Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 84041 REL 38: 2011-004-00 EXP ODFW OPERATION & MAINTENANCE
Project Number:
ODFW Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
Province Subbasin %
Lower Columbia Willamette 100.00%
Contract Number:
84041 REL 38
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
  • CR-376426: 2011-004-00 EXP ODFW OPERATION & MAINTENANCE
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
In 2024-2025, the program is currently directly caretaking seven properties and providing funds to support staff and purchase equipment and supplies to undertake O&M activities. The contract also supports the ongoing efforts to acquire new mitigation properties and the compliance monitoring program of all 64 previously acquired easements.

In 2010, the State of Oregon and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) entered into a fifteen year agreement to permanently settle wildlife mitigation responsibilities for the federal Willamette River Basin Flood Control and Hydroelectric Project in the Willamette subbasin. The Willamette Project includes 13 multi-purpose dams and reservoirs as part of the Federal Columbia River Power System. The Parties to the Willamette River Basin Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Wildlife Protection and Enhancement (MOA) determined that settlement would be accomplished through the protection of an agreed number of acres that, once protected, would permanently settle the federal mitigation requirement. BPA agreed to provide specific funding amounts for the purchase of lands in fee title or conservation easement, as well as the protection and maintenance of this acreage. These annual budgets reflect the agreed upon yearly amounts of funding for the operations and maintenance of the WWMP by ODFW. Since 2010 ODFW has had an annual PISCES contract for program O&M.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration B: 119. Manage and administer projects under the WWMP 06/30/2025
Assure Environmental and Cultural Compliance for the WWMP Program for FY 2024-25 C: 165. Prepare NEPA/ESA documentation 06/30/2025
Completed Progress (Annual) Report D: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (7/1/2023) to (6/30/2024) 12/31/2024 11/30/2024
Complete annual WWMP solicitation and successfully acquired properties that satisfy BPA mitigation goals. E: 114. Identify, select and coordinate pre-acquisition activities on all sites in the Willamette Subbasin 06/24/2025
Coordination of the WWMP program. F: 191. WWMP Coordination and oversight in the Willamette Basin 06/30/2025
Deliver presentations, present results, and produce educational materials to inform other entities about WWMP work and accomplishments. G: 99. Outreach and education to WWMP sponsors and clientele 06/30/2025
Maintain and improvement WWMP application website and database for FY 24-25 application cycle. H: 160. Maintain the online WWMP application system and accompanying database 06/30/2025
Coordinated meetings with ODFW WWMP staff, ISD staff, and outside database contractors. I: 160. Maintain WWMP Property management information database migration 06/30/2025
Finished database. J: 160. Develop and maintain Monitoring and Reporting database for WWMP properties 06/30/2025
Report submitted to PISCES K: 115. Compliance and habitat condition monitoring on WWMP acquisitions and CEs 06/30/2025
Full technical review and advice on program documents for WWMP sponsors and BPA. LMP review and advice. L: 122. Provide technical review of property-related documents 06/30/2025
Conduct sampling for Oregon chub, lamprey, and other fish species at various current and proposed WWMP properties. M: 115. ODFW Chub, lamprey, and native fish assessments WWMP properties 06/30/2025
Successfully acquire new acquisitions for the WWMP that pass BPA's real estate acquisition process and adhere to Oregon DOJ and ODFW acquisition policy in FY 2025 N: 172. Conduct real estate appraisals, surveys, and acquire legal opinions and information 06/30/2025
Final report with SHPO approval uploaded and attached to PISCES. O: 115. Cultural Resources Inventory for Palensky Wildlife Area and Coyote Complex 06/30/2025
Community participation in various events through the WWMP service area. P: 99. FE & PWA: Conduct outreach and education activities 06/30/2025
Perform field surveys and assessments when possible on Flight's End and Palensky and other properties in the WWMP program Q: 115. FE & PWA: Collect field data on Flight's End and Palensky 06/30/2025
