Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Grande Ronde and Umatilla Fish Habitat Improvement Program
Province Subbasin %
Blue Mountain Grande Ronde 100.00%
Contract Number:
Contract Title:
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Contract Description:
The Grande Ronde Fish Habitat Improvement Project supports the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife' s (ODFW) efforts to restore riparian and instream habitats in the Blue Mountain Province as mitigation for fisheries losses resulting from development of the federal Columbia River Power System. The project focuses on the restoration of habitats utilized by Federal Endangered Species Act listed Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon and Snake River summer steelhead, while benefiting many other species of fish and wildlife. Since initiation of this project in 1984, 69 projects have been completed along approximately 97.2 miles of stream restoring 3,633 acres of riparian and instream habitat.

Project activities planned for this contract period include coordination with basin partners, project planning, design review, permitting and construction, and inspection and maintenance of projects with current ODFW easements. Continued coordination with landowners and signing of easements is also planned.

Wallowa River-Baker project designs and specifications have been completed. Funding proposals for project implementation have been submitted to the Grande Ronde Model Watershed and the Oregon Watershed and Enhancement Board. Funding has been received from GRMW. Depending on funding received from OWEB, project implementation will begin in June 2016. Activities planned for 2016 include construction of two side channels, installation of engineered log jams, fish salvage, riparian planting, and seeding. A 15-year easement will be signed with the landowner once implementation funding is secured.

Exclosure fencing on the Fly Creek-Smith project will be expanded to include an additional 0.3 stream miles (15 acres), for a project total of 1.8 stream miles and 60 riparian acres. In addition, an existing water gap will be decreased from 100 feet to 50 feet, and 1,300 feet of the existing fence line will be realigned outwards 20 feet. A 25-year easement will be signed with the landowner.

Exclosure fencing on Chesnimnus Creek will be expanded one mile to fully exclude livestock from 138.1 acres. Two solar wells and off-site livestock water projects will also be installed resulting in closure of three water gaps and decreased seasonal crossings by livestock. A performance based easement will be signed with the landowner.

The Crow Creek-Krebs project will be implemented including placing 40 acres in a 15-year conservation easement, constructing livestock and elk exclosure fencing, installing three of-site watering systems, recountouring streambanks, and riparian planting.

Technical assistance funding has been requested from BPA and OWEB for a fish habitat restoration project on the Hall Ranch, located on Catherine Creek. If funding is secured, an engineering firm will be hired to develop detailed designs.

Inspection and maintenance of projects with easements will be on-going, concurrent with maintaining project vegetation, monitoring for and removing trespassing livestock, and maintaining reconstructed stream channel and instream structures. These activities will be conducted throughout the year to comply with ODFW easements.

Temperature monitoring and data analysis is planned at 12 sites on 6 streams. Photographs will be taken at approximately 100 photo point locations.

Easements and projects on the Upper Grande Ronde, Catherine Creek, Lostine, and Wallowa Rivers and Chesnimnus, Pine, West Pine, and Crow creeks will continued to be pursued.

GRFH staff will participate in the BPA Catherine Creek and Upper Grande Ronde ATLAS process via participation on the Science Technical Advisory Committee, Implementation Team, and Stakeholder Technical Advisory Committee. GRFH staff will assist with identifying high priority project opportunities, selection of opportunity leads, and opportunity development.

Program staff will participate in monthly Union County Coordination meetings coordinated by the GRMW.

GRFH Program staff will continue to participate on project design and implementation teams for CC-44 Phase, Hall Ranch, Bird Track and other projects as they aerise. ODFW will lead fish salvage operations on CC-44 and Wallowa-Baker. Coordination with basin partners will remain a priority.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Local, state and federal permits B: 165. Environmental Compliance for Construction Activities 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Riparian Easement Agreement for the Wallowa River-Baker Project. C: 92. Riparian Easement Agreement for Wallowa River-Baker Project 10/07/2016 10/07/2016
Increased Wallowa River Stream Planform Complexity D: 30. Wallowa River-Baker Project Side Channel and Floodplain Creation 02/28/2017
Increased Habitat Complexity Wallowa River-Baker Project E: 29. Installation of Engineered Log Jams on Wallowa River-Baker Project 02/28/2017
Conduct Fish Salvage on Wallowa River-Baker Project F: 28. Conduct Fish Salvage on Wallowa River-Baker Project 08/15/2016
Easement Fencing Constructed on Wallowa River-Baker Project G: 40. Install Fence on Wallowa-Baker Project 12/31/2016
Native Upland Grass Seeding on Wallowa River-Baker Project H: 47. Seed Wallowa River-Baker Project with Native Upland Grass Seed Mix 12/31/2016
Plant Riparian Vegetation on Wallowa River-Baker Project I: 47. Plant Riparian Vegetation on Wallowa River-Baker Project 12/31/2016
Construction Management Complete J: 100. Construction Management of Wallowa River-Baker Project 02/28/2017
Riparian Easement Agreement for the Fly Creek-Smith Project. K: 92. Riparian Easement for Fly Creek-Smith Project 03/31/2016
Installation and Realignment of Exclosure and Easement Fencing for Fly Creek-Smith Project. L: 40. Installation and Realignment of Exclosure Fencing on Fly Creek-Smith Project 11/30/2016 11/30/2016
Woody Material in Fly Creek to Increase Fish Habitat and Cover M: 29. Place Woody Material in Fly Creek to Increase Fish Habitat and Cover 12/31/2016 11/30/2016
Riparian Easement Agreement for the Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project. N: 92. Riparian Easement for Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 06/30/2016
Exclusion and Easement Fencing for Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project. O: 40. Installation of Exclosure Fencing on Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 11/30/2016
Installation of Solar Wells and Off-Site Livestock Watering at Two Locations P: 34. Develop Solar Well and Off-Site Livestock Watering Projects on Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 11/30/2016
Native Vegetation Maintenance on Projects with ODFW Easements Q: 198. Maintain Vegetation on Projects with ODFW Easements 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Maintain Riparian Habitat Projects With ODFW Easements R: 186. Maintain Projects With ODFW Easements 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Inspect Current ODFW Grande Ronde Fish Habitat Projects with Easements for Livestock Trespass S: 26. Monitor Current Projects with ODFW Easements for Livestock Trespass 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Stream Channel and Instream Structure Maintenance T: 186. Maintain Reconstructed Stream Channels and Instream Structures 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Collect Stream Temperatures at Representative Restoration Projects U: 186. Collect Stream Temperatures at Represenative Restoration Projects 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Documentation of Project Changes Using Photo Points V: 186. Document Representative Restoration Project Changes Using Photo Points 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Analysis and Interpretation of Temperature Monitoring Data W: 186. Analysis and Interpretation of Temperature Data 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Analysis and Interpretation of Photo Point Monitoring Photographs X: 186. Analysis and Interpretation of Photo Point Data 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Participation in BPA Atlas Process for Catherine Creek and the Upper Grande Ronde Y: 122. Participation in BPA Atlas Process 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Identify and Assess Potential Projects in the Grande Ronde Basin Z: 114. Identify and Assess Potential Projects in the Grande Ronde Basin 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for Catherine Creek CC-44 Project AA: 122. Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for CC-44 Project 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Conduct Fish Salvage on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project AB: 28. Conduct Fish Salvage on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Harvest and Plant Riparian Wetland Vegetation on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project AC: 47. Harvest and Plant Riparian Wetland Vegetation on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for the Bird Track Project AD: 122. Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for the Bird Track Project 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Watershed Coordination AE: 191. Coordinate Project Activities with Regional Partners 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Grande Ronde Fish Habitat Program Project Management AF: 119. Manage and Administer Projects 02/28/2017 02/28/2017
Completed Annual Report AG: 132. Submit Progress Report for the Period January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 08/12/2016 08/12/2016
Off-Site Water Systems on Crow Creek-Krebs Project AH: 34. Install Off-Site Water Systems on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 12/30/2016
Fences Installed on Crow Creek-Krebs Project AI: 40. Install Fence on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 12/31/2016
Regrading of exposed, vertical banks on West Fork Pine Creek. AJ: 55. Improve Floodplain Connectivity on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 12/31/2016
Riparian Vegetation Planting on Crow Creek-Krebs Project AK: 47. Plant Riparian Vegetation on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 12/31/2016
Hall Ranch Habitat Improvement Project Designs AL: 175. Develop Detailed Designs for Hall Ranch Habitat Improvement Project 02/28/2017

