Outreach completed |
B: 99. NFWF - Public Presentations |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Work with contractors complete |
C: 119. NFWF - Subcontracting |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Annual and monthly invoices issued and recorded |
D: 119. NFWF - Task Invoicing and Recordkeeping |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transactions review per procedures |
E: 122. NFWF - Transaction Proposals, Solicitation, and Recommendation |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Completed Reports |
F: 132. NFWF - Annual Progress Reports |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Reports completed |
G: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Data collected, captured, created and/or validated |
H: 157. NFWF - Collect, Generate, and Validate field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Maintenance complete |
I: 160. NFWF - Proposal and Data Management Tool and Website Maintenance |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Compliance assistance complete |
J: 165. NFWF & QLEs - Environmental Compliance |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Coordination Completed |
K: 189. NFWF - Qualified Local Entity Coordination and Support |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
L: 99. QLEs - Outreach and Education |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Administrative tasks completed |
M: 119. QLEs - Manage and Administer Projects |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Gauges installed |
N: 148. QLEs - Install Flow Measuring Device |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Data collected, captured, created and generated |
O: 157. QLEs - Collect, Generate, and Validate Field Data for Water Transactions |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Planning completed |
P: 174. QLEs - Strategic planning |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Meetings completed |
Q: 189. QLEs - Regional coordination and learning |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Local coordination |
R: 191. QLEs - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
S: 114. CFC - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Water transactions proposed and/or completed |
T: 154. QLEs - Develop water transactions for implementation |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
U: 114. DRC - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
V: 114. IDWR - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
W: 114. TFT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY12019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
X: 114. TU-MWP - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
Y: 114. TU-WWP - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
Z: 114. WWT - Identify and Select Water Transactions for FY2019 Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AA: 164. NFWF/Main -- Water Transactions TBD |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AB: 164. 263d-12 TFT (Jacobs / Roberts Cr Coop) |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |
Transaction complete |
AC: 164. 438f-19 TFT (2019-Fifteenmile Creek-Leasing) |
09/30/2020 |
05/01/2020 |
Transaction complete |
AD: 164. 426d-19 TFT (2018-Reynolds Creek-DG) |
09/30/2020 |
05/01/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AE: 164. 386d-15 (Sauerkraut 20 Yr Lease_2018_2037) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AF: 164. 445c-17 TFT (UJD_BeechCrk_BPT_2018-2027) |
09/30/2020 |
05/01/2020 |
Submit Monthly invoices as necessary |
AG: 119. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Manage and Administer Projects as part of CBWTP |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
AH: 114. (Umatilla) WWT - Umatilla QLE - Identify and Select Water Transactions for Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Data collected, captured, created and/or validated |
AI: 157. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Collect/Generate/Validate Field Data for Water |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Water transactions proposed and/or completed |
AJ: 154. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Develop and Negotiate Water Right Transactions |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Planning completed |
AK: 174. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Strategic Planning |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Meetings completed |
AL: 189. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Regional Coordination |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Local coordination |
AM: 191. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Local watershed coordination |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Presentations and outreach completed |
AN: 99. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Provide outreach and education - event/conference |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Gauges installed |
