Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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Project Summary

Project 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Project Number:
Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
The Asotin Creek Wildlife Area is approximately 33,000 acres in size. In 2003 and 2004, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) acquired 8,500 acres from the Schlee Family in two parcels located on Smoothing Iron Ridge and Lower George Creek. In 2004, WDFW acquired the Bickford acquisition in lower George Creek. Both acquisitions were funded by BPA and operation and maintenance activities are also funded by BPA each year. Priority activities include boundary fence maintenance, noxious weed control, upland wildlife habitat development, and facility maintenance.
Proponent Orgs:
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) (Govt - State)
Starting FY:
Ending FY:
Implementation - Project Status Report
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Asotin 100.00%
Focal Species:
Species Benefit:
Anadromous: 0.0%   Resident: 0.0%   Wildlife: 100.0%
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BiOp Association:

Description: Page: 4 Photo 1: Tractor pulling 50’ Degelman heavy harrow at Smoothing Iron Ridge. August 2011

Project(s): 2006-005-00

Document: P124867

Dimensions: 846 x 634

Description: Page: 5 Photo 2: Degelman heavy harrow at Smoothing Iron Ridge CRP field.

Project(s): 2006-005-00

Document: P124867

Dimensions: 858 x 642

Description: Page: 6 Photo 3: Second application of glyphosate herbicide to CRP fields at Smoothing Iron Ridge. September2011

Project(s): 2006-005-00

Document: P124867

Dimensions: 870 x 652

Description: Page: 7 Photo 4: Mechanical Weed control in Native Grass at Smoothing Iron Ridge.

Project(s): 2006-005-00

Document: P124867

Dimensions: 821 x 616


84042 REL 18

Dimensions: 2048 x 1536


84042 REL 18

Dimensions: 3968 x 2976


84042 REL 18

Dimensions: 4032 x 3024


84042 REL 18

Dimensions: 4032 x 3024

Summary of Budgets

To view all expenditures for all fiscal years, click "Project Exp. by FY"

To see more detailed project budget information, please visit the "Project Budget" page

Decided Budget Transfers  (FY2024 - FY2026)

Acct FY Acct Type Amount Fund Budget Decision Date
FY2024 Expense $234,584 From: General FY24 SOY Budget Upload 06/01/2023
FY2024 Expense $234,584 To: General Budget Transfers (WDFW Wildlife--FY24) 6/22/2023 06/22/2023
FY2024 Expense $253,351 From: General Budget Transfers (WDFW Wildlife--FY24) 6/22/2023 06/22/2023
FY2025 Expense $253,351 From: General FY25 SOY 05/31/2024

Pending Budget Decision?  No

Actual Project Cost Share

Current Fiscal Year — 2025   DRAFT
Cost Share Partner Total Proposed Contribution Total Confirmed Contribution
There are no project cost share contributions to show.
Previous Fiscal Years
Fiscal Year Total Contributions % of Budget
2021 $30,000 9%
2019 $32,500 14%
2018 $32,500 15%
2017 $32,500 16%
2016 $37,500 18%
2015 $30,000 15%
2014 $27,500 14%
2013 $32,500 17%
2012 $32,500 17%
2010 $36,000 19%
2009 $62,500 29%
2008 $200,000 57%
2007 $160,000 52%


The table below contains contracts with the following statuses: Active, Closed, Complete, History, Issued.
* "Total Contracted Amount" column includes contracted amount from both capital and expense components of the contract.
Expense Contracts:
Number Contractor Name Title Status Total Contracted Amount Dates
BPA-011117 Bonneville Power Administration FY03 Land Acquisitions Active $3,000,000 10/1/2002 - 9/30/2003
25403 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M Closed $120,867 10/1/2005 - 9/30/2006
26270 SOW Nez Perce Tribe ASOTIN - LIT REVIEW & ARCH RES FIELD SURVEY Closed $2,713 2/3/2006 - 3/15/2006
592 REL 26 SOW Eastern Washington University ASOTIN - BLACK'S RANCH FARMHSE Closed $4,473 8/21/2006 - 9/30/2007
29534 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M Closed $89,676 10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007
32550 SOW Nez Perce Tribe ASOTIN WILDLIFE AREA - LITERATURE & ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW Closed $3,595 4/15/2007 - 8/31/2007
34928 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M Closed $103,295 10/1/2007 - 9/30/2008
39682 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 200600500 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M Closed $146,090 10/1/2008 - 9/30/2009
44225 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M Closed $92,564 10/1/2009 - 9/30/2010
50187 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2011 Closed $153,391 10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011
55038 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2012 Closed $163,075 10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012
59257 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2013 Closed $117,714 10/1/2012 - 9/30/2013
63046 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2014 Closed $163,152 10/1/2013 - 9/30/2014
66628 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2015 Closed $160,377 10/1/2014 - 9/30/2015
70532 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2016 Closed $162,948 10/1/2015 - 9/30/2016
74101 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2017 Closed $171,412 10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017
74314 REL 20 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2018 Closed $183,191 10/1/2017 - 9/30/2018
74314 REL 54 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2019 Closed $161,178 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2019
74314 REL 88 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2020 Closed $201,254 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020
74314 REL 119 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2021 Closed $304,808 10/1/2020 - 3/31/2022
74314 REL 150 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2022 Closed $224,557 10/1/2021 - 9/30/2022
84042 REL 18 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2023 Closed $224,697 10/1/2022 - 9/30/2023
84042 REL 52 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2024 Issued $253,351 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024
84042 REL 82 SOW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2025 Issued $253,351 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2025

Annual Progress Reports
Expected (since FY2004):20
On time:12
Status Reports
On time:27
Avg Days Late:15

                Count of Contract Deliverables
Earliest Contract Subsequent Contracts Title Contractor Earliest Start Latest End Latest Status Accepted Reports Complete Green Yellow Red Total % Green and Complete Canceled
BPA-11117 FY03 Land Acquisitions Bonneville Power Administration 10/01/2002 09/30/2003 Active 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25403 29534, 34928, 39682, 44225, 50187, 55038, 59257, 63046, 66628, 70532, 74101, 74314 REL 20, 74314 REL 54, 74314 REL 88, 74314 REL 119, 74314 REL 150, 84042 REL 18, 84042 REL 52, 84042 REL 82 2006-005-00 EXP ASOTIN CREEK WILDLIFE AREA O&M 2025 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) 10/01/2005 09/30/2025 Issued 79 295 16 0 34 345 90.14% 6
Project Totals 79 295 16 0 34 345 90.14% 6

The table content is updated frequently and thus contains more recent information than what was in the original proposal reviewed by ISRP and Council.

Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-NPCC-20210312
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review
Approved Date: 10/13/2017
Recommendation: Implement
Comments: Recommendation: Sponsor to address ISRP qualifications in updated management plan by end of 2018 (per programmatic issue recommendations in this Decision Document Part 1).

[Background: See]

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-ISRP-20201118
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: 2017 Wildlife Category Review
Completed Date: 11/18/2020
Final Round ISRP Date: 6/28/2017
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:

1. Objectives and outcomes 

Objectives were outlined in general terms (e.g. maintenance activities) or specified by amount (e.g. amount of weed control, etc.). With some minor modifications the proponents can develop quantitative objectives from the goals listed in their Summary Report. A few examples are listed below. Control noxious weeds on XX acres per year to maintain a noxious weed density of XX/acre. Prevent all elk from entering private property. Monitor Silene spaldingii on XX acres per year and compare observed densities with the target density of XX. Plant XX trees and shrubs and ensure that survival is greater than XX%. Implement an experimental pilot grazing program and evaluate whether livestock grazing degrades ecological integrity, which is defined by specific quantitative metrics. And so on. 

2. Scientific principles and methods 

The Summary Report provided good documentation on work done, especially the grazing studies that appeared well planned and implemented. 

3. Monitoring and evaluation 

Few detailed results from monitoring were reported. For instance, a table is shown for Silene spaldingii, a rare flowering plant. However, the table does not mention the units of measurement. The text makes a confusing statement regarding the monitoring of this plant "There was really no evidence seen between one extreme season hot, dry to the next cool, wet season in terms of this species production of individual plants and flower buds. In actuality, production has declined." No statistical analysis was provided to support this conclusion. 

4. Results: benefits to fish and wildlife and adaptive management 

Five lessons learned and the management responses to these issues were briefly described in the Summary Report. Most of the lessons learned simply state that problems were encountered, such as eradication of exotic smooth brome is difficult, maintaining annual crops for holding elk in the wildlife area is expensive and time consuming, maintaining 70-year-old fences is challenging, and livestock grazing as a management tool is difficult. 

Little information was provided, so it was challenging to evaluate the effectiveness of the changes in management made to solve the above issues. Additionally, no description of the status of focal wildlife species was provided, and thus it was hard to evaluate the effects the project has had on these species. 

The ISRP asks that the proponents provide evidence of the effectiveness of their weed management actions on “weedy flats,” and on the strategy of keeping big game on Asotin Creek. Relative to keeping big game on the project’s wildlife management area, the proponents could track their annual management efforts on fields and the number of complaints from adjacent private lands.

