Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 63775: 2002-002-00 EXP ENHANCE WHITE STURGEON HABITAT
Project Number:
Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program
Province Subbasin %
Mountain Columbia Kootenai 100.00%
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Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program - Project 200200200

Through this project, the Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program (KRHRP), the Kootenai Tribe, in coordination with agency partners and stakeholders, is designing and implementing a series of ecosystem-based habitat restoration projects within a 55-mile reach of the Kootenai River extending from the confluence of the Moyie and Kootenai rivers in Idaho, downstream to the international U.S. and Canadian border.
The purposes of the KRHRP are to: (1) restore and maintain Kootenai River habitat conditions that support all life stages of endangered Kootenai sturgeon and other aquatic focal species, and (2) restore the Kootenai River landscape in a way that sustains the Tribal and local culture and economy and that contributes to the health of the Kootenai subbasin as both an ecological and socio-economic region. The desired result is a more resilient ecosystem, capable of sustaining diverse native plant and animal populations, and tolerant of natural disturbances.
The problem addressed by this project is the decline, and in some cases potential extinction of historically abundant populations of Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and other native fish in the Kootenai subbasin, which has been precipitated by over a century of anthropogenic impacts to the Kootenai River ecosystem.
Over the course of the last century the Kootenai subbasin has been modified by agriculture, logging, mining, and flood control. The Kootenai River was confined by the construction of Libby Dam in Montana, which created Koocanusa Reservoir, and Corra Linn Dam downstream in British Columbia, which impounds Kootenay Lake. Constructed levees were built on top of natural sand levees for flood control, limiting the hydrologic connection between the Kootenai River and its floodplain. Over 50,000 acres of historically highly productive floodplain were converted to agricultural fields, resulting in the loss of riparian and wetland plant and animal species, and the related functions that normally support a healthy ecosystem.
Libby Dam became operational in 1972 effectively reducing annual peak flows by half and disrupting the hydrograph, which historically featured a single spring freshet that provided energy to drive ecosystem processes. These modifications resulted in unnatural flow fluctuations and changes to the temperature regime in the Kootenai River and its floodplain, and exacerbated the effects of previous anthropogenic impacts. These changes further diminished the availability of habitat suitable to support the complete life cycles of many aquatic species.
Following levee construction and completion of Libby Dam, native fish stocks including endangered Kootenai River white sturgeon, burbot (Lota lota), kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka), redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdnerii), westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) began to decline.
Much has been lost in the Kootenai subbasin and there are significant constraints in place that will alter ecosystem conditions into the foreseeable future; however, in spite of these changes, the Kootenai River subbasin presents unique and relatively achievable opportunities for ecosystem-based restoration within the constraints of existing infrastructure and Libby Dam operations.
Building on previous work accomplished under this project from 2002 to the present, the Tribe has moved from the data-collection and planning stages of this project, into the design, implementation and monitoring stage. Previous years’ work focused on collecting information necessary to better understand the ecosystem and the influence of existing conditions on Kootenai sturgeon recruitment failure (2002-2004); refined data collection, analysis and planning, and development and implementation of a pilot project (2005-2006); development of a comprehensive Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program Master Plan (2007-2009). The Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program Master Plan presented a framework for ecosystem restoration in a 55-mile reach of the Kootenai River including restoration strategies to address factors limiting Kootenai sturgeon and other native fish populations in each reach of the project area, a suite of restoration treatments, conceptual implementation scenarios, and a monitoring and adaptive management framework.
The Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program goals incorporate four major categories -- morphology, riparian vegetation, aquatic habitat, and river stewardship:
•Morphology. Restore physical habitat by reducing the negative effects to river and floodplain ecological processes caused by river response to the altered landscape.
•Riparian vegetation. Restore native vegetation by establishing stream bank and floodplain conditions that sustain plant community development processes.
•Aquatic habitat. Restore aquatic habitat conditions that support all life stages of native fish and promote sustainable populations.
•River stewardship. Create opportunities for river and floodplain stewardship in the community.
Using the Master Plan as a starting point, the Tribe in collaboration with co-managers and agency partners, developed a suite of restoration design concepts for implementation over approximately six to ten years. Implementation related actions from 2013 to 2017 will include development, design, environmental compliance and permitting, and implementation of approximately 10-14 habitat restoration projects in the braided, straight and meander reaches of the Kootenai River. Project actions also include monitoring and evaluation of each project, adaptive management of the KRHRP program and its individual projects, targeted research necessary to address specific design questions, operations and maintenance, and outreach and education.
Restoration treatments implemented through these combined projects will address a suite of limiting factors including: bank erosion and fine sediment inputs to downstream reaches, lack of cover for juvenile fish, lack of off-channel habitat for rearing, depth attributes for Kootenai sturgeon migration, lack of mainstem hydraulic complexity in the form of variable depth and velocity, insufficient pool frequency, simplified food web, lack of surfaces that support riparian recruitment, loss of floodplain connection, lack of coarse substrate for Kootenai sturgeon egg attachment and larval hiding, lack of bank vegetation, lack of off-channel habitat, lack of fish passage into tributaries, and grazing and floodplain land use. Restoration treatments will include: mainstem bank restoration, side-channel restoration, mainstem pool establishment or enhancement including development of a “pool ladder” through the braided reach, large wood placement, floodplain and wetlands construction and restoration, spawning substrate enhancement, revegetation, tributary restoration, fish passage barrier removal (tributaries), and riparian buffer fencing.
The KRHRP complements and enhances work accomplished under the Tribe’s other BPA funded projects (198806400, 199404900, 200200800, 20020110) and is also intended to complement and work in concert with the habitat restoration, conservation aquaculture, mitigation, monitoring and evaluation, and research projects being implemented by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG), Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks (MFWP), British Columbia Ministry of Forests Land Natural Resource Operations (BC MFLNRO), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and other entities in the Kootenai River subbasin.
The KRHRP is part of the Kootenai Tribe’s ongoing long-term efforts to achieve the vision of the Kootenai River and its floodplain as a healthy ecosystem with clean, connected terrestrial and aquatic habitats, which fully support traditional Tribal uses as well as other important societal uses.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Dec-2024.

