Environmental Compliance |
B: 165. Environmental Clearance |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Data for spawner abundance est of chum salmon in primary spawning reaches of LCR WA tributary |
C: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via carcass tagging |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Data needed to generate population est., Columbia River: I-205 to Bonneville Dam |
D: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling/marking for spawner population estimates via live tagging |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Data needed for spawner abundance est of chum salmon in non-primary spawning areas |
E: 157. Spawning ground surveys & sampling in areas with low chum salmon spawner abundance |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Chum salmon spawning ground survey data exchange |
F: 161. Chum salmon spawning ground survey data exchange for mainstem Columbia River spawning areas |
01/15/2017 |
12/30/2016 |
Physical/environmental profile of the spawning channels during the time chum salmon are present |
G: 157. Monitor physical characteristics of renovated spawning channels at Duncan Creek |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Adult Trap data |
H: 157. Adult trap monitoring at Duncan Creek |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Seine adults for broodstock |
I: 66. Seining activities for broodstock to be used at Duncan Creek and in hatchery programs |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Collect adults for Salvage Plan |
J: 66. Seining activities for broodstock to be used in a Salvage Plan - Placeholder |
01/15/2017 |
12/30/2016 |
Adult spawner data from Duncan Creek spawning channel |
K: 157. Sampling of spawners placed into Duncan Creek spawning channels |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Adult sampling data for artificial production at hatcheries |
L: 157. Sampling of adults used for artificial propagation at hatcheries |
01/15/2017 |
01/15/2017 |
Daily fry totals at Duncan Creek spawning channels |
M: 157. Enumeration and sampling of naturally produced fry at Duncan Creek |
05/30/2017 |
05/30/2017 |
Potential egg deposition (PED) and actual egg deposition (AED) values in Duncan spawning chann |
N: 162. Estimate egg-to-fry survival rates in Duncan Creek spawning channels |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Daily catch, sampling and marking data from juvenile out-migrant traps |
O: 157. Enumeration and sampling at Grays River and Hamilton Creek Basin juvenile migrant traps |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Marked chum salmon fed-fry for supplementation/enhancement releases |
P: 176. Produce marked chum salmon fed-fry for supplementation/enhancement releases |
05/15/2017 |
05/15/2017 |
Thermally marked chum salmon fed-fry for release under a "Salvage" plan |
Q: 176. Produce marked chum salmon fed-fry for release under a "Salvage" plan |
04/30/2017 |
12/30/2016 |
Fecundity estimates |
R: 157. Sampling of eggs for individual female fecundity - Grays River and Washougal hatcheries |
02/15/2017 |
02/15/2017 |
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking QA/QC |
S: 157. Sampling of hatchery fry just prior to, and at ponding. Collection of thermally marked vouche |
04/30/2017 |
04/30/2017 |
Fry data - ponding and thermal marking |
T: 157. Sampling of "Salvage" plan chum fry and collection of thermally marked voucher fry |
04/30/2017 |
03/30/2017 |
Fecundity Estimates |
U: 162. Analysis of hatchery data |
05/15/2017 |
05/15/2017 |
Fecundity Estimates |
V: 162. Analysis of Salvage Plan hatchery data |
05/15/2017 |
03/30/2017 |
Adult chum salmon population estimates |
W: 162. Analysis of adult data (sampling, mark/recapture and survey counts) for population estimates |
04/15/2017 |
02/28/2017 |
Analysis of data collected during the 2016 out-migrant monitoring season |
X: 162. Analyze data collected from smolt trapping activities |
09/30/2016 |
09/30/2016 |
Adult origin analysis |
Y: 162. Analysis to determine project origin adult returns |
08/30/2016 |
08/30/2016 |
Enhancement/reintroduction strategy for Lower Columbia River chum salmon |
Z: 174. Enhancement/reintroduction strategy |
06/30/2017 |
Population monitoring and evaluation plan |
AA: 174. Population monitoring and evaluation program |
06/30/2017 |
All administrative tasks fulfilled with timely quality products |
AB: 119. Project management and administration |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Habitat enhancement projects |
AC: 114. Assess and identify additional priority habitat projects - Placeholder |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Technical review of habitat proposals |
AD: 122. Provide technical review of habitat proposals |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
Sandy River Delta chum salmon spawning channel scoping report |
AE: 115. Sandy River Delta scoping project |
06/30/2017 |
Submit BiOp RPA Report in Taurus |
AF: 202. BiOp RPA Report for CY 2016 |
03/15/2017 |
02/28/2017 |
Completed Annual Report |
AG: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (Jan 2015) to (Dec 2016) |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |
A framework of a draft chum salmon life-cycle model |
AH: 174. Initiate development of a LCR chum salmon life-cycle model |
01/16/2017 |
01/16/2017 |
Initiation of channel construction |
AI: 30. Initiate construction of Emlen/DNR channel in Skamokawa Basin |
06/30/2017 |
06/30/2017 |