Prepare Necessary Documentation for Various Environmental Compliance Needs |
A: 165. Prepare Necessary Documentation for Various Environmental Compliance Needs |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
YKFP Watershed Coordination |
B: 191. Coordination of YKFP Restoration |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Salmon Education and Habitat Education/Outreach |
C: 99. Project Outreach |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Develop or update (out-year) prioritized Habitat Project list: upload to Pisces |
D: 114. Select, Prioritize, and Begin to Develop Projects for Implementation Over the Next 2-3 Years |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Attend Technical Meetings |
E: 122. Assist Planning Activities - Technical Review |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Complete Final Design: White Creek Road X-ings |
F: 175. Finalize Design - White Creek Road x-ing Designs |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Complete Final Design: Swale Creek - x-ings, side-channel and/or floodplain reconnection |
G: 175. Finalize Design - Swale Creek x-ings, SC Channel and Floodplain Reconnection |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Complete Final Design: Klickitat River Watershed Low-tech Process-Based Restoration Project |
H: 175. Produce Design - Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration (PALs, BDA's) |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Final Design: Piscoe Creek 80-Road X-ing Design |
I: 175. Final Design - Piscoe Creek 80 Road Crossing |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |
Place New Bridge at 80 Road Crossing |
J: 184. Replace Piscoe Creek 80 Road Crossing |
11/29/2020 |
11/03/2020 |
Revegetate roughly 5 acres at White Creek 191 Project Site |
K: 47. Revegetate Piscoe Creek 80 Rd x-ing Site |
11/27/2020 |
11/03/2020 |
Revegetate roughly 5 acres at White Creek 191 Project Site |
L: 47. Supplemental Planting at White Creek 191 Meadow Enhancement Site |
03/31/2021 |
04/30/2020 |
Manage Native Nursery at Klickitat Field Office |
M: 47. Manage Native Nursery |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Invasive Weed Control |
N: 199. Invasive Plant Control |
03/31/2021 |
Monitoring of Past Projects |
O: 157. Habitat Enhancement Project Monitoring |
03/31/2021 |
11/06/2020 |
Project Monitoring Data Analysis |
P: 162. Summarize/Analyze Habitat Enhancement Monitoring Data |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Streamflow Monitoring Data for 9 Sites |
Q: 157. Streamflow Monitoring |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Summary of Continuous Stage Information and Coordination of Fisheries Assessment |
R: 157. Klickitat/Columbia River Confluence Assessment |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Streamflow Data Analysis |
S: 162. Summarize/Analyze Streamflow Monitoring Data |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Habitat Assessment |
T: 157. Habitat Assessment |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Physical Habitat Data Analysis |
U: 162. Analyze Physical Habitat Data |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Completed Annual Report |
W: 132. Submit Progress Report for the Period 1/1/2019 to 12/31/2019 |
06/15/2020 |
05/15/2020 |
Completed Annual Report |
X: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (1/1/2020) to (12/31/20) |
03/31/2021 |
BPA - Preparation of SOW Package, and Accurate Invoices |
Y: 119. BPA and SRFB Project Management and Administration |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Lease 200 acres of land for fisheries conservation |
Z: 92. Rock Creek: Lease 200 Acres of Land for Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement |
03/31/2021 |
PIT tag 600 - 1000 juvenile steelhead |
AA: 158. Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Steelhead |
11/30/2020 |
11/13/2020 |
PIT tag 600 - 800 juvenile coho salmon during fall population surveys |
AB: 158. Rock Creek: PIT Tag Juvenile Coho |
11/30/2020 |
11/13/2020 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
AC: 157. Rock Creek: Conduct Juvenile Steelhead Population Surveys |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Final report of Rock Creek steelhead life histories based from fish PIT tag interrogation |
AD: 157. Rock Creek: Conduct Adult and Juvenile Steelhead PIT Tag Monitoring |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Spawning Surveys: Rock Creek database with results presented in annual report |
AE: 157. Rock Creek: Spawning Ground Surveys (redd counts) and Scale Collection |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Compilation of error checked data |
AF: 162. Rock Creek: Analyze Population Monitoring Information |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Water monitoring: Rock Creek data |
AG: 157. Rock Creek: Water Quality and Temperature |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Invasive weed removal at locations |
AH: 199. Rock Creek: Invasive Weed Control at Six Riparian Tree Planting Sites |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Plant 300 trees at the Army Corps of Engineers property at RM 2.1 |
AI: 47. Rock Creek: Plant Vegetation on Army Corps of Engineers Property RM 2.1 |
03/31/2021 |
Plant native vegetation at the Gasline restoration site (RM 6.3) |
AJ: 47. Rock Creek: Plant Vegetation at the Gasline Site (RM 6.3) |
03/31/2021 |
Rock Creek beaver observation distribution map |
AK: 115. Rock Creek: Compile and Map Beaver use and Observation Sites in Rock Creek and Tributary Streams |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Spring restoration project in Upper Quartz Creek - Simcoe Unit Design |
AL: 175. Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Simcoe Unit Spring Restoration of Headwater Spring Project Design |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Springs restoration project in Upper Quartz Creek - Milk Ranch Spring Design |
AM: 175. Rock Creek: Upper Quartz Creek - Milk Ranch Spring Restoration of Headwater Spring Project Design |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
A complete design for three pool restoration enhancements in Rock Creek |
AN: 175. Rock Creek: Prepare Design for Pool #1 - Rock Creek Habitat Enhancement Project 2021-2022 |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
A complete design for three pool restoration enhancements in Rock Creek |
AO: 175. Rock Creek: Prepare Design for Pool #2 - Rock Creek Habitat Enhancement Project in 2021-2022 |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
A complete design for three pool restoration enhancements in Walaluuks Creek |
AP: 175. Rock Creek: Prepare Design for Pool #3 - Walaluuks Creek Habitat Enhancement Project in 2021-2022 |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |
Completed Annual Report |
AQ: 132. Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the period (January 2016) to (December 2017) |
02/28/2021 |
02/28/2021 |
Completed Annual Report |
AR: 132. Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the period (January 2018) to (December 2019) |
03/31/2021 |
Completed Annual Report |
AS: 132. Rock Creek: Submit Progress Report for the Period (Jan 2020) to (Dec 2020) |
03/31/2021 |
Deliverable: Receipt of NPCC recommendation for Anadromous Fish Habitat and Artificial Production Review |
AT: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
03/31/2021 |
03/31/2021 |