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Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
John Barco III Bonneville Power Administration No Interested Party (503) 230-3223
Edward Gresh Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-5756
Sue Ireland Kootenai Tribe Yes Supervisor (208) 267-3620
Paul Krueger Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5723
Rachel Kutschera D J Warren and Associates, Inc. No Interested Party (541) 929-4639
Edna Runyan Kootenai Tribe Yes Contract Manager (208) 267-3620
Alison Squier Ziji Creative Resources No Technical Contact (208) 367-9366
Kristi Van Leuven Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3605
Dan Warren D J Warren and Associates, Inc. Yes Technical Contact (541) 929-4639
Virgil Watts III Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-4625
Shawn Young Kootenai Tribe No Technical Contact (208) 597-4490

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
KTOI Project Coordination and Oversight B: 119. Project Management (KTOI) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Attach Progress Report in Pisces C: 132. Submit Annual Report (KTOI) 01/24/2015
Provide coordination, support, review & integration for KRHRP D: 122. Provide Technical Review & Integration for Project Planning & Implementation (CFS) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
USGS Reports and Data E: 157. Data Collection for Habitat Enhancement Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
USGS Modeling, Analysis and Data provided to KTOI design team F: 162. Modeling & Data Analysis (USGS-ID) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Project Planning, Coordination, and Meeting Attendance G: 119. Project Planning, Coordination and Meetings (USGS-ID) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Results of Data Analysis and Interpretation Report on Juvenile KRW Sturgeon Studies H: 162. Analyze, Interpret, and Report on Data and Results of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon Studies (BK Riverfish) 07/01/2014 08/30/2014
Presentation of technical deliverables, project coordination and technical integration I: 175. Project Management & Coordination of Technical Design Work (RDG) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
On-site implementation support and as-built drawings J: 100. Construction Management Support for Project Implementation (RDG) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Finalize design of Phase 2 projects within the Braided Reach of the Kootenai River K: 175. Develop Final Design for Phase 2 Projects (RDG) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Feasibility Analysis of Phase 3 projects L: 175. Conduct Feasibility Analysis and Design for Phase Projects (RDG) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Graphics, figures, and narratives to document PM activities and support outreach needs M: 119. Project Management and Coordination (Geum) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Adaptive management plan, information management and sharing system, monitoring methods N: 174. Coordinate, Develop & Produce Adaptive Management Program (Geum) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Feasibility analyses and preliminary design components O: 157. Feasibility Analysis, Preliminary Design and Final Design (Geum) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Construction Management Complete P: 100. Project Construction Management (Geum) 01/31/2015 11/15/2014
Wetland delineation reports for 2015 projects; Information for completion of Biological Assessments Q: 165. Environmental Compliance and Permitting (Geum) 01/31/2015 10/01/2014
Support products and website maintenance R: 99. Provide Services & Products to Support Outreach & Education (Open Book Odyssey) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products S: 119. Project Management, Facilitation, Communciations, Information Management (DJW, Ziji, MEI) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products T: 119. Provide Services (attendance and/or management of) Project Meetings (DJW, Ziji, MEI) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Progress reporting and budgets for FY14 and FY15 U: 119. Progress Reporting, Budget Development & Tracking (DJW) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Permit applications for 2014 and 2015 projects V: 165. Environmental Compliance (MEI) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
fisheries and regulatory support for construction W: 165. Biological and Environmental Compliance Implementation Support (MEI) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Expert Technical Review per KTOI request X: 122. Provide Expert Technical Review for Phase 2 Projects (Technical Reviewers) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Material Acquisition for Habitat Restoration Project Y: 98. Material Acquisition (Flory) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Side Channel Sampling Z: 157. Collect Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist) 01/31/2015 10/01/2014
Evaluation Fish Assemblage, Habitat Relations, Sampling Designs for Monitoring AA: 162. Analyze Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Reports on Side Channel Sampling Results AB: 141. Reports on Effects of Habitat Restoration, Fish Assemblages, Side Channel Structure (Quist) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Pre-construction Services AC: 122. Provide Pre-Construction Services for Phase Project Final Design (GFB) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015
Implement Construction and O&M AD: 29. Provide Construction for Identified 2014 Projects (GFB) 01/31/2015 11/14/2014
Maintenance on completed habitat projects AE: 198. Maintenance work on restoration projects (NWTR) 01/31/2015 10/30/2014
Technical peer review of project planning and selection process AF: 122. Provide Expert Technical Review for Identified FY14-15 Projects (Parsley) 01/31/2015 10/01/2014
Input and Recommendations of Adaptive Management Strategies AG: 122. Input and Review on Project Specific M&E and Adaptive Management (DJW) 01/31/2015 01/30/2015