Qualification #1 - Inclusions in Next Progress Report
The ISRP requests a progress report early in 2018 that describes quantitative habitat objectives (at project and management action spatial scales), timelines for the objectives, and the adaptive management plan being used by the project.
Documentation Links:
Review: Wildlife Category Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-NPCC-20091217
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: Wildlife Category Review
Approved Date: 5/31/2009
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: Programmatic issue # 7. Sponsor to address ISRP qualifcation in next review cycle. See ISRP recommendations
Council Condition #1 Programmatic Issue: Management Plans - Multiple uses of wildlife conservation lands

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-ISRP-20090618
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: Wildlife Category Review
Completed Date: 5/19/2009
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria (Qualified)
Final Round ISRP Comment:
The ISRP thanks the Agency for responding to our requests for the grazing plan and the explanation for maintaining the agricultural fields on the property. The ISRP qualifies its recommendation with an explicit expectation that results of monitoring vegetation and wildlife response to grazing will be included in the next review cycle.
First Round ISRP Date: 3/26/2009
First Round ISRP Rating: Response Requested
First Round ISRP Comment:

The reviewers request: a) A clear justification for maintaining the agricultural fields. b) More details on how they plan to restore habitat. They mention replanting native plants. Please provide some methodological detail about this restoration. For example, what plants seeds will be used? c) A better link among objectives, work elements, and M&E. The objectives need to be more detailed. For example, please describe in greater detail in the M&E section where and when you will sample the vegetation using vegetation sampling points. We would like to see an example of a grazing plan if cattle are going to be managed on the Project. d) That any M&E work completed since 2004 be summarized, including bird surveys, elk counts, deer counts, sheep counts, vegetation response to plantings/restoration, and weed control efforts.

Documentation Links:
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review

Council Recommendation

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-NPCC-20090924
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Approved Date: 10/23/2006
Recommendation: Fund
Comments: Interim funding pending wildlife o&m review.

Independent Scientific Review Panel Assessment

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-ISRP-20060831
Project: 2006-005-00 - Asotin Creek Wildlife Mitigation
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 8/31/2006
Final Round ISRP Date: None
Final Round ISRP Rating: Meets Scientific Review Criteria
Final Round ISRP Comment:
This proposal meets the ISRP review criteria and benefits wildlife. However, the ISRP suggests that the sponsor address the following comments to improve the project. The ISRP does not need to see a response to these comments but suggests them as material that could improve the proposal for implementation and subsequent review.

The proposal could be improved by a fuller treatment of biological objectives, and monitoring and evaluation of these objectives. In the future, the authors could improve their proposal by showing data in tables or figures. Photographs can be powerful tools for showing progress on habitat changes (riparian, upland, crop fields). The ISRP suggests that upland habitats be monitored for vegetation and bird responses; this will likely require survey sites independent of the BBS route used currently. Weed control efforts present an opportunity to monitor and evaluate management activities. The ISRP also suggests that the authors include more background information about big game target populations.

The ISRP has additional reservations about the conversion of the smooth brome fields on the Smoothing Iron Ridge parcel as sharp-tailed grouse habitat management. This conversion will be very expensive. The ISRP believes it may be less costly and more beneficial to manage this parcel as big game wintering habitat. Managing these fields as sharp-tail habitat is risky given that no sharp-tails have been seen in the area for decades, and it is a relatively small field.
Documentation Links:

Legal Assessment (In-Lieu)

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-INLIEU-20090521
Project Number: 2006-005-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 10/6/2006
In Lieu Rating: Problems May Exist
Cost Share Rating: 3 - Does not appear reasonable
Comment: O&M on BPA-funded wildlife mitigation site; assume requested funds consistent with terms of MOA. Upon review, BPA concerned that funding is being applied in lieu of state funding; will need additional cost share or other resolution. Rating changed from a "1" to a "2.3".

Capital Assessment

Assessment Number: 2006-005-00-CAPITAL-20090618
Project Number: 2006-005-00
Review: FY07-09 Solicitation Review
Completed Date: 2/27/2007
Capital Rating: Does Not Qualify for Capital Funding
Capital Asset Category: None
Comment: None

Project Relationships: None

Name Role Organization
Paul Dahmer Administrative Contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Bob Dice Project Lead Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Tracy Hauser Project Manager Bonneville Power Administration
Paul Ashley (Inactive) Technical Contact Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
David Woodall Technical Contact Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW)
Jody Lando Project SME Bonneville Power Administration
Jacquelyn Schei Env. Compliance Lead Bonneville Power Administration