Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Contract 84053 REL 8: 2001-032-00 EXP HANGMAN CREEK FISHERIES
Project Number:
Coeur D'Alene Fisheries Enhancement-Hangman Creek
Province Subbasin %
Intermountain Spokane 100.00%
Contract Number:
84053 REL 8
Contract Title:
Contract Continuation:
Previous: Next:
Contract Status:
Contract Description:
This Scope of Work combines BPA projects 2001-032-00 and 2001-033-00. The completion of the current contract 84053 REL5, which is September 30, 2024, marks the sunset of BPA Project 2001-033-00. All the work elements that would have been included in the FY2025 Scope of Work for that project area included in this contract. This unified Scope of Work for the restoration of the Hangman Watershed will allow for a more cohesive process for addressing all the issues surrounding the Hangman degradation. The Scope of Work and budget presented in this document represent the activities associated with the Coeur 'd Alene Tribe's resident fish enhancement project on Hangman Creek within the Spokane Sub-basin corresponding to the contract period May 1st, 2024 to April 30th, 2026 minus the ongoing work that includes salary and vehicle funds that will be covered by 2001-033-00 through September of 2024. Total amount of this budget request is $3,544,485.

Ongoing objectives include:
•    Determine areas that are in need of restoration to improve spawning and rearing habitats for redband and other naturally reproducing trout.
•    Support an educational outreach program to facilitate a holistic watershed protection process.
•    Implement a landscape, floodplain and in-stream restoration strategy that will support self-sustaining, naturally reproducing, and harvestable populations of native trout.
•    Implement a monitoring and evaluation program to describe status and trends for habitat and the redband trout population and the impact of management actions.

The Hangman Watershed has experienced land use changes that have resulted in degraded in-stream habitat for fish and other aquatic species. Restoring and conserving habitats in the upper tributaries is a priority along with increasing fish distribution and reconnecting fragmented populations. Four fish-bearing tributaries within the Coeur d’Alene Reservation - Mission, Sheep, Nehchen, and Indian creeks - were prioritized to conserve and enhance the existing population of redband trout (Herrera 2011 and Hardin-Davis 2005). Based on watershed assessments and systematic habitat evaluations, restoration prescriptions and methods have been identified for both mainstem and tributary habitats. A primary method of accomplishing habitat enhancement is to enlist beaver in a holistic strategy to address multiple ecological and hydrologic process deficiencies. Beaver influence channel and floodplain morphology and vegetation, however, in the Hangman Watershed, floodplain habitat degradation has resulted in habitats that are not favorable to beaver. The lack of the floodplain deciduous forest component has reduced the beaver population and thus the beaver’s influence on hydrology. Conversely, the inability of beaver to influence the shallow groundwater table has reduced the availability of floodplain deciduous forest coverage. In addition to the absence of foods for the beaver during the difficult winter seasons, the absence of large wood to serve as foundations for dams has reduced the beaver’s ability to influence the shallow groundwater in the floodplains of the Hangman Watershed. This Scope of Work follows previous scopes of work in reconnecting streams to the valley  bottom floodplains and re-establishing floodplain deciduous forests to support beaver populations which will provide the long term stability the systems needs to support robust salmonid populations.

The technical report, "Recommendations for Beaver Habitat Restoration in the Upper Hangman Watershed" (Herrera 2011; Report is uploaded under Project Documents) identified stream reaches between Indian Creek and Mission Creek as the most feasible to use beaver as a partner in restoration. The restoration of this reach of Hangman Creek will reconnect the redband populations within all four of the streams originally identified as of primary importance. More recently, it was realized that Smith Creek holds a small, isolated population of redband in its head waters and thus this stream has become more important in the larger restoration scheme. The reach upstream of Smith Creek to the Sanders Road was identified as needing only riparian enhancement to aid beaver in aggrading the channel. Reaches immediately below Smith Creek were prescribed as needing aggressive restoration measures to reconnect Hangman to its floodplain. This Scope of Work focuses heavily on the reaches of Hangman Creek downstream of Smith Creek as part of the ongoing k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut (translated as "To make it crooked again") restoration process and represents the last major, heavy handed restoration for this 4-mile length of Hangman Creek from the Sanders Road to Nehchen Butte. This aggressive k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut restoration process was initiated in 2013 and represents a substantive effort to reestablish redband in the Hangman Mainstem.

Priorities for tributary restoration were also analyzed, and it was determined that Indian Creek was not suitable for a beaver aided restoration approach due to its narrow floodplain width, higher gradient, and lack of hardwoods. An IFIM study (Hardin-Davis 2005) examined flow, habitat and water quality relationships for providing suitable redband trout habitat and concluded that tributary restoration could be accomplished primarily by adding large woody debris to improve pool quality and quantity.  Among all the fish-bearing tributaries, Indian Creek has been identified as a primary stronghold of redband trout in the upper Hangman Creek watershed within Tribal boundaries, and the highest priority among the tributaries to maintain habitat conditions to support dispersal of redband trout to other parts of the watershed.

