Effective implementation management; timely contract administration |
A: 119. Project Implementation Management and Contract Administration |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Timely and successful compliance documentation and clearance |
C: 165. Environmental Compliance |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Finalize Technical Progress Report (calendar-year) |
D: 132. WDFW will produce an annual technical progress report for the work completed, showing cumulative results and synthesis for the duration data collection/analysis studies. BPA needs to have the reports fi |
05/14/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Produce In-hatchery assessment accessible, error-checked data sets & metadata |
E: 157. Monitor spawning and survival of hatchery steelhead at Lyons Ferry and Tucannon FH |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Mark and Tag Supplementation Steelhead for Program Evaluation |
F: 158. Coded-Wire Tag Hatchery and PIT-Tag juvenile Hatchery Summer Steelhead |
02/28/2021 |
02/28/2021 |
PIT tag hatchery-origin spring Chinook for Program Evaluation |
G: 158. PIT-Tag Tucannon River Juvenile Hatchery Spring Chinook |
02/01/2021 |
02/01/2021 |
Tag Tucannon summer Steelhead for Program Evaluation |
H: 158. PIT Tag natural origin steelhead at the Tucannon River Smolt Trap |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Maintain PIT Array Sites and Produce accessible, error-checked data sets with metadata |
I: 157. Maintain PIT Tag Arrays on the Tucannon River |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets & metadata that describes the summer steelhead return to Tucannon FH |
J: 157. Trap adult steelhead at the Tucannon Hatchery Trap |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Tag adult Steelhead spawners for Program Evaluation |
K: 158. Tag Adult Steelhead at the Weir |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets with metadata for spawning ground survey. |
L: 157. WDFW Steelhead Spawning Surveys in the upper Tucannon River |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets with metadata to estimate adult returns to the Tucannon River |
M: 162. Estimate adult returns to the Tucannon River |
04/01/2021 |
04/01/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets with metadata for steelhead spawning composition and distribution for the Tucannon River |
N: 162. Estimate distribution of the spawners within the Tucannon River |
04/15/2021 |
04/15/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets with metadata for recruits:spawner or recruits/return of natural & hatchery origin steelhead |
O: 162. Estimate productivity (recruits/spawner) of natural and hatchery origin summer steelhead on the Tucannon River. |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |
Produce accessible, error-checked data sets and metadata |
P: 157. Genotype DNA Samples from Snake River Fall Chinook |
06/30/2021 |
06/30/2021 |