Contract Description:
The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) Grande Ronde Subbasin Restoration Project (199608300) was initiated in 1996 to develop and implement a fish habitat program that contributes to the mitigation of Snake River Basin salmon and steelhead losses associated with the Federal Columbia River Hydropower System (FCRPS) and recovery of ESA anadromous fish. The project works collaboratively with multiple agencies, organizations, and private landowners to identify, prioritize, plan, design, implement, maintain, and monitor tributary fish habitat restoration and enhancement projects. The Project embraces the goals of the CTUIR established in its’ Columbia Basin Salmon Policy (CTUIR, 1995) River Vision (Jones, et. al., 2008), Wykan-Ush-Me Wa Kush, Spirit of the Salmon (CRITFC, 1995), and is tiered to the Northwest Power Planning Council Fish and Wildlife Program as amended(NPPC, 2009), Grande Ronde Subbasin Plan (NPPC, 2004), Draft Recovery Plan For Oregon Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon And Steelhead Populations In The Snake River Chinook Salmon Evolutionary Significant Unit And Snake River Steelhead Distinct Population Segment (NMFS, 2010), and the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (FCRPS BiOP), (NMFS, 2008). The CTUIR propose ongoing fish habitat protection, enhancement, maintenance, and monitoring under the Project to achieve the primary goal of protecting habitat and restoring/enhancing degraded habitats to support the recovery of focal species. Project staff participates in BiOp remand efforts in the Basin, including the BiOp expert panel, recovery planning, and technical review and planning team. Work under the project is directly linked to the CTUIR-BPA Accord.
In FY 2013, the project will be focused on initiating implementation on the Rock Creek and Catherine Creek (RM44) Projects, Rock Creek is a tributary to the Grande Ronde River near Hilgard State Park and the confluence of 5-Point Creek. This project area encompasses over 15.8 miles of fish bearing streams, supporting all life stages for summer steelhead and rearing habitat for juvenile spring Chinook salmon which CTUIR secured a 15 year term conservation easement to during FY2011.Planned habitat enhancement includes stream channel and meander construction, large wood additions to enhance habitat complexity, floodplain road obliteration, culvert replacements, riparian exclosure fence construction, and riparian planting. This large scale project will be implemented in phases beginning in summer 2013 and continuing through 2014. Additionally, the CTUIR and project partners (UCSWCD, BOR, and ODFW) plan to initiate small scale phase 1 construction effort on the Catherine Creek (RM 44) project involving during summer 2013. Planned work includes installation of large wood complexes at strategic sites to stabilize actively eroding streambanks as part of a larger scale habitat restoration effort that is currently undergoing a rigorous planning and design effort along 4 plus miles of mainstem Catherine Creek.
Land acquisition planning will continue during FY2013 with the expectation that the CTUIR and BPA will initiate and possibly complete acquisition of several parcels and/or easements during the contract period. CTUIR fish habitat project staff have identified five primary parcels which are currently under evaluation.
Project staff will continue to coordinate with project partners in the development and prioritization of BiOp and Accord fish habitat projects and develop future project opportunities.
A base budget of $629,550 is planned to perform watershed restoration-related tasks associated with several project areas. An additional $84,287 has been added to the base budget from CTUIR-BPA Accord Passage Funds and prior year un-used Accord project funds. Additional funds are anticipated to be added to the base budget during the contract period to facilitate phase 1 construction on the Rock Creek project as environmental compliance is completed and subcontracting processes are finalized.