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Fall ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 2 instances of WE 28 Trap and Haul
  • 6 instances of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 3 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 100 Construction Management
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 28 Trap and Haul
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 1 instance of WE 28 Trap and Haul
  • 2 instances of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 1 instance of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 4 instances of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 1 instance of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 55 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
  • 3 instances of WE 92 Lease Land
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 1 instance of WE 100 Construction Management

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 03/01/2016
B 165 Environmental Compliance for Construction Activities 03/01/2016
C 92 Riparian Easement Agreement for Wallowa River-Baker Project 03/01/2016
D 30 Wallowa River-Baker Project Side Channel and Floodplain Creation
E 29 Installation of Engineered Log Jams on Wallowa River-Baker Project
F 28 Conduct Fish Salvage on Wallowa River-Baker Project
G 40 Install Fence on Wallowa-Baker Project
H 47 Seed Wallowa River-Baker Project with Native Upland Grass Seed Mix
I 47 Plant Riparian Vegetation on Wallowa River-Baker Project
J 100 Construction Management of Wallowa River-Baker Project 03/01/2016
K 92 Riparian Easement for Fly Creek-Smith Project 03/01/2016
L 40 Installation and Realignment of Exclosure Fencing on Fly Creek-Smith Project 03/01/2016
M 29 Place Woody Material in Fly Creek to Increase Fish Habitat and Cover 03/01/2016
N 92 Riparian Easement for Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 03/01/2016
O 40 Installation of Exclosure Fencing on Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 03/01/2016
P 34 Develop Solar Well and Off-Site Livestock Watering Projects on Chesnimnus Creek-Williams Project 03/01/2016
Q 198 Maintain Vegetation on Projects with ODFW Easements 03/01/2016
R 186 Maintain Projects With ODFW Easements 03/01/2016
S 26 Monitor Current Projects with ODFW Easements for Livestock Trespass 03/01/2016
T 186 Maintain Reconstructed Stream Channels and Instream Structures 03/01/2016
U 186 Collect Stream Temperatures at Represenative Restoration Projects 03/01/2016
V 186 Document Representative Restoration Project Changes Using Photo Points 03/01/2016
W 186 Analysis and Interpretation of Temperature Data 03/01/2016
X 186 Analysis and Interpretation of Photo Point Data 03/01/2016
Y 122 Participation in BPA Atlas Process 03/01/2016
Z 114 Identify and Assess Potential Projects in the Grande Ronde Basin 03/01/2016
AA 122 Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for CC-44 Project 03/01/2016
AB 28 Conduct Fish Salvage on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project 03/01/2016
AC 47 Harvest and Plant Riparian Wetland Vegetation on Catherine Creek CC-44 Project 03/01/2016
AD 122 Review of Design Plans and Engineering Documents for the Bird Track Project 03/01/2016
AE 191 Coordinate Project Activities with Regional Partners 03/01/2016
AF 119 Manage and Administer Projects 03/01/2016
AG 132 Submit Progress Report for the Period January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 03/01/2016
AH 34 Install Off-Site Water Systems on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 08/08/2016
AI 40 Install Fence on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 08/08/2016
AJ 55 Improve Floodplain Connectivity on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 08/08/2016
AK 47 Plant Riparian Vegetation on Crow Creek-Krebs Project 08/08/2016
AL 175 Develop Detailed Designs for Hall Ranch Habitat Improvement Project 03/01/2016