Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 74313 REL 44: 1993-066-00 EXP OREGON FISH SCREENS PROJECTS
Project Number:
Oregon Fish Screens Project
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau John Day 100.00%
Contract Number:
74313 REL 44
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
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  • 74313 REL 68: 1993-066-00 EXP OREGON FISH SCREENS PROJECTS
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
The project improves survival of native fish species through the implementation of fish screen, passage, and habitat projects (irrigation diversions, dams, culverts, habitat structures, etc.) on both public and private land.  Along with funds from BPA, the program uses cost share from PCSRF, OWEB, Oregon General Fund, and ODFW Surcharge funds for implementation.  The project is housed at the John Day Screen Shop in John Day, Oregon, but supports projects in most of Eastern Oregon.  Prioritization of projects is primarily focused by the Mid-Columbia Steelhead Plan, but Oregon Sub-basin plans and other regional plans help determine best use of money on the ground, while maximizing partnership projects throughout the entire area.        

The program will solicit a subcontractor to complete cultural resource surveys on ground disturbance projects (through the supplemental Cultural Expense Contract).  Once the subcontractor has completed all surveys for the contract year, the report will be reviewed by ODFW and then submitted to BPA for final compliance review and approval.  Work on ground disturbance projects will not begin until BPA has provided approval.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
BPA contract administration requirements complete A: 119. Routine Administration of BPA Contract 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
Complete Environmental Clearance Documentation or Prepare Biological Assessment B: 165. Complete Environmental Clearance Documentation 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
New projects identified for future funding and added to prioritized list of potential projects. C: 114. Identify and prioritize new projects for future funding. 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
Designs and specifications for planned projects. D: 175. Produce designs for specific projects. 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
Diversion renovation project completed at the Mountain Creek fish screen #3 site. E: 84. Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Mountain Creek fish screen site #3. 12/31/2019
Diversion renovation completed at the Mountain Creek fish screen #5 site. F: 84. Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Mountain Creek fish screen site #5. 12/31/2019
Diversion infrastructure renovation complete at the Wiwwanyatt Creek diversion site. G: 84. Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Wiwaaynatt Creek diversion site. 11/30/2019
Rock Weir Diversion Installed on Laycock Creek. I: 84. Replace push-up dam on Laycock Creek with rock weirs 11/30/2019
Diversion removal on Rock Creek-Hewes. J: 84. Remove diversion on Rock Creek-Hewes 12/31/2019 09/13/2019
Culvert Replaced on Deadwood Creek. K: 184. Replace Culvert on Deadwood Creek 12/31/2019 08/15/2019
One gravity fish screen installed on Indian Creek. L: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Indian Creek 11/30/2019
One New Rotary Drum Fish Screen, one headgate, and one flow measuring device installed in the Bear Creek irrigation diversion. M: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Bear Creek. 11/30/2019
One new rotary drum screen, one headgate, and one siphon installed in the Little Indian Creek diversion. N: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Little Indian Creek. 11/30/2019
One new gravity (rotary drum) fish screen, one headgate, and one flow measuring device installed on the Moon Creek irrigation ditch. O: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Moon Creek. 11/30/2019
Gravity Screen Replacement on Reynolds Creek. Q: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen Reynolds Creek. 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
One new rotary drum screen, one headgate, and one flow measuring device installed in Bridge Creek irrigation ditch. R: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Bridge Creek. 11/30/2019
Pump fish screens installed in the Upper Mainstem of the John Day River Basin. S: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens the Upper Mainstem John Day River Basin (upstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
Pump fish screens installed on the North Fork John Day River Basin. T: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens in the North Fork John Day River Drainage. 12/31/2019
Pump Fish Screens installed in the Lower Mainstem of the John Day River Basin. U: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens the Lower Mainstem John Day River Basin (downstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
Pump fish screens installed in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin. V: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin. 12/31/2019
Pump fish screens installed in the South Fork of the John Day River Basin. W: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens in the South Fork John Day River Basin. 12/31/2019
Pump fish screens installed in the Umatilla River Basin. X: 69. Install Pump Fish Screens in the Umatilla River Basin. 12/31/2019
One or two fish exclusion barriers installed on the Enterprise Ditch. Y: 80. Install Fish Exclusion Barriers on the Enterprise Ditch on the John Day River. 12/31/2019
log weir removal on Summit Creek. Z: 85. Remove log weirs on Summit Creek 11/30/2019
Diversion removal on Umatilla River-Weiss. AA: 85. Umatilla River-Weiss diversion removal. 12/31/2019
Large wood placed on Deadwood Creek. AB: 29. Improve instream habitat on Deadwood Creek 11/30/2019
Large wood placed on Summit Creek. AC: 29. Improve instream habitat on Summit Creek 11/30/2019
Large wood placed on Pine Hollow. AD: 29. Improve instream habitat on Pine Hollow 11/30/2019
Large wood placed on Mountain Creek AE: 29. Improve instream habitat in Mountain Creek 11/30/2019
Large wood placed on Mountain Creek AF: 29. Improve instream habitat in Mountain Creek 11/30/2019
Large wood placed on Cottonwood Creek. AG: 29. Improve instream habitat on Cottonwood Creek. 11/30/2019 07/31/2019
Culverts Replaced on Summit Creek. AH: 184. Replace Culverts on Summit Creek 11/30/2019 08/15/2019
Culvert replaced on Cottonwood Creek. AI: 184. Replace Culvert on Cottonwood Creek. 11/30/2019 08/15/2019
Culvert replaced on Pine Hollow. AJ: 184. Replace Culvert on Pine Hollow. 11/30/2019
One bridge installed on Wildhorse Creek AK: 184. Replace Bridge on Wildhorse Creek. 11/30/2019
Water Measuring Devices Installed in the Upper John Day River basin. AL: 148. Install Water Measuring Devices in the Upper John Day River Basin (upstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/31/2019
New water measuring devices installed in the North Fork of the John Day River Basin. AM: 148. Install water measuring devices in the North Fork of the John Day River Basin. 12/31/2019
Install New Water Measuring Devices in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin. AN: 148. Install water measuring devices in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin. 12/31/2019
Water Measuring Devices Installed in the South Fork of the John Day River Basin. AO: 148. Install water measuring devices in the South Fork of the John Day River Basin. 12/31/2019
New water measuring devices installed in the Lower Mainstem of the John Day River Basin. AP: 148. Install water measuring devices in the Lower Mainstem John Day River Basin (downstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/31/2019 12/30/2019
New water measuring devices installed in the Umatilla River Basin. AQ: 148. Install water measuring devices in the Umatilla River Basin. 12/31/2019
Completed Annual Report AR: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 06/30/2019 06/19/2019
One gravity fish screen installed on Fields Creek #2. AT: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Fields Creek #2. 12/31/2019
One gravity fish screen installed on Fields Creek #3. AU: 69. Install Gravity Fish Screen on Fields Creek #3. 12/31/2019

