Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Duck Valley Reservation Habitat Enhancement
Province Subbasin %
Middle Snake Owyhee 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
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The Duck Valley Indian Reservation's Habitat Enhancement program is an ongoing project designed to enhance and protect critical riparian areas, natural springs, the Owyhee River and its tributaries, Bruneau River tributaries, and native fish and wildlife habitat on the Reservation.  The project commenced in 1997 and addresses the Northwest Power Planning Council's measures 10.8C.2, 10.8C.3, and 10.8C.5 of the 1994 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.  


The Habitat Enhancement and Protection Program (HEPP) was developed and implemented in 1997 in response to concerns about the impacts of land use practices on fish and wildlife habitat. The project is designed to mitigate these impacts by enhancing and protecting critical riparian areas.  These areas are enhanced by improving adjacent backcountry roads to reduce non-point source pollution, fencing and trough placement at natural springs and headwaters areas, restoring and protecting the Owyhee River, its tributaries, and wetland areas, and overall protection of native fish and wildlife habitat on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation (DVIR).  Critical protection areas are determined in coordination with the  Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration Program,  Duck Valley Fisheries Program (199501500) and the Tribal Environmental Protection Program (TEPP).  

The majority of springs on the DVIR are located on grazing lands.  Consequently, livestock searching for water tend to find the springs and trample the sensitive riparian areas around the springs.  This trampling can cause a shift in ground topography or composition and alter the spring flow, water quality, and water temperatures.  The cold, clean water from these springs entering creeks provides a refuge for cold-water fish species, such as native redband trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss gairdneri), especially in the late summer months.  The goals of protecting the springs are enhancing productivity and water quality of springs that flow into native fish habitat, preventing damage, and allowing damaged springs to recover.  These goals are met by using exclosure fencing and off-site stock watering through the use of either solar-pumped or  gravity-fed water troughs,  installing culverts in roads where spring water pools or runs, and planting native vegetation where necessary.

Another portion of the project involves protecting streams and the East Fork of the Owyhee River, prioritizing the protection of native fish populations.  This is accomplished with exclosure fencing, off-site livestock watering, protection of springs that flow into the river, and native vegetation planting to reduce erosion, to provide shade and cooler water temperatures, and to provide habitat, cover, and forage. Suspended solids and fine particles can be abrasive to fish gills, and fines can also interrupt spawning habitat by entombing fertilized eggs or by blocking off oxygenated water, which results in high mortality rates for eggs and sac-fry.  Reduction in these fines will increase fish survival rates within these waters.

The Tribes actively engage in enhancing unimproved backcountry roads, as these roads and associated vehicles can contribute significant amounts of sediments and hydrocarbon pollution to the streams and spring water.  Unimproved backcountry dirt roads on the DVIR provide access to more than 2/3 of the Reservation's acreage.  The eastern third of the Reservation rises to a high plateau 3,000 feet above the valley floor, and several of the roads follow creeks as they rise to the plateau, resulting in undeveloped stream crossings, and roads constructed in or adjacent to the stream's floodplain, causing erosion, high sediment loads, and hydrocarbon pollution in the streams.  Two of these streams, Skull Creek and the North Fork of Skull Creek support pure populations of native redband trout. Erosion channels travel down the roads forming six to twelve-inch ruts, forming small gullies, contributing an unnatural sediment load in the creeks.  The creeks undercut the roads in other places, also causing unnatural sediment loads.  The Tribes utilize engineering and bioengineering techniques to mitigate these problems, including installation of culverts, native vegetation, geoweb, geo-jute, drainage dips, and bankfull dams as well as redirecting stream flows or relocating road crossings.

The Tribes are actively working to protect the East Fork of the Owyhee River with protection of springs that flow into the river, developing springs near the river (but without flows into the river) using troughs to attract livestock away from EF Owyhee River, and with bank stabilization techniques to increase riparian vegetation, lower water temperatures, and improve fish habitat, and to reduce sediment contributions caused by unstable geomorphic conditions.  In cooperation with the Tribal Environmental Protection Program (TEPP) ,an assessment of a 3.5 mile stretch of the EF Owyhee River was undertaken by Confluence Consulting, and they drafted a range of alternatives for restoration and protection activities specific to fish conservation and water quality.  

Through HEPP, our department has fostered a relationship with TEPP based on a sharing of common goals.  Programmatic liaisons like these garner more support for project goals from the surrounding ranching community, and the collaborative efforts ensure a considerable cost savings while delivering a much larger impact with more data and more technical expertise.  Our projects uncover information useful for TEPP in prioritization of the TEPP non-point source water pollution project locations, such as determination of priority stream crossings and priority sites for water contamination/ quality testing. TEPP assists this program by providing significant technical and bioengineering expertise and help us determine priority areas according to their water quality sampling plan.  

The program will develop with BPA a habitat monitoring and evaluation strategy that complies with the new RM&E guidelines, metrics and procedures for terrestrial, riparian, and aquatic data collection ,evaluation and reporting.

Project Location:

The projects associated with the Duck Valley Habitat Enhancement and Protection program are implemented on tribally owned and/or managed lands. The Duck Valley Indian Reservation encompasses approximately 289,820 tribally owned acres on the Idaho/Nevada border. The Reservation is home to approximately 1,800 enrolled Tribal members.  The Reservation is located in the Middle Snake Province within the Bruneau and Owyhee subbasins and is both remote and isolated; the closest town centers are Elko, Nevada and Mountain Home, Idaho (approximately 100 miles from the Reservation's small town of Owyhee).  These are also the closest areas to buy supplies for projects.

