All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
B: 119. TFT - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Outreach completed |
C: 99. TFT - Outreach and Education |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
FY 14 transactions initiated and/or complete |
D: 114. TFT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY14 Development |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Gauge installed |
E: 148. TFT - Install new flow gauge |
09/30/2014 |
Water Transactions Proposed and/or Completed |
F: 154. TFT - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
G: 157. TFT - Collect / Generate / Validate field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Plan produced |
H: 174. TFT - Strategic Planning |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordinate with entities in the TFT region |
I: 191. TFT - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Provide Reports to CBWTP |
J: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Outreach completed |
K: 99. WWT - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Water transactions identified and selected |
L: 114. WWT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY 14 Development |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
CBWTP processes administered |
M: 119. WWT - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Water Transactions Developed |
N: 154. WWT - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
O: 157. WWT - Collect / Generate / Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Recommendations implemented |
P: 174. WWT - Strategic Planning |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordination Completed |
Q: 191. WWT - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Identify and Select Water Transactions for Development |
R: 114. CUTIR - Identify and Select Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
plan produced |
S: 174. CUTIR - Strategic Planning |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
T: 119. CUTIR-Task Invoicing and Record Keeping |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordinate with partners |
U: 191. CUTIR-Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Provide reports to CBWTP |
V: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
sites completed |
W: 119. NFWF - Site Visits |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Annual and monthly records kept |
X: 119. NFWF - Task Invoicing and Record Keeping |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordinate with Partners |
Y: 191. NFWF - Watershed Coordination in Catherine Creek watershed |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Transactions recommended |
Z: 119. NFWF - Transaction Recommendation |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Transactions Reviewed |
AA: 122. NFWF - Transaction Review |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Completed annual report |
AB: 132. NFWF - Annual Report for October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013 |
07/31/2014 |
07/31/2014 |
Environmental compliance complete |
AC: 165. NFWF - Environmental Compliance for Collecting Field Monitoring Data |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordination Completed |
AD: 189. NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Coordination and Support |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
AE: 157. NFWF - Collect / Generate / Validate field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Outreach completed |
AF: 99. WWWMP - Provide outreach and education - event/conference speaking |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
AG: 119. WWWMP - Manage and Administer Projects as part of the CBWTP |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transactions identified |
AH: 114. WWWMP - Identify and Select Water Transactions for Development |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Provide reports to CBWTP |
AI: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Water Transactions Developed |
AJ: 154. WWWMP - Develop and Negotiate Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Coordination Completed |
AK: 189. WWWMP - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
install gauge |
AL: 148. WWWMP - Install New Flow Gauge |
09/30/2014 |
Coordinate with partners |
AM: 191. WWWMP - Local Watershed Coordination |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
data is captured, created, generated and/or collected |
AN: 157. WWWMP- Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
plan produced |
AO: 174. WWWMP -Strategic Planning |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
AP: 119. OWRD - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
Gauge installed |
AQ: 148. OWRD - Install flow measuring device |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AR: 164. NFWF- TBD Transactions |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AS: 164. 316c-13 TFT (GR_CatherineCrk_TM_2013) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AT: 164. 321-11 TFT (Couse Creek: B-R Lease) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AU: 164. 384-13 TFT (GR_Catherine Creek_DR_2013) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AV: 164. 388-13 TFT (GR_CatherineCrk_LC_2013) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AW: 164. 368-13 WWWMP (GFID Lease 2012) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AX: 164. 379-13 TFT (GR_Beaver Creek_La Grande_2013) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AY: 164. 43-04 TFT (UM_WallaWalla-CoMF_2013) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
AZ: 164. 317d-14(GR_CatherineCrk_JS_2014) |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BA: 164. 419-14 WWWMP-Probert Lease |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BB: 164. 58c-14 TFT - WW_NorthFork_DSKT_2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BC: 164. 330e-14 TFT - UM_McKay Reservoir_JM_2014a |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BD: 164. 329a-14 TFT - UM_McKay Reservoir_B&G_2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BE: 164. 414-14 TFT - GR_CatherineCrk_SC_2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BF: 164. 427-14 UM_Birch Creek_GG_2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BG: 164. 242b-14 TFT - UM_Birch Creek_JW_2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |
transaction completed |
BH: 164. 296c-14 WWT Touchet No.7 Warren 2014 |
09/30/2014 |
09/30/2014 |