/watershed restoration projects on 5-10 properties within the top three prioritized assessment units in the Lapwai Creek watershed.  Restoration projects identified and selected through the NRAMP process will be prioritized for implementation in the future.

Implementation projects planned for the 2010 SOW include:
o  Tribal Trust Unit 3123 - design and implementation of 7.0 acres of wetland, bank stabilization, and riparian restoration within the newly established riparian buffer.
o  Tribal Trust Unit 3125 - design and implementation of 150 feet of bank stabilization, 0.3 acres of weed control and 0.3 acres of riparian planting.
o  Tribal Allotment 365- design and implementation of of permanent power supply to off-site water.
o  Waha Unit - design and implementation of 300 feet of riparian fencing to exclude livestock from aquatic and riparian areas coupled with alternative water development.
o  Tribal Trust Unit 348- design and implementation of 500 feet of bank stabilization, 3.0 acres of weed control and 3.0 acres of riparian planting.

In addition to the development of new projects, it is necessary to continue some specific project maintenance actions through the FY 2010 contract year.  Annual maintenance will be preformed on 14 miles of fence projects that were constructed between 2003 and 2008 to exclude livestock from aquatic and riparian areas on parcels throughout the Lapwai Creek Watershed.   Weed control, plant maintenance and occasional adjustments of project components will continue on 40 acres on Tribal Trust Unit 3125.  

Outreach and education to the general public, fellow professionals, and high school and college students will continue.  This will include providing opportunities for local student and community volunteers to actively participate in the implementation of our restoration projects. Partners include the Nez Perce Soil and Water Conservation District and the Nez Perce Tribe Water Resources and Land Services Departments.

Property Inventory Changes

From Contract #42241 to CR-127505
Versio Hard Drive
17" CTX Flatscreen Monitor
Wacker BH23 Gas Breaker
Pygmy current meter
Garmin Etrex Venture GPS units
Trimble GeoExplorer XM                
Trimble GeoExplorer XM                  
Pionjar 120 Gas Drill
Dell Optiplex GX620 Computer
EMTAC Bluetooth GPS Receiver
Bushnell Sport Rangefinder
Maxtor 120 GB Hard Drive
Propane Torch

From Contract #42176 to Contract # 43397
Minolta DiMage S414 digital camera
Minolta DiMage S414 digital camera
Garmin Etrex Venture GPS units
500 um Surber Sampler w/case
Aluminum ATV ramps
Honda TRX350FE3 ATV
Honda TRX350FE3 ATV
Zieman 3 place ATV trailer
LR-24 w/rattail & 2 anode rings
LR-24 w/rattail & 2 anode rings
1 piece Anode Rods
Scout-Pro 400g balance
LaserMark LMH Rotary Laser
4 foot top-setting rod
Globalstar Satellite Phone-7637
Globalstar Satellite Phone-7639
Globalstar Satellite Phone-7635
Dell Optiplex GX620 Computer

From Contract #42241to Contract # 43397
2 piece Anode Rods
Scout-Pro 400g balance
1.5m top-setting rod
AquaCalc Pro
Price AA current meter
aluminum tripod
Oakton conductivity tester
Honda TRX350FE3 ATV
Bushnell laser rangefinder

From Contract #42241to Contract # 41069
HP Color Printer
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
Click the map to see this Contract's location details.