This two-pronged strategy to protect and enhance existing redband habitat in the tributaries and restoring severely degraded habitats in mainstem reaches to connect those fish bearing tributaries are equally weighted in the overall strategy. This Scope of Work includes improvements in in-stream habitats within Indian Creek while completing efforts to reconnect Hangman to its floodplain within k'wne' 'ulchiyark' wmtsut, which lies upstream of Nehchen Butte. Evaluations of the restoration processes employed within k'wne' 'ulchiyark' wmtsut well be completed to further refine restoration processes that produce the greatest results in Hangman. The successes and failures within k'wne' 'ulchiyark' wmtsut will guide actions as restoration moves methodically downstream.

The Work Elements in this Scope of Work are roughly organized in groups by Planning and Coordination (WEs A through H), Construction and Implementation (WEs I through R), Maintenance and Evaluation (WEs S through AC), and Project Administration (WEs AD through AG).  The following work will facilitate measured progress toward achieving the objectives for the project during this scope of work:

Planning and Coordination Work Elements (A through H)
These Work Elements include the efforts to ensure all Environmental Compliance issues are resolved such that work can proceed (WE A). Also included is coordination with BPA, other Coeur d’Alene Tribal Projects, other NW Tribes , local agencies and other restoration interests to ensure consistency and that  Project efforts incorporates the latest practical and scientific understandings (WE B).  Project expansion is always an issue in the Hangman Watershed as current restoration actions have only effected fish habitats in a portion of the mainstem in attempts to connect redband bearing tributaries and upper reaches of those tributaries to maximize current redband habitat (WE E). Producing plans (WE F) and designs (WEs G and H) also continues the expansion of restoration activities into additional stream reaches.

Construction and Implementation Work Elements (I through R)
The bulk of the Construction and Implementation Work Elements are devoted to completing the last major work to reconnect Hangman to its floodplain within the  k'wne' 'ulchiyark' wmtsut property (WEs I, J, K, L, M, N, and P). Completion of these work elements will conclude the efforts to raise Hangman Creek from its entrenched state and reconnect it to its floodplain through approximately 4 miles of channel. Work Element O will expand restoration efforts approximately 1 mile downstream of the current hnt’k’wipn Management Area to within ¼ of a mile of the mouth of Mission Creek by removing agricultural production from approximately 155 acres of floodplain habitats adjacent to Hangman Creek and establishing native grass as a first step in the restoration process. Work Element Q and R are the partnering with beaver aspects of this restoration process. Woody debris additions to Indian Creek (Q) are intended to mimic natural LWD recruitment of a reference reach where mature forest is providing near historic levels of wood recruitment to address improvements outlined by Hardin-Davis (2005).  Beaver will localize their activities if they are provided with food and building materials. Work Element R will take advantage of this behavior by adding aspen and other woods suitable as food and building material for beaver near what are considered important dams and away from areas where plantings are vulnerable to beaver browsing. A significant amount of funding will be added to cost share for restoration work work done under WE's I - R

Monitoring and Evaluation Work Elements (S through AC)  
Redband populations must be monitored (WEs S, T, U and V) in order to determine the results of restoration activities and understand the trends and risks for each of the isolated populations. Genetics analyses were never taken in the South Fork of Hangman and access has been granted to a significant redband stronghold in Martin Creek. Evaluating the connection between the SF Hangman with the rest of the watershed can be accomplished more cost effective using genetics analysis (WE W). Water temperature (WE X) is use to evaluate the trends in in-stream habitats that result from both stream restoration and floodplain vegetation (shade) establishment. All data gathered must be assembled into a usable format, carefully analyzed and reviewed to make any determination based on data (WEs Y, Z, AA, AB, and AC).

Project Management Work Elements (AD through AG)
Ensuring the completion of past projects and current Scopes of Work is needed to continually review, evaluate and identify the benefits and costs of the Project initiatives.
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 28-Feb-2025.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Contract Contractor:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Jon Firehammer Coeur D'Alene Tribe Yes Technical Contact (208) 686-7037
Gerald Green Coeur D'Alene Tribe Yes Contract Manager (208) 686-0312
Cameron Heusser Coeur D'Alene Tribe Yes Technical Contact (208) 686-5521
David Kaplowe Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5365
Bruce Kinkead Coeur D'Alene Tribe Yes Technical Contact (208) 686-6071
William Kozsey Jr Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3280
Jessica Power Bonneville Power Administration Yes CO Assistant (503) 230-4023
Elizabeth Santana Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3560
Robert Shull Bonneville Power Administration Yes Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-3962
Angelo Vitale Coeur D'Alene Tribe Yes Supervisor (208) 686-6903

