Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
B: 119. Manage and administer projects under the WWMP |
06/30/2025 |
Assure Environmental and Cultural Compliance for the WWMP Program for FY 2024-25 |
C: 165. Prepare NEPA/ESA documentation |
06/30/2025 |
Completed Progress (Annual) Report |
D: 132. Submit Progress Report for the period (7/1/2023) to (6/30/2024) |
12/31/2024 |
11/30/2024 |
Complete annual WWMP solicitation and successfully acquired properties that satisfy BPA mitigation goals. |
E: 114. Identify, select and coordinate pre-acquisition activities on all sites in the Willamette Subbasin |
06/24/2025 |
Coordination of the WWMP program. |
F: 191. WWMP Coordination and oversight in the Willamette Basin |
06/30/2025 |
Deliver presentations, present results, and produce educational materials to inform other entities about WWMP work and accomplishments. |
G: 99. Outreach and education to WWMP sponsors and clientele |
06/30/2025 |
Maintain and improvement WWMP application website and database for FY 24-25 application cycle. |
H: 160. Maintain the online WWMP application system and accompanying database |
06/30/2025 |
Coordinated meetings with ODFW WWMP staff, ISD staff, and outside database contractors. |
I: 160. Maintain WWMP Property management information database migration |
06/30/2025 |
Finished database. |
J: 160. Develop and maintain Monitoring and Reporting database for WWMP properties |
06/30/2025 |
Report submitted to PISCES |
K: 115. Compliance and habitat condition monitoring on WWMP acquisitions and CEs |
06/30/2025 |
Full technical review and advice on program documents for WWMP sponsors and BPA. LMP review and advice. |
L: 122. Provide technical review of property-related documents |
06/30/2025 |
Conduct sampling for Oregon chub, lamprey, and other fish species at various current and proposed WWMP properties. |
M: 115. ODFW Chub, lamprey, and native fish assessments WWMP properties |
06/30/2025 |
Successfully acquire new acquisitions for the WWMP that pass BPA's real estate acquisition process and adhere to Oregon DOJ and ODFW acquisition policy in FY 2025 |
N: 172. Conduct real estate appraisals, surveys, and acquire legal opinions and information |
06/30/2025 |
Final report with SHPO approval uploaded and attached to PISCES. |
O: 115. Cultural Resources Inventory for Palensky Wildlife Area and Coyote Complex |
06/30/2025 |
Community participation in various events through the WWMP service area. |
P: 99. FE & PWA: Conduct outreach and education activities |
06/30/2025 |
Perform field surveys and assessments when possible on Flight's End and Palensky and other properties in the WWMP program |
Q: 115. FE & PWA: Collect field data on Flight's End and Palensky |
06/30/2025 |
ODFW staff will remove encroaching vegetation from roadsides, remove flood debris off roads, fill in potholes, spread gravel, check gates, and post signs as needed at entrances. |
R: 188. FE: Provide public and maintenance access to Flight's End |
06/30/2025 |
Installed logs, rootwads, nesting mounds, and various nesting boxes at Flight's End. |
S: 36. FE: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for wildlife on Flight's End |
06/30/2025 |
Remove Vegetation at Flight's End property. |
T: 199. FE: Remove invasive non-native vegetation at Flight's End |
06/30/2025 |
WWMP staff will upkeep and maintain the water control structure at Flight's End |
U: 186. FE: Maintain and evaluate water control structure at Flight's End |
06/30/2025 |
Prepare site and plant native seed and plants at HFNA. |
V: 47. HFNA: Plan, prepare seed mixes, sowing, planting bulbs on 37 acres at Herbert Farm Natural Area. |
06/30/2025 |
IAE staff will provide project coordination at HFNA. |
W: 199. HFNA: Remove nonnative and invasive species at Herbert Natural Area |
06/30/2025 |
IAE provides project coordination for prescribed burn implementation at HFNA. Prescribed burn is completed. |
X: 198. HFNA: Maintain Vegetation and Prairie Habitat through Prescribed Burning |
06/30/2025 |
Photo points collected. Emerald Ash Borer monitoring completed. |
Y: 115. HFNA: Monitoring of presence/absence of emerald ash borer (EAB) at Herbert Farm and other general ongoing status and trend monitoring |
06/24/2025 |
Completed Land Management Plan with acknowledgement from BPA. |
Z: 193. HFNA: Produce Land Management Plan for Herbert Farm Natural Area |
06/30/2025 |
Invasive Vegetation removal from Gail Achterman Wildlife Area |
AA: 199. GAWA: Remove vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area to prepare for planting/seeding |
06/30/2025 |
Maintain restored areas at GAWA. |
AB: 198. GAWA: Maintain native vegetation at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Debris removed from GAWA and disposed of properly. |
AC: 27. GAWA: Remove debris from Gail Achterman Wildlife Area deposited from annual flooding and visitors. |
06/30/2025 |
Survey for Oregon Conservation Strategy species presence |
AD: 115. GAWA: Conduct plant and animal surveys at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Various public outreach events delivered at GAWA. |
AE: 99. GAWA: Outreach and education at Gail Achterman Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Completely installed way finding sign at GAWA. |
AF: 188. GAWA: Install wayfinding sign at GAWA |
06/30/2025 |
