Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 63046: 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2014
Project Number:
Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Asotin 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
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59257: 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2013
  • 66628: 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2015
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The Asotin Creek Wildlife Area is divided into two units that are located in Asotin and Garfield Counties.  The lower unit is centered around George Creek and is approximately 12,000 acres in size.  The lower Schlee and Bickford units which are BPA funded comprise 5,600 acres of the lower portion of the wildlife area.  The upper unit is centered around the North and South Forks of Asotin Creek and is approximately 20,000 acres is size.  The upper Schlee purchase is approximately 5,500 acres is size and is centered in the Smoothing Iron Ridge Area.

The lower BPA funded units are comprised of steep canyons and is predominately a shrub/steppe habitat type.  The area was traditionally used for livestock production and dry land farming.  The land has several problems associated with that type of long-term management - mainly noxious weeds and degraded riparian management zones.  Noxious weeds are mainly controlled by chemical measures and application is difficult in the steep terrain.

The upper BPA funded unit is again comprised of steep canyons with farm fields on top of the ridges.  Steep canyons with timbered North facing slopes are common while South facing slopes are usually a shrub/steppe habitat type.  Noxious weed problems, boundary fence issues, and facility maintenance are the main issues associated with the upper unit.

Overall management objectives are to reduce noxious weed populations on the upper and lower units and rehabilitate riparian zones.  WDFW also  would like to maintain existing facilities such as the main buildings on Smoothing Iron Ridge and associated water systems for fire protection, wildlife water, and a source of water for weed control efforts.  

In the fall of 2008, WDFW seeded approximately 475 acres of former agricultural land to a four-species mix of native grass.  The grass has become well established and in the fall of 2009, a mix of native forbs was inter-seeded in the grass.  The forbs will compliment the native grass to produce a grassland environment consistent with surrounding native habitats.   Some weed control activities such as spot spraying and mechanical mowing may be necessary to maintain health of the grass stand in 2014.

As in the past two years, we intend to seed approximately 50 acres winter wheat to be used as a food source and attraction for big game species - mainly elk.  The other portions of the 100 acres of forage plots will be cultivated and either seeded in spring 2014 or summer fallowed for a fall 2014 seeding to winter wheat.

431 acres enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was seeded to a blend of native grass in spring 2013.  Additionally, 14,000 young pine trees were planted at the west end of the fields as specified in the USDA CRP contract.  We anticipate working with the CRP operator in 2014 to control noxious weeds while the grass reaches maturity.  Our main method of weed control will be mechanical mowing with a tractor pulled 15' flex-wing mower.  On the lower acquisition near George Creek, 171 acres enrolled in CRP on Boozier Ridge is being converted to native grass.  The contract expired September 30, 2011 and in order to re-enroll the entire field back into CRP, 171 acres had to be converted to native grass.  WDFW will continue to work with the CRP operator to prepare the field for a fall 2013 seeding.  Preparations include additional applications of glyphosate herbicide and heavy harrowing.  

Monitoring for Spalding's Catchfly, which is a federally listed plant began in 2009 and took place in 2010 by graduate students from Washington State University (WSU).  Funding for the 2009 and 2010 effort was paid for by the State.  2014 efforts will be funded by BPA and will continue each year after.  It is WDFW's intent to continue using WSU students/staff for the monitoring effort.

The staff on the Asotin Creek Wildlife Area consists of a Wildlife Area Manager, as Fish and Wildlife Biologist 2, two Natural Resource Tech 1's and two 4-month laborers hired in the spring to conduct weed control activities.  The manager, bio-2, and Natural Resource Tech 1 positions are only partially funded under BPA since the BPA lands are merged with State funded lands associated with the Asotin Creek Wildlife Area.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Environmental Compliance A: 165. Environmental Compliance 12/31/2013 12/31/2013
Noxious Weed Control on a minimum of 150 acres in the George and Bickford Units B: 198. Control Noxious Weeds in George & Bickford Units 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Control Noxious weeds on an minimum of 150 acres on Smoothing Iron Unit C: 198. Control Noxious Weeds in Smoothing Iron Unit 09/30/2014 07/30/2014
8.3 miles of stock fence D: 186. Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on Smoothing Iron Unit 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
17.6 miles of stock fence E: 186. Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on George Creek Unit 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
7.3 miles of stock fence F: 186. Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on Bickford 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Plant wildlife forage crops G: 47. Plant & maintain Smoothing Iron Wildlife Forage plots 05/31/2014 05/29/2014
Seed native grass on Boozier Ridge H: 47. Plant 171 acres to native grass on Boozier Ridge 05/30/2014 04/07/2014
Thin Ponderosa Pine stand I: 198. Thin Ponderosa Pine Stand 09/30/2014
Maintain 500 acre grass seeding J: 198. Maintain 500 acre native grass seeding 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Maintain CRP native grass seeding K: 198. Maintain CRP seeding at Smoothing Iron 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Install Boss Big Game Guzzler M: 34. Install 2,000 Gallon Boss Big Game Guzzler 05/30/2014 05/04/2014
Monitor Silene N: 157. Monitor Silene spauldingii 09/30/2014
Building Maintenance O: 186. Maintain Smoothing Iron Buildings 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Building Maintenance P: 186. Maintain Hay Shed on Bickford Unit 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Citizens Advisory Group (CAG) Q: 99. Conduct Citizen's advisory group meeting 12/31/2013
Manage and administer Asotin Creek BPA project R: 119. Administer Asotin Creek Project 09/30/2014 09/30/2014
Upload FY14 Annual Report S: 132. Submit Annual Report - Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 09/01/2014
Upload FY13 Annual Report T: 132. Placeholder Submit Annual Report - Oct 2012 to Sept 2013 10/31/2013

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
  • 5 instances of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 6 instances of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Environmental Compliance 10/01/2013
B 198 Control Noxious Weeds in George & Bickford Units 10/07/2013
C 198 Control Noxious Weeds in Smoothing Iron Unit 10/07/2013
D 186 Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on Smoothing Iron Unit 10/07/2013
E 186 Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on George Creek Unit 10/07/2013
F 186 Maintain Boundary Stock Fences on Bickford 10/07/2013
G 47 Plant & maintain Smoothing Iron Wildlife Forage plots 10/07/2013
H 47 Plant 171 acres to native grass on Boozier Ridge 10/07/2013
I 198 Thin Ponderosa Pine Stand 10/07/2013
J 198 Maintain 500 acre native grass seeding 10/07/2013
K 198 Maintain CRP seeding at Smoothing Iron 10/07/2013
L 186 Remove old terraces from agricultural fields 08/04/2014
M 34 Install 2,000 Gallon Boss Big Game Guzzler 08/04/2014
N 157 Monitor Silene spauldingii 10/07/2013
O 186 Maintain Smoothing Iron Buildings 10/07/2013
P 186 Maintain Hay Shed on Bickford Unit 10/07/2013
Q 99 Conduct Citizen's advisory group meeting 10/01/2013
R 119 Administer Asotin Creek Project 10/01/2013
S 132 Submit Annual Report - Oct 2013 to Sept 2014 10/01/2013
T 132 Placeholder Submit Annual Report - Oct 2012 to Sept 2013 10/01/2013
U 185 Quarterly Status Reports 10/01/2013