This contract will serve as a portal for BPA funding to support Reclamation to design the Middle Entiat Project.
The contractor (Reclamation), its designated agents, sub-consultants and project stakeholders will be available, responsive and collaboratively address contract related issues during the term of the contract. Contract issues include but are not limited to technical, policy, regulatory, project management and associated elements related to the project. Successful execution of this contract is contingent on alignment of the preceding contract issues with the BPI and BPA contracting processes, project management plans, design review protocols (including but not limited to BPA RRT design review, Technical and Design Team guidance, review, input, comments, integration, and outcomes of the UCSRB habitat modeling assessments), stakeholder congruence with proposed actions and decisions rendered by 1) the project executive team and 2) action agency agreement. Arbitration and dispute resolution will occur relative to the following three tier escalation ladder: 1) conference with the project Executive Team 2) Elevate to the Action Agency coordination meeting 3) Direct consultation between program managers.
If the BoR does not secure an agreement with the majority landowner where most actions are proposed, the project would shift to implementing only actions off of the majority landowner's property and funding under this contract would align accordingly and commensurate with reduced scope of project.
General Project Description:
The project area is located roughly between River Miles (RM) 16.1 and 20.9 and includes many proposed in-stream structures, side channel improvements, alcove improvements and bank roughness.
This Contract Period (CR-285356):
The purpose of this contract is to retain the services of a design engineer to provide technical analysis and coordination for the Middle Entiat project. The project is broken out into several phases. This phase of work includes analysis and coordination to advance the 30% designs for Project Areas A, B, C, E, and F in the Stormy Reach and Gray Reaches to 60% design, This will be done using Reclamation's contractor.
Reclamation's contractor will participate on both the DesignTeam and Project Team for the Middle Entiat project during this and future phases of the project. The Design Team will be led by the contractor and is tasked with understanding and combining in an appropriate way the stakeholder, biological and physical project objectives to be used by the design engineer (contractor) to develop preferred concepts and designs. The design engineer (contractor), as a member of the design team, is required to track all decisions and design changes for each project element. Reclamation's contractor is expected to work closely with Reclamation, the Design Team, and the Project Team to ensure project objectives are clearly identified/understood and that proposed concepts will meet those objectives.
To accomplish the tasks described herein, Reclamation's contractor will perform project management, technical analysis, and design, all of which will require staff time in an office setting as well as travel to the Wenatchee area to coordinate with other stakeholders. Specifically, the work will entail coordination of design staff and participation in design team meetings; wetlands delineation and report writing; 2D hydraulic modeling; LWM risk analysis; LWM, channel, dewatering, and planting plan analysis; drafting of 60% designs, incorporation of review comments into design, cost estimate, and Basis of Design report; and preparation of permit applications.
Background on Project:
The Middle Entiat Project consists of a number of habitat improvement projects in the Gray and Stormy Reaches of the Entiat River in Chelan Co, WA. Reclamation and BPA are undertaking this work as partial fulfillment of their obligations to improve tributary habitat for spring Chinook and Steelhead under the 2008 FCRPS BiOp. The Gray and Stormy Reaches of the Entiat River have been evaluated for habitat rehabilitation and potential projects have been identified through a Reach Assessments (2012) and Map Books illustrating initial habitat improvement concepts (2012). These documents can be found on Reclamation’s web page here: