Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 56626: 2001-041-01 EXP FORREST RANCH MANAGEMENT
Project Number:
Forrest Conservation Area
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau John Day 100.00%
Contract Number:
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  • 60962: 2001-041-01 EXP FORREST CONSERVATION AREA
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Contract Description:
Department Natural Resources
John Day Basin Office (JDBO)

Forrest Conservation Area
Management & Implementation

BPA Project Number 2001-041-01
Contract Period: 01 April 2012 to 31 March 2013

FY 2012

Project Goal: Protect, conserve and enhance habitat values of the property for fish and wildlife.

Location of Project: The Forrest Conservation Area is located within the Upper John Day Basin in eastern Oregon.  The Conservation Area consists of two parcels, (3,445 acres) along the upper Mainstem John Day River and (786 acres) along the Middle Fork John Day River.  The Mainstem parcel is located ½ mile to the east of Prairie City and the Middle Fork parcel is located ½ mile west of Bates, Oregon.

Discussion: The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Department of Natural Resources will manage, plan and coordinate for the protection and enhancement of fish and wildlife and their associated habitats.  The ongoing operations for the 2012 contract period will entail property maintenance, researching fish friendly irrigation diversions, boundary fencing, resource monitoring, CREP plant maintenance, water conservation methods, and tribal/public access.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
Click the map to see this Contract's location details.

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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Brenda Aguirre Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-5928
Stephan Charette Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Interested Party (541) 820-4521
Jamie Cleveland Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3160
Brian Cochran Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Contract Manager (541) 553-2003
Kristen Coles Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Yes Contract Manager (541) 820-4521
Israel Duran Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3967
Brad Houslet Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Supervisor (541) 553-2039
Dennis Johnson Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Interested Party (541) 553-3479
Arthur Mitchell Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Administrative Contact (541) 553-3219
Nicole Rutherford Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-4320
John Skidmore Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5494
Scott Turo Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs No Supervisor (541) 553-2025
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605
Sean Welch Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-7691

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental compliance A: 165. Obtain NEPA compliance 01/31/2013 03/29/2013
Facility Maintenance B: 186. Maintain Facilities and Structures 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Coordinated project development schedules C: 114. Coordinate with Reclamation on future restoration designs 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Pros and cons of the various bridge replacement options D: 114. Investigate Mainstem Bridge Replacement 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Property Patrols E: 26. Property Patrol 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Public recreation and natural resource exposure F: 99. Public Access 03/31/2013 03/29/2013
Grazing lease management G: 92. Property Leases 03/31/2013 03/29/2013
Fish, habitat, temperature and flow data H: 157. Monitor Property Fish, Habitat, and Flow Data 03/31/2013 03/29/2013
Riparian planting I: 47. Riparian Planting 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Established test plot with implemented weed eradication efforts J: 197. Test Plot on the Uplands for Ventenata/Medusahead 03/29/2013
Noxious weed and invasive species control K: 197. Remove Invasive/Noxious Weeds 02/01/2013 03/29/2013
CREP plants maintained L: 197. CREP tarp removal 11/20/2012 12/14/2012
Buried irrigation pipe with risers installed M: 149. Pipe Upper Galbraith irrigation ditch 11/30/2012
Solar water trough setup N: 34. Solar water trough setup for the MSFCA 03/29/2013
Historical POD transfer for Lower McHaley ditch O: 154. Historical POD transfer for Lower McHaley ditch 03/29/2013
An engineered riffle diversion design P: 175. Lower McHaley Irrigation Diversion Design 03/29/2013
New fence lines for FCA uplands Q: 40. Boundary Fence Construction on the FCA 11/30/2012 11/30/2012
Division of the Davis pasture R: 40. Divide the Davis pasture on the MFFCA 07/27/2012 05/23/2012
Removal of old corrals on the MSFCA S: 27. Take down and removal of old MSFCA corrals 11/02/2012 11/02/2012
Project administration and management T: 119. Manage and Administer Tribal Projects & BPA activities 03/29/2013 03/29/2013
Annual Report V: 132. Annual Report 01/31/2013 03/21/2013

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Mid-Columbia River Spring ESU
  • 2 instances of WE 197 Maintain/Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 149 Install Pipeline
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 197 Maintain/Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 149 Install Pipeline
Lamprey, Pacific (Entosphenus tridentata)
  • 2 instances of WE 197 Maintain/Remove Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 149 Install Pipeline
Trout, Bull (S. confluentus) (Threatened)
  • 2 instances of WE 197 Maintain/Remove Vegetation
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 149 Install Pipeline

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Obtain NEPA compliance 04/01/2012
B 186 Maintain Facilities and Structures 04/01/2012
C 114 Coordinate with Reclamation on future restoration designs 04/01/2012
D 114 Investigate Mainstem Bridge Replacement 04/01/2012
E 26 Property Patrol 04/01/2012
F 99 Public Access 04/01/2012
G 92 Property Leases 04/01/2012
H 157 Monitor Property Fish, Habitat, and Flow Data 04/01/2012
I 47 Riparian Planting 03/04/2013
J 197 Test Plot on the Uplands for Ventenata/Medusahead 03/04/2013
K 197 Remove Invasive/Noxious Weeds 03/04/2013
L 197 CREP tarp removal 04/26/2012
M 149 Pipe Upper Galbraith irrigation ditch 04/01/2012
N 34 Solar water trough setup for the MSFCA 03/04/2013
O 154 Historical POD transfer for Lower McHaley ditch 04/01/2012
P 175 Lower McHaley Irrigation Diversion Design 04/01/2012
Q 40 Boundary Fence Construction on the FCA 03/04/2013
R 40 Divide the Davis pasture on the MFFCA 03/04/2013
S 27 Take down and removal of old MSFCA corrals 04/01/2012
T 119 Manage and Administer Tribal Projects & BPA activities 04/01/2012
U 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 04/01/2012
V 132 Annual Report 04/01/2012