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 6 instances of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 15 instances of WE 69 Install Fish Screen
  • 1 instance of WE 80 Install Siphon
  • 6 instances of WE 84 Remove/Install Diversion
  • 2 instances of WE 85 Remove/Breach Fish Passage Barrier
  • 5 instances of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 6 instances of WE 148 Install Flow Measuring Device

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Routine Administration of BPA Contract 01/01/2019
B 165 Complete Environmental Clearance Documentation 01/01/2019
C 114 Identify and prioritize new projects for future funding. 01/01/2019
D 175 Produce designs for specific projects.
E 84 Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Mountain Creek fish screen site #3.
F 84 Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Mountain Creek fish screen site #5.
G 84 Renovate the diversion infrastructure at the Wiwaaynatt Creek diversion site. 12/02/2019
H 84 Renovate the diversion infrastructure in Beech Creek at the Brooks Diversion.
I 84 Replace push-up dam on Laycock Creek with rock weirs 12/02/2019
J 84 Remove diversion on Rock Creek-Hewes 12/02/2019
K 184 Replace Culvert on Deadwood Creek 12/02/2019
L 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Indian Creek
M 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Bear Creek.
N 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Little Indian Creek.
O 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Moon Creek.
P 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Johnson Creek.
Q 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen Reynolds Creek. 12/02/2019
R 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Bridge Creek.
S 69 Install Pump Fish Screens the Upper Mainstem John Day River Basin (upstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/02/2019
T 69 Install Pump Fish Screens in the North Fork John Day River Drainage.
U 69 Install Pump Fish Screens the Lower Mainstem John Day River Basin (downstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/02/2019
V 69 Install Pump Fish Screens in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin.
W 69 Install Pump Fish Screens in the South Fork John Day River Basin.
X 69 Install Pump Fish Screens in the Umatilla River Basin.
Y 80 Install Fish Exclusion Barriers on the Enterprise Ditch on the John Day River.
Z 85 Remove log weirs on Summit Creek
AA 85 Umatilla River-Weiss diversion removal.
AB 29 Improve instream habitat on Deadwood Creek
AC 29 Improve instream habitat on Summit Creek
AD 29 Improve instream habitat on Pine Hollow
AE 29 Improve instream habitat in Mountain Creek
AF 29 Improve instream habitat in Mountain Creek
AG 29 Improve instream habitat on Cottonwood Creek. 12/02/2019
AH 184 Replace Culverts on Summit Creek 12/02/2019
AI 184 Replace Culvert on Cottonwood Creek. 12/02/2019
AJ 184 Replace Culvert on Pine Hollow.
AK 184 Replace Bridge on Wildhorse Creek.
AL 148 Install Water Measuring Devices in the Upper John Day River Basin (upstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/02/2019
AM 148 Install water measuring devices in the North Fork of the John Day River Basin.
AN 148 Install water measuring devices in the Middle Fork of the John Day River Basin.
AO 148 Install water measuring devices in the South Fork of the John Day River Basin.
AP 148 Install water measuring devices in the Lower Mainstem John Day River Basin (downstream of the North Fork confluence). 12/02/2019
AQ 148 Install water measuring devices in the Umatilla River Basin.
AR 132 Submit Progress Report for the period 1/1/2018 - 12/31/2018 01/01/2019
AS 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 01/01/2019
AT 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Fields Creek #2.
AU 69 Install Gravity Fish Screen on Fields Creek #3.