Eight acre site at Palensky planted. |
AG: 47. PWA: Plant native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Regular site visits conducted in order to ensure protection of wildlife and habitats on site |
AH: 26. PWA: Monitor authorized and unauthorized uses of Palensky Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Debris collected, and disposed of properly throughout the year at PWA. |
AI: 27. PWA: Remove debris on Palensky Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Remove encroaching vegetation from roadsides, remove flood debris off roads, fill in potholes, spread gravel, check gates, post signs as needed at entrances |
AJ: 188. PWA: Maintain roads and trails for management access and replace signage at Palensky Wildlife Area. |
06/30/2025 |
Noxious weed removal will be conducted in various habitat types. Weed removal will be conducted using both hand and mechanical methods and may include herbicide treatment. |
AK: 199. PWA: Remove invasive, non-native vegetation at Palensky Wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Place and shape nest mounds, basking sites for turtles. |
AL: 36. PWA: Add large woody debris and other habitat structures for turtles and wildlife on Palensky wildlife Area |
06/30/2025 |
Summarize observations of wildlife use for inclusion in annual report for BPA. |
AM: 115. PWA: Monitoring Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass |
06/30/2025 |
Follow-up inspection and sign-off completed |
AN: 55. PWA: Construction Highway 30 Wildlife Corridor/Underpass |
06/28/2025 |
All areas maintained on CCS. |
AO: 198. CCS: Maintain, enhance existing wetland prairie at South Coyote Creek |
06/30/2025 |
Non-native vegetation removal from CCS |
AP: 199. CCS: Remove non-native vegetation at South Coyote Creek |
06/30/2025 |
Surveys completed and results uploaded and used to inform future management decisions and LMP planning on properties. |
AQ: 115. CCS: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek South |
06/30/2025 |
Water control structure properly functioning to hold water for wildlife and drawn down to not encourage invasive species. |
AR: 186. CCS: Operate and maintain water control structure at Coyote Creek South wetland project |
06/30/2025 |
Upload Data and reports to PISCES. Produce presentations and workshops to interested parties. |
AS: 115. CCS: Streaked Horned Lark and Oregon Vesper Sparrow Monitoring Work on Coyote Creek complex |
06/30/2025 |
Complete outreach to all interested parties. |
AT: 99. CCS: Public outreach and education for all of the South Coyote properties |
06/24/2025 |
Plant materials installed at Coyote Creek NE and Coyote Creek South |
AU: 47. CCNE and CCS: Plant seed and Vegetation plugs |
06/28/2025 |
Perform presence and absence of OCS species and habitats on ODFW acquisitions to inform future management strategies and LMP planning. |
AV: 115. CCNE: Inventory OCS species at Coyote Creek NE |
06/30/2025 |
Completely patrolled sites with little trespass issues. Property signed and noticed. |
AX: 26. SC III: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry. |
06/30/2025 |
Final report for South Coyote III submitted and attached in PISCES. |
AY: 115. SC III: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species |
01/15/2025 |
Remove old corral, fences, and other debris from South Coyote III and dispose of properly. |
AZ: 27. SC III: Remove all debris from properties. |
06/30/2025 |
Deliver final LMP for South Coyote III to BPA for acknowledgement. |
BA: 193. SC III: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek III |
06/30/2025 |
SC III: Undertake basic operation and removal work at CCS III using machines and herbicides. |
BB: 199. SC III: Undertake basic operation and removal work at CCS III using machines and herbicides. |
06/24/2025 |
Monitoring will be done by visual assessment of the site through periodic site visits. |
BC: 198. SOR: Maintain existing vegetation at BPA's Sorenson property |
06/30/2025 |
Masticate, pull, and/or spot spray target vegetation |
BD: 199. SOR: Masticate, pull, and/or spot spray target vegetation on Sorenson |
06/30/2025 |
Install live plants and broadcast native seed at Sorenson. Install native herbaceous (3000 plants total) and woody plants (3000 plants total). |
BE: 47. SOR: Plant vegetation on Sorenson |
06/30/2025 |
Conduct field tours, serve as outreach to neighbors as appropriate, work with BPA on trespass issues. |
BF: 99. SOR: Public relations and coordination with neighbors |
06/30/2025 |
Japanese knotweed populations completely treated and controlled at Big Island. |
BG: 199. BI: Remove all populations of Japanese Knotweed from Big Island property. |
06/24/2025 |
Deliver final LMP for South Coyote II to BPA for acknowledgement. |
BH: 193. SC II: Produce Land Management Plan for South Coyote Creek II |
06/30/2025 |
Completely patrolled site with little trespass issues. Property signed and noticed. |
BI: 26. SC II: Investigate and prevent unauthorized entry. |
06/30/2025 |
Remove old fences and other debris from South Coyote II and dispose of properly. |
BJ: 27. SC II: Remove all debris from properties. |
06/30/2025 |
Final report for South Coyote II submitted and attached to PISCES. |
BK: 115. SC II: Baseline inventory and monitor Oregon Conservation Strategy (OCS) species |
06/30/2025 |
12/28/2024 |