AO: 148. (Umatilla) Umatilla QLE - Install flow measuring device at [name specific location] |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AP: 164. (Umatilla) 330f-19 TFT (2019-Umatilla River-McKay Reservoir_JM) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AR: 164. (Umatilla) 464c-18 WWT (Walla Walla River No. 2 (5-Year Lease)) |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |
Transaction complete |
AS: 164. (Umatilla) 468b-18 TFT (UGR_CatherineCrk_RH_2018-2022) |
09/30/2020 |
02/18/2020 |
Transaction complete |
AT: 164. (Umatilla) 467-17 TFT (WW_NFWallaWalla_LS_2017) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
AU: 164. (Umatilla) 441d-17 TFT (UM_McKayReservoir_LeasingProgram_2017a (5yr)) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction complete |
AV: 164. (Umatilla) 317e-16 TFT (UGR_CatherineCrk_JS_2017) |
09/30/2020 |
02/18/2020 |
Administrative tasks completed |
AW: 119. (Umatilla) State Agency - Manage and Administer Projects |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Identify and select water transactions for development |
AX: 114. (Umatilla) TU-WWP - Umatilla QLE - Identify and Select Water Transactions for Development |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Work with contractors complete |
AY: 119. (Umatilla) Umatilla - NFWF Subcontracting |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Reports completed |
AZ: 141. Other Reports for BPA |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BA: 164. NFWF/Umatilla -- Water Transactions TBD |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BB: 164. 449-16 (TU-WWP-2016-McCartney Creek -NC) |
09/30/2020 |
09/02/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BC: 164. 461-16 (WWT-2016-Wilson Creek-Wilson Creek No. 1 -Moore) |
09/30/2020 |
05/21/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BD: 164. 285b-17 (IWRB-2020-Big Timber Creek-LLP) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BE: 164. 381e-17 (WWT-2017-Big Creek-1a option agreement) |
09/30/2020 |
06/22/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BF: 164. 477-18 (IWRB-2019-Teton River-TWUA) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BG: 164. 484b-20 (TFT-2020-Catherine Creek-TM) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BH: 164. 505-20 (TU-MWP-2019-Ninemile Creek -AP) |
09/30/2020 |
05/07/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BI: 164. 72p-19 (IWRB-2020-Lemhi River-annual 2020_2022) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BJ: 164. 127i-19 (IWRB-2020-Morgan Creek -RJ-DH) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BK: 164. 482-18 (IWRB-2018-Knapp Creek-KnappCreek HH Acquisition) |
09/30/2020 |
04/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BL: 164. 161b-19 (CFC-2019-Lolo Creek-KH Acquisition) |
09/30/2020 |
05/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BM: 164. 92i-20 (TFT-2020-Lostine River -MFA 2020-2021) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BN: 164. 492b-20 (TFT-2020-Bear creek-LeaseBank) |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BO: 164. 447f-20 (TFT-2020-Lostine -WW 2020-2023) |
09/30/2020 |
08/03/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BP: 164. (Umatilla) 502-20 (TU-WWP-2020-Wallowa River-WH) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BQ: 164. 501-20 (IWRB-2019-Canyon Creek-CCCC - Teton Basin) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BR: 164. 71q-20 (DRC-2020-Middle Deschutes River and Tributaries-AWLP) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BS: 164. (Umatilla) 483c-20 (TFT-2020-Catherine Creek-RF) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BT: 164. 438g-20 (TFT-2019-Fifteenmile Creek-DP) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BU: 164. (Umatilla) 242i-20 (TU-WWP-2020-Birch Creek-Lease-JW) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BV: 164. (Umatilla) 488b-20 (TFT-2020-Catherine Creek-BuffaloPeak) |
09/30/2020 |
08/03/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BW: 164. 491b-20 (DRC-2020-Trout Creek-JH) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BX: 164. (Umatilla) 316e-20 (TFT-2020-Catherine Creek-TM-Pivot) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BY: 164. (Umatilla) 481d-20 (TU-WWP-2020-Birch Creek-AND-TJ) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
BZ: 164. 511-20 (TU-MWP-2020-Harvey Creek-HCR) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
CA: 164. (Umatilla) 457f-20 (TU-WWP-2020-Walla Walla River-WWRID) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
CB: 164. 503-20 (TFT-2020-Lostine -AD-2020) |
09/30/2020 |
08/03/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
CC: 164. 512-20 (TFT-2020-Wallowa River-SW) |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
CD: 164. 437f-20 (TFT-2019-Rock Creek-AR) |
09/30/2020 |
09/30/2020 |
Transaction Complete |
CE: 164. 428c-20 (TFT-2019-Reynolds Creek-MH) |
09/30/2020 |
07/15/2020 |
Transaction complete |
CF: 164. 489-19 (TFT-2019-Lostine river-SSL_BJ) |
09/30/2020 |
09/01/2020 |