ODFW staff will remove encroaching vegetation from roadsides, remove flood debris off roads, fill in potholes, spread gravel, check gates, and post signs as needed at entrances. R: 188. FE: Provide public and maintenance access to Flight's End 06/30/2025
Installed logs, rootwads, nesting mounds, and various nesting boxes at Flight's End. S: 36. FE: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for wildlife on Flight's End 06/30/2025
Remove Vegetation at Flight's End property. T: 199. FE: Remove invasive non-native vegetation at Flight's End 06/30/2025
WWMP staff will upkeep and maintain the water control structure at Flight's End U: 186. FE: Maintain and evaluate water control structure at Flight's End 06/30/2025
Prepare site and plant native seed and plants at HFNA. V: 47. HFNA: Plan, prepare seed mixes, sowing, planting bulbs on 37 acres at Herbert Farm Natural Area. 06/30/2025
IAE staff will provide project coordination at HFNA. W: 199. HFNA: Remove nonnative and invasive species at Herbert Natural Area 06/30/2025
IAE provides project coordination for prescribed burn implementation at HFNA. Prescribed burn is completed. X: 198. HFNA: Maintain Vegetation and Prairie Habitat through Prescribed Burning 06/30/2025
Photo points collected. Emerald Ash Borer monitoring completed. Y: 115. HFNA: Monitoring of presence/absence of emerald ash borer (EAB) at Herbert Farm and other general ongoing status and trend monitoring 06/24/2025
Completed Land Management Plan with acknowledgement from BPA. Z: 193. HFNA: Produce Land Management Plan for Herbert Farm Natural Area 06/30/2025
Invasive Vegetation removal from Gail Achterman Wildlife Area AA: 199. GAWA: Remove vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area to prepare for planting/seeding 06/30/2025
Maintain restored areas at GAWA. AB: 198. GAWA: Maintain native vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Debris removed from GAWA and disposed of properly. AC: 27. GAWA: Remove debris from Gail Achterman Wildlife Area deposited from annual flooding and visitors. 06/30/2025
Survey for Oregon Conservation Strategy species presence AD: 115. GAWA: Conduct plant and animal surveys at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Various public outreach events delivered at GAWA. AE: 99. GAWA: Outreach and education at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Completely installed way finding sign at GAWA. AF: 188. GAWA: Install wayfinding sign at GAWA 06/30/2025
Eight acre site at Palensky planted. AG: 47. PWA: Plant native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Regular site visits conducted in order to ensure protection of wildlife and habitats on site AH: 26. PWA: Monitor authorized and unauthorized uses of Palensky Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Debris collected, and disposed of properly throughout the year at PWA. AI: 27. PWA: Remove debris on Palensky Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Remove encroaching vegetation from roadsides, remove flood debris off roads, fill in potholes, spread gravel, check gates, post signs as needed at entrances AJ: 188. PWA: Maintain roads and trails for management access and replace signage at Palensky Wildlife Area. 06/30/2025
Noxious weed removal will be conducted in various habitat types. Weed removal will be conducted using both hand and mechanical methods and may include herbicide treatment. AK: 199. PWA: Remove invasive, non-native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Place and shape nest mounds, basking sites for turtles. AL: 36. PWA: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for turtles and wildlife on Palensky wildlife Area 06/30/2025
Summarize observations of wildlife use for inclusion in annual report for BPA. AM: 115. PWA: Monitoring Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass 06/30/2025
Follow-up inspection and sign-off completed AN: 55. PWA: Construction Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass 06/28/2025
All areas maintained on CCS. AO: 198. CCS: Maintain, enhance existing wetland prairie at South Coyote Creek 06/30/2025
Non-native vegetation removal from CCS AP: 199. CCS: Remove non-native vegetation at South Coyote Creek 06/30/2025
Surveys completed and results uploaded and used to inform future management decisions and LMP planning on properties. AQ: 115. CCS: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek South 06/30/2025
Water control structure properly functioning to hold water for wildlife and drawn down to not encourage invasive species. AR: 186. CCS: Operate and maintain water control structure at Coyote Creek South wetland project 06/30/2025
