Obtain environmental compliance |
B: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation for all applicable work on Coho Reintroduction |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Facility Design, Facility Permitting, Studies, and Surveys for the Step 2 process |
C: 169. Continue the Step 2 process towards implementation of Long-Term Plan |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Council/BPA approval to proceed to construction |
D: 170. Begin with proceeding into the Step 3 of the 3-Step process |
12/13/2011 |
Conduct and document maintenance and repair activities |
E: 61. Subcontract O&M for maintenance of facilities |
01/29/2012 |
01/29/2012 |
Manage and administer project, February 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012 |
F: 119. Manage and Administer 2011-2012 Project for Mid Columbia Coho Restoration |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Acclimated smolts released |
G: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Coulter Creek pond (BY 2009) |
06/10/2011 |
06/10/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
H: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Beaver Creek pond (BY 2009) |
06/10/2011 |
06/10/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
I: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Rohlfing's pond (BY 2009) |
06/09/2011 |
06/09/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
J: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Nason Creek wetlands (BY 2009) |
06/08/2011 |
06/08/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
K: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Butcher Creek Pond (BY 2009) |
06/11/2011 |
06/11/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
L: 176. Acclimation/Release: Wenatchee: Leavenworth NFH (BY 2009) |
04/30/2011 |
04/30/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
M: 176. Acclimation/Release: Winthrop NFH back channel rearing (BY 2009) |
06/01/2011 |
06/01/2011 |
Acclimated smolts released |
N: 176. Acclimation/Release: Methow: Twisp Ponds (BY 2009) |
06/07/2011 |
06/07/2009 |
CWT tag fish BY2010 |
O: 158. Mark/Tag Animals - Subcontract CWT of approximately 1,500,000 BY10 coho pre-smolts |
10/30/2011 |
10/30/2011 |
Collection of 2011 Coho Broodstock: Wenatchee and Methow programs |
P: 66. Trap 2011 broodstock at Dryden, Tumwater, Wells, LTP, Methow FH, Winthrop NFH and LNFH |
12/08/2011 |
12/08/2011 |
Spawn 2010 brood coho at Leavenworth NFH |
Q: 176. Spawn 2011 brood coho at Leavenworth NFH |
11/28/2011 |
11/28/2011 |
Spawn 2011 coho broodstock at Winthrop NFH |
R: 176. Spawn 2011 brood coho at Winthrop NFH |
11/26/2011 |
11/26/2011 |
Carcass distribution for BY2011 broodstock |
S: 44. Carcass dispersal of a portion of 2011 broodstock in the Wenatchee and 100% Methow River programs |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Incubate 2011 Wenatchee brood coho eggs at the Peshastin Incubation Facility |
T: 176. Incubate 2011 brood coho eggs at the Peshastin Incubation Facilities |
01/15/2012 |
01/15/2012 |
Transport 2011 BY eyed coho eggs to rearing facilities |
U: 66. Transport 2011 brood eyed-eggs from incubation facilities to rearing facilities |
01/16/2012 |
01/16/2012 |
Coho redd counts and spawning composition for the 2011 BY |
V: 157. Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Wenatchee Basin |
01/31/2012 |
12/31/2011 |
2011 BY coho redd counts and spawning composition |
W: 157. Conduct spawning ground surveys for the 2011 brood in the Methow Basin |
12/31/2011 |
12/31/2011 |
Completed database |
X: 157. Collect biological data from 2011 brood coho at spawning |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
CWT recovery data from the 2011 BY |
Y: 157. Extract CWT from 2011 brood coho snouts collected at spawning and on spawning ground surveys |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Out-plant a portion of 2011 coho returns: LNFH ladder to Nason Creek |
Z: 66. Outplant a portion of the 2011 returns collected at LNFH to the upper Wenatchee Basin |
12/01/2011 |
12/01/2011 |
Juvenile fish transfer of the 2010 BY for overwintering at Leavenworth NFH |
AA: 66. Transport BY10 coho from LCR facilities to LNFH for overwinter acclimation |
12/15/2011 |
12/15/2011 |
PIT tag fish 2010 BY |
AB: 158. Mark/Tag Animals - PIT-tag 52,000 BY10 coho pre-smolts |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Analyze data from 2010 BY |
AC: 162. Analyze and interpret M&E data from 2010 brood |
01/31/2012 |
01/31/2012 |
Enter data |
AD: 160. Enter data into and maintain local databases |
09/30/2011 |
09/30/2011 |
Collect data from 2009 and 2010BY |
AE: 157. Collect/Generate Field and Lab Data to determine 2011 emergence timing, growth and distributio |
10/15/2011 |
10/15/2011 |
Finalize FY 10 progress report uploaded/attached in Pisces |
AF: 132. Submit Annual Report for the FY10 period (10/1/09 to 9/30/10) |
03/31/2011 |
08/05/2011 |
Multiyear report uploaded/attached in Pisces |
AG: 141. Submit comprehensive brood report for Mid Columbia Coho Reintroduction Program |
01/31/2012 |