The predominant habitat types on the Reservation are sagebrush steppe, riparian, and wetland (emergent marsh).  Current uses of these habitats are ranching, flood-irrigated agriculture (major crop is hay), and recreation.  Water resources on the Reservation include three reservoirs stocked with rainbow trout, approximately 5,440 acres of wetlands in the central valley, over 640 acres of wetlands in the eastern highlands, over 200 natural springs, and numerous small reservoirs/stock ponds of 5 to 20 acres each.  The Blue Creek wetlands are part of an important wetland complex designated as a" Priority Conservation Site" by The Nature Conservancy. Over 350 miles of waterways exist on the Reservation; these waterways are major tributaries to the Bruneau  River and the South and East Forks of the Owyhee River.  The East Fork of the Owyhee River is the major drainage of the Reservation; this river is also the major source of water for ranching and recharge of the wetlands and aquifer.

Although the Duck Valley Indian Reservation has relatively good habitat compared to adjacent lands, habitat fragmentation, degradation and loss are problematic due to grazing, irrigation, fire, loss of herbaceous understory in sagebrush steppe habitat and encroaching exotics, destruction of biological crusts, and historic mining.  The goal of this project is to  enhance, create, and/or restore fish and wildlife habitat and protect them from  impacts and to monitor and evaluate the effects of these projects.
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* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 31-Jan-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
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Work Order Task(s):
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Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Cecilia Brown Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3462
Christopher Cleveland Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Yes Contract Manager (208) 759-3246
Lisa Dexter Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3893
Buster Gibson Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Yes Interested Party (208) 759-3246
Addie Parker Shoshone-Paiute Tribes No Administrative Contact (208) 759-3100
Christopher Roper Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-3514
Jinwon Seo Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Yes Supervisor (208) 759-3246
Tybee Sheidler Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-3820
Robert Shull Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3962
Dorothy Welch Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5479
Elham Zolmajd-Haghighi Bonneville Power Administration No CO Assistant (503) 230-7414

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Complete project administration A: 119. Manage and Administer Projects 02/28/2019 02/28/2019
Receipt of environmental compliance clearance B: 165. Produce environmental compliance documentation 03/01/2018 03/01/2018
Complete public outreach and education C: 99. Public Outreach and Education 02/28/2019 02/28/2019
Removed/Relocated Beavers from the Owyhee River, and Irrigation Canals. D: 190. Remove problem/over populated Beavers from Owyhee River, and Irrigation Canals 01/31/2019
Maintain previously installed culverts E: 38. Inspect and maintain previously installed culverts 08/24/2018 08/24/2018
Complete maintenance of fencing and offsite water developments F: 186. Maintain fencing and offsite water developments 08/16/2018 08/16/2018
Trough installed G: 34. Install Jones Creek Trough 11/15/2018 11/08/2018
Branding Camp Trough Installed H: 34. Install Branding Camp Trough 01/31/2019 01/15/2019
Exclosure Installed at Bell Creek I: 40. Install spring Exclosure fence at Bell Creek 11/15/2018 11/01/2018
Culverts at Branding Camp Crossing Installed J: 184. Install Culverts at Branding Camp Culvert 11/22/2018 11/19/2018
Culverts at Quarry Hill Crossing installed K: 184. Install Quarry Hill Culvert 11/02/2018 10/10/2018
Bottomless Culvert, or Bridge at North Fork Skull Crk #1 Installed L: 184. Install Crossing at North Fork Skull Crk #1 01/31/2019
Culvets atFawn Crk #1 Installed M: 184. Install Crossing at Fawn Crk#1 01/31/2019
Completed Annual Report N: 132. Write comprehensive report for the period 3 01 2017 to 2 28 2018 08/15/2018 03/02/2018

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 1 instance of WE 190 Remove, Exclude and/or Relocate Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 2 instances of WE 34 Develop Alternative Water Source
  • 1 instance of WE 38 Improve Road for Instream Habitat Benefits
  • 1 instance of WE 40 Install Fence
  • 4 instances of WE 184 Install Fish Passage Structure

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 119 Manage and Administer Projects 03/01/2018
B 165 Produce environmental compliance documentation 03/01/2018
C 99 Public Outreach and Education 03/01/2018
D 190 Remove problem/over populated Beavers from Owyhee River, and Irrigation Canals 03/01/2018
E 38 Inspect and maintain previously installed culverts 03/01/2018
F 186 Maintain fencing and offsite water developments 01/31/2018
G 34 Install Jones Creek Trough 06/01/2018
H 34 Install Branding Camp Trough 06/01/2018
I 40 Install spring Exclosure fence at Bell Creek 06/01/2018
J 184 Install Culverts at Branding Camp Culvert 06/01/2018
K 184 Install Quarry Hill Culvert 06/01/2018
L 184 Install Crossing at North Fork Skull Crk #1 06/01/2018
M 184 Install Crossing at Fawn Crk#1 06/01/2018
N 132 Write comprehensive report for the period 3 01 2017 to 2 28 2018 03/01/2018
O 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA 03/01/2018