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Sturgeon, White (A. transmontanus) - Kootenai River DPS (Endangered)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 1 instance of WE 98 Other
  • 1 instance of WE 174 Produce Plan
  • 3 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 3 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 3 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
  • 2 instances of WE 100 Construction Management

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 02/01/2014
B 119 Project Management (KTOI) 02/01/2014
C 132 Submit Annual Report (KTOI) 02/01/2014
D 122 Provide Technical Review & Integration for Project Planning & Implementation (CFS) 02/01/2014
E 157 Data Collection for Habitat Enhancement Feasibility Studies (USGS-ID) 11/26/2013
F 162 Modeling & Data Analysis (USGS-ID) 02/01/2014
G 119 Project Planning, Coordination and Meetings (USGS-ID) 02/01/2014
H 162 Analyze, Interpret, and Report on Data and Results of Juvenile KRW Sturgeon Studies (BK Riverfish) 02/01/2014
I 175 Project Management & Coordination of Technical Design Work (RDG) 11/26/2013
J 100 Construction Management Support for Project Implementation (RDG) 02/01/2014
K 175 Develop Final Design for Phase 2 Projects (RDG) 11/26/2013
L 175 Conduct Feasibility Analysis and Design for Phase Projects (RDG) 11/26/2013
M 119 Project Management and Coordination (Geum) 02/01/2014
N 174 Coordinate, Develop & Produce Adaptive Management Program (Geum) 11/26/2013
O 157 Feasibility Analysis, Preliminary Design and Final Design (Geum) 11/26/2013
P 100 Project Construction Management (Geum) 02/01/2014
Q 165 Environmental Compliance and Permitting (Geum) 02/01/2014
R 99 Provide Services & Products to Support Outreach & Education (Open Book Odyssey) 02/01/2014
S 119 Project Management, Facilitation, Communciations, Information Management (DJW, Ziji, MEI) 02/01/2014
T 119 Provide Services (attendance and/or management of) Project Meetings (DJW, Ziji, MEI) 02/01/2014
U 119 Progress Reporting, Budget Development & Tracking (DJW) 02/01/2014
V 165 Environmental Compliance (MEI) 02/01/2014
W 165 Biological and Environmental Compliance Implementation Support (MEI) 02/01/2014
X 122 Provide Expert Technical Review for Phase 2 Projects (Technical Reviewers) 02/01/2014
Y 98 Material Acquisition (Flory) 11/26/2013
Z 157 Collect Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist) 11/26/2013
AA 162 Analyze Data on Effects--Habitat Restoration/Fish Assemblage/Side Channel Structure (Quist) 02/01/2014
AB 141 Reports on Effects of Habitat Restoration, Fish Assemblages, Side Channel Structure (Quist) 02/01/2014
AC 122 Provide Pre-Construction Services for Phase Project Final Design (GFB) 02/01/2014
AD 29 Provide Construction for Identified 2014 Projects (GFB) 05/22/2014
AE 198 Maintenance work on restoration projects (NWTR) 02/01/2014
AF 122 Provide Expert Technical Review for Identified FY14-15 Projects (Parsley) 02/01/2014
AG 122 Input and Review on Project Specific M&E and Adaptive Management (DJW) 02/01/2014