Province | Subbasin | % |
Mountain Snake | Salmon | 100.00% |
* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.
Full Name | Organization | Write Permission | Contact Role | Work Phone | |
Mickey Carter | Bonneville Power Administration | No | Interested Party | | (503) 230-5885 |
Chad Colter | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | Yes | Supervisor | | (208) 239-4553 |
Joe Deherrera | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | COR | | (503) 230-3442 |
Israel Duran | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | Env. Compliance Lead | | (503) 230-3967 |
Andre Kohler | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | Yes | Contract Manager | | (208) 239-4566 |
Paul Krueger | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | F&W Approver | | (503) 230-5723 |
Kristi Van Leuven | Bonneville Power Administration | Yes | Contracting Officer | | (503) 230-3605 |
Dawn Williams | Shoshone-Bannock Tribes | No | Interested Party | | (208) 478-3927 |
Deliverable Title | WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title | Start | End | Concluded |
Environmental compliance | A: 165. Produce Contract Environmental Compliance and Permitting Documentation | 04/30/2012 | 04/25/2012 | |
Funding Package - Submit draft to COTR | B: 119. Contract Management and Administration | 02/01/2012 | 02/01/2012 | |
Baseline and treatment period data collections, analyses, and reporting summaries | C: 157. Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams | 02/29/2012 | 02/29/2012 | |
Chemical, physical, and biological variable data analyses | D: 162. Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data Evaluations | 03/31/2012 | 03/31/2012 | |
Dissemination of SRBNE related raw and/or summary data and results | E: 161. Facilitate the dissemination of summary data and results | 04/30/2012 | 04/25/2012 | |
PIT tag juvenile salmonid fishes | F: 158. PIT Tag Salmonids for Growth and Survival Evaluations | 10/31/2011 | 10/31/2011 | |
PTAGIS database transfers | G: 159. Upload PIT Tag Data to Centralized Database | 02/29/2012 | 02/29/2012 | |
Attach Progress Report in Pisces | H: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period 1 May, 2010 to 30 April, 2011 | 04/15/2012 | 04/15/2012 |
Primary Focal Species | Work Statement Elements |
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened) |
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened) |
Sort | WE ID | WE Title | NEPA | NOAA | USFWS | NHPA | Has Provisions | Inadvertent Discovery | Completed |
A | 165 | Produce Contract Environmental Compliance and Permitting Documentation | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
B | 119 | Contract Management and Administration | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
C | 157 | Collect Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data in Study Streams | 12/28/2011 | ||||||
D | 162 | Chemical, Physical, and Biological Data Evaluations | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
E | 161 | Facilitate the dissemination of summary data and results | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
F | 158 | PIT Tag Salmonids for Growth and Survival Evaluations | 12/28/2011 | ||||||
G | 159 | Upload PIT Tag Data to Centralized Database | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
H | 132 | Submit Progress Report for the period 1 May, 2010 to 30 April, 2011 | 05/01/2011 | ||||||
I | 185 | Periodic Status Reports for BPA | 05/01/2011 |