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Completed Environmental Compliance Measure as Needed A: 165. NEPA analysis and documentation as needed 04/30/2026
Coordination With Watershed and Subbasin Restoration Partners B: 191. Coordinate with other Tribal Partners and local agencies to maximize restoration benefits 04/30/2026
Prioritized projects based on the most current data C: 114. Identify, evaluate and select new project sites where management rights can be gained to allow for valley bottom, wetland and drainage restoration. 10/01/2025
Prioritized projects based on the most current data D: 114. Identify and select restoration projects within Hangman Initiative Project Sites 10/01/2025
Completed pre-acquisition activities for targeted properties within defined Priority Areas completed. E: 172. Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities for Property and/or Easement Acquisition of Lands within Priority Areas Identified in Appropriate Prioritization Plans. 04/30/2026
Completed and accepted management plan that is up to date and inclusive of all properties within the Coeur d'Alene Reservation portion of the Hangman Watershed where BPA holds a conservation easement. F: 193. Produce Management Plan for the BPA Mitigation Property in the Hangman Watershed 04/30/2026
Engineering Design Complete for Tribal Property T-1030 G: 175. Produce design for T-1030 Property on Hangman Creek 04/30/2026
LWD Design for Indian Creek Complete H: 175. Produce Design for LWD Addition on Indian Creek on T1019 Property 06/06/2025
Construction Management Complete I: 100. K'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut Construction Management 12/19/2025
Completed channel construction J: 30. Construct New Channel within Shaw Property 04/30/2026
Berms and Bridge Removed to Connect Floodplain K: 180. Remove Road, Railway Berms, and Bridge on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut 01/26/2026
Three Wetland Ponds Created L: 181. Create Wetland Features on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut 04/30/2026
Completed channel construction M: 30. Construct 2 Side Channels within the Shaw Property 04/30/2026
Deliverable N: 47. Plant Vegetation Along New Channel within Shaw Property 04/30/2026
Approximately 155 acres of former agricultural ground within the floodplain of Hangman Creek planted with native grass seed. O: 47. Plant native grasses on approximately 155 acres of the Hangman Valley Bottom that lie within Tribal property T1030 just and just west of Highway 95 11/28/2025
Riparian Plantings on Multiple Properties Maintained P: 198. Maintain vegetation planted in previous years at within the Hangman Valley Bottom and select tributaries. 04/30/2026
Large Woody Debris Structures Installed Q: 29. Large Woody Debris Placement in Indian Creek 04/30/2026
Dam Building Materials Provided to Beaver R: 186. Maintain beaver dams in Hangman Creek with hardwood supplementation 04/30/2025
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets S: 157. Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps 04/30/2026
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets T: 157. Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek 02/20/2026
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets U: 157. Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays 04/30/2026
Fish Marked with Pit Tags V: 158. Uniquely mark redband trout in upper Hangman Creek 04/30/2026
Genetic samples collected and processed using SNP's protocol W: 115. Collect SNP's Genetics Samples in Hangman Creek 03/06/2026
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets X: 157. Monitor water temperature in Hangman Creek 04/30/2026
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata Y: 162. Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek 02/20/2026
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata Z: 162. Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed 04/30/2026
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AA: 162. Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek 04/28/2025
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata AB: 162. Analyze stream temperature data in Hangman Creek 01/16/2026
Summarize and Maintain GIS Layers for Physical and Biological Data AC: 161. Summarize redband trout population status and habitat in Hangman Creek using GIS 04/30/2026
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration AD: 119. Manage and administer projects 04/30/2026
Conservation Easements and Baseline Reports AE: 172. Exclude uplands within the hnt'k'wipn Management Area in favor of additional floodplain acreage 09/30/2025
Completed Annual Report AG: 132. Complete bi-annual progress report for the period 1/2024 to 12/2025. 04/03/2026

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Trout, Interior Redband (O. mykiss gairdnerii)
  • 1 instance of WE 198 Maintain Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 193 Produce Land Management Plan
  • 1 instance of WE 186 Operate and Maintain Habitat/Passage/Structure
  • 1 instance of WE 29 Increase Aquatic and/or Floodplain Complexity
  • 2 instances of WE 30 Realign, Connect, and/or Create Channel
  • 2 instances of WE 47 Plant Vegetation
  • 1 instance of WE 180 Enhance Floodplain/Remove, Modify, Breach Dike
  • 1 instance of WE 181 Create, Restore, and/or Enhance Wetland
  • 2 instances of WE 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities
  • 2 instances of WE 114 Identify and Select Projects
  • 1 instance of WE 115 Produce Inventory or Assessment
  • 2 instances of WE 175 Produce Design
  • 4 instances of WE 157 Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data
  • 1 instance of WE 158 Mark/Tag Animals
  • 1 instance of WE 161 Disseminate Raw/Summary Data and Results
  • 4 instances of WE 162 Analyze/Interpret Data
  • 1 instance of WE 100 Construction Management

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 NEPA analysis and documentation as needed
B 191 Coordinate with other Tribal Partners and local agencies to maximize restoration benefits
C 114 Identify, evaluate and select new project sites where management rights can be gained to allow for valley bottom, wetland and drainage restoration.
D 114 Identify and select restoration projects within Hangman Initiative Project Sites
E 172 Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities for Property and/or Easement Acquisition of Lands within Priority Areas Identified in Appropriate Prioritization Plans.
F 193 Produce Management Plan for the BPA Mitigation Property in the Hangman Watershed
G 175 Produce design for T-1030 Property on Hangman Creek 03/25/2024
H 175 Produce Design for LWD Addition on Indian Creek