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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Stephanie Breeden Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5192
David Byrnes Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3171
Arleen Henry Nez Perce Tribe No Administrative Contact (208) 621-3833
Bobby Hills Nez Perce Tribe Yes Contract Manager (208) 621-3537
Bruce Hollen Bonneville Power Administration Yes Interested Party (503) 230-5756
Paul Krueger Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5723
Justin Peterson Nez Perce Tribe Yes Technical Contact (208) 621-3545
Emmit Taylor, Jr. Nez Perce Tribe Yes Supervisor (208) 621-3544
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
ESA/NEPA/NHPA Compliance complete A: 165. ESA/NEPA/NHPA Compliance for Implementation Projects 04/30/2011
Completed NRAMP Step 1 on Tribal Properties B: 115. Inventory, Assess and Develop Restoration Plans using NRAMP 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
Project Designs for Areas Prioritized by the 10-year Plan and NRAMP Step 1 C: 114. Select, Prioritize, and Obtain Permission for Projects Recommended by NRAMP 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
14 Miles of Previously Constructed Fence Maintained D: 186. Maintain 14 Miles of Previously Constructed Fence 04/30/2011 04/15/2011
TU 30 2,500 ft Remeander Design Completed E: 175. Remeander TU 30 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
13 Acres of Invasive Plant Species Controlled F: 53. Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3123 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
7.0 Acres of Wetland Restored G: 181. Restore wetland on TU 3123 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
200 feet of eroded streambank stabilized H: 29. Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 3123 06/30/2011 06/27/2011
40 Acres of Invasive Plant Species Controlled I: 53. Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3125 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
0.3 Acres of Invasive Plant Management J: 53. Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3125 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
0.03 Acres of Native Vegetation Planted K: 47. Plant native trees and shrubs on TU 3125 06/30/2011
150 feet of eroded streambank stabilized L: 29. Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 3125 06/30/2011 06/29/2011
Alternative water source developed on TA 365 M: 34. Develop alternative water source for livestock on TA 365 06/30/2011 06/30/2011
Alternative water source developed on Waha Unit N: 34. Develop alternative water source for livestock on Waha Unit 06/30/2011
300 feet of Stream/Riparian Fence Constructed O: 40. Construct Riparian Protection Fence on Waha Unit 04/30/2011 04/29/2011
3.0 Acres of Invasive Plant Management P: 53. Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 348 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
3.0 Acres of Native Vegetation Planted Q: 47. Plant native trees and shrubs on TU 348 06/30/2011
500 feet of eroded streambank stabilized R: 29. Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 348 06/30/2011 06/29/2011
Lapwai Creek Education and Outreach S: 99. Lapwai Creek Project Area Education and Outreach 04/30/2011 04/30/2011
FY 11 SOW Package and FY 10 Accrual Estimate T: 119. Management, Coordination and Communication 02/21/2011 02/21/2011
Final FY 09 annual report attached to this contract U: 132. Produce (Annual) Progress Report for Period 5/1/09-4/30/10 02/28/2011 02/28/2011

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 3 instances of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 53 Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 ESA/NEPA/NHPA Compliance for Implementation Projects 05/01/2010
B 115 Inventory, Assess and Develop Restoration Plans using NRAMP 05/01/2010
C 114 Select, Prioritize, and Obtain Permission for Projects Recommended by NRAMP 05/01/2010
D 186 Maintain 14 Miles of Previously Constructed Fence 05/01/2010
E 175 Remeander TU 30 05/01/2010
F 53 Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3123 09/17/2010
G 181 Restore wetland on TU 3123 09/17/2010
H 29 Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 3123 09/22/2010
I 53 Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3125 06/23/2010
J 53 Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 3125 06/23/2010
K 47 Plant native trees and shrubs on TU 3125 06/23/2010
L 29 Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 3125 06/23/2010
M 34 Develop alternative water source for livestock on TA 365 09/22/2010
N 34 Develop alternative water source for livestock on Waha Unit
O 40 Construct Riparian Protection Fence on Waha Unit
P 53 Treat Exotic Invasive Plant Species on TU 348 09/22/2010
Q 47 Plant native trees and shrubs on TU 348 09/17/2010
R 29 Stabilize eroded stream bank on TU 348 09/17/2010
S 99 Lapwai Creek Project Area Education and Outreach 05/01/2010
T 119 Management, Coordination and Communication 05/01/2010
U 132 Produce (Annual) Progress Report for Period 5/1/09-4/30/10 05/01/2010
V 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 05/01/2010