Upload Data and reports to PISCES. Produce presentations and workshops to interested parties. AS: 115. CCS: Streaked Horned Lark and Oregon Vesper Sparrow Monitoring Work on Coyote Creek complex 06/30/2025
Complete outreach to all interested parties. AT: 99. CCS: Public outreach and education for all of the South Coyote properties 06/24/2025
Plant materials installed at Coyote Creek NE and Coyote Creek South AU: 47. CCNE and CCS: Plant seed and Vegetation plugs 06/28/2025
Perform presence and absence of OCS species and habitats on ODFW acquisitions to inform future management strategies and LMP planning. AV: 115. CCNE: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek NE 06/30/2025
Completely patrolled sites with little trespass issues. Property signed and noticed. AX: 26. SC III: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry. 06/30/2025
Final report for South Coyote III submitted and attached in PISCES. AY: 115. SC III: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species 01/15/2025
Remove old corral, fences, and other debris from South Coyote III and dispose of properly. AZ: 27. SC III: Remove all debris from properties. 06/30/2025
Deliver final LMP for South Coyote III to BPA for acknowledgement. BA: 193. SC III: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek III 06/30/2025
SC III: Undertake basic operation and removal work at CCS III using machines and herbicides. BB: 199. SC III: Undertake basic operation and removal work at CCS III using machines and herbicides. 06/24/2025
Monitoring will be done by visual assessment of the site through periodic site visits. BC: 198. SOR: Maintain existing vegetation at BPA's Sorenson property 06/30/2025
Masticate, pull, and/or spot spray target vegetation BD: 199. SOR: Masticate, pull, and/or spot spray target vegetation on Sorenson 06/30/2025
Install live plants and broadcast native seed at Sorenson. Install native herbaceous (3000 plants total) and woody plants (3000 plants total). BE: 47. SOR: Plant vegetation on Sorenson 06/30/2025
Conduct field tours, serve as outreach to neighbors as appropriate, work with BPA on trespass issues. BF: 99. SOR: Public relations and coordination with neighbors 06/30/2025
Japanese knotweed populations completely treated and controlled at Big Island. BG: 199. BI: Remove all populations of Japanese Knotweed from Big Island property. 06/24/2025
Deliver final LMP for South Coyote II to BPA for acknowledgement. BH: 193. SC II: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek II 06/30/2025
Completely patrolled site with little trespass issues. Property signed and noticed. BI: 26. SC II: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry. 06/30/2025
Remove old fences and other debris from South Coyote II and dispose of properly. BJ: 27. SC II: Remove all debris from properties. 06/30/2025
Final report for South Coyote II submitted and attached to PISCES. BK: 115. SC II: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species 06/30/2025 12/28/2024

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Chub, Oregon (Oregonichthys crameri) (Endangered through FY2015)
  • 1 instance of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 8 instances of WE 199 Remove Vegetation
  • 4 instances of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 3 instances of WE 193 Produce Land Management Plan
  • 3 instances of WE 26 Investigate Trespass
  • 4 instances of WE 27 Remove Debris
  • 3 instances of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 2 instances of WE 36 Develop Terrestrial Habitat Features
  • 4 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 55 Erosion and Sedimentation Control
  • 1 instance of WE 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities
  • 1 instance of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 11 instances of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 1 instance of WE 122 Provide Technical Review and Recommendation

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
B 119 Manage and administer projects under the WWMP
C 165 Prepare NEPA/ESA documentation
D 132 Submit Progress Report for the period (7/1/2023) to (6/30/2024)
E 114 Identify, select and coordinate pre-acquisition activities on all sites in the Willamette Subbasin
F 191 WWMP Coordination and oversight in the Willamette Basin
G 99 Outreach and education to WWMP sponsors and clientele
H 160 Maintain the online WWMP application system and accompanying database
I 160 Maintain WWMP Property management information database migration
J 160 Develop and maintain Monitoring and Reporting database for WWMP properties
K 115 Compliance and habitat condition monitoring on WWMP acquisitions and CEs 07/27/2023
L 122 Provide technical review of property-related documents
M 115 ODFW Chub, lamprey, and native fish assessments WWMP properties 07/27/2023
N 172 Conduct real estate appraisals, surveys, and acquire legal opinions and information
O 115 Cultural Resources Inventory for Palensky Wildlife Area and Coyote Complex 06/27/2024
P 99 FE & PWA: Conduct outreach and education activities
Q 115 FE & PWA: Collect field data on Flight's End and Palensky 07/27/2023
R 188 FE: Provide public and maintenance access to Flight's End 05/27/2024
S 36 FE: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for wildlife on Flight's End 05/27/2024
T 199 FE: Remove invasive non-native vegetation at Flight's End 06/27/2024
U 186 FE: Maintain and evaluate water control structure at Flight's End 05/27/2024
V 47 HFNA: Plan, prepare seed mixes, sowing, planting bulbs on 37 acres at Herbert Farm Natural Area. 06/27/2024
W 199 HFNA: Remove nonnative and invasive species at Herbert Natural Area 06/27/2024
X 198 HFNA: Maintain Vegetation and Prairie Habitat through Prescribed Burning 06/27/2024
Y 115 HFNA: Monitoring of presence/absence of emerald ash borer (EAB) at Herbert Farm and other general ongoing status and trend monitoring 07/27/2023
Z 193 HFNA: Produce Land Management Plan for Herbert Farm Natural Area
AA 199 GAWA: Remove vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area to prepare for planting/seeding 06/27/2024
AB 198 GAWA: Maintain native vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area 06/27/2024
AC 27 GAWA: Remove debris from Gail Achterman Wildlife Area deposited from annual flooding and visitors. 05/27/2024
AD 115 GAWA: Conduct plant and animal surveys at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area 07/27/2023
AE 99 GAWA: Outreach and education at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area
AF 188 GAWA: Install wayfinding sign at GAWA 07/10/2024
AG 47 PWA: Plant native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area 06/27/2024
AH 26 PWA: Monitor authorized and unauthorized uses of Palensky Wildlife Area
AI 27 PWA: Remove debris on Palensky Wildlife Area 05/27/2024
AJ 188 PWA: Maintain roads and trails for management access and replace signage at Palensky Wildlife Area. 05/27/2024
AK 199 PWA: Remove invasive, non-native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area 06/27/2024
AL 36 PWA: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for turtles and wildlife on Palensky wildlife Area 05/27/2024
AM 115 PWA: Monitoring Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass 08/05/2022
AN 55 PWA: Construction Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass 08/05/2022
AO 198 CCS: Maintain, enhance existing wetland prairie at South Coyote Creek 06/27/2024
AP 199 CCS: Remove non-native vegetation at South Coyote Creek 06/27/2024
AQ 115 CCS: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek South 07/27/2023
AR 186 CCS: Operate and maintain water control structure at Coyote Creek South wetland project 05/27/2024
AS 115 CCS: Streaked Horned Lark and Oregon Vesper Sparrow Monitoring Work on Coyote Creek complex 07/27/2023
AT 99 CCS: Public outreach and education for all of the South Coyote properties
AU 47 CCNE and CCS: Plant seed and Vegetation plugs 06/27/2024
AV 115 CCNE: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek NE 07/27/2023
AW 186 CCNE: Remove and replace property fencing at Coyote Creek NE. 10/01/2024
AX 26 SC III: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry.
AY 115 SC III: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species 07/27/2023
AZ 27 SC III: Remove all debris from properties. 05/27/2024
BA 193 SC III: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek III
BB 199 SC III: Undertake basic operation and removal work at CCS III using machines and herbicides. 06/27/2024
BC 198 SOR: Maintain existing vegetation at BPA's Sorenson property 06/27/2024
BD 199 SOR: Masticate, pull, and/or spot spray target vegetation on Sorenson 06/27/2024
BE 47 SOR: Plant vegetation on Sorenson 06/27/2024
BF 99 SOR: Public relations and coordination with neighbors
BG 199 BI: Remove all populations of Japanese Knotweed from Big Island property. 06/27/2024
BH 193 SC II: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek II
BI 26 SC II: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry.
BJ 27 SC II: Remove all debris from properties. 05/27/2024
BK 115 SC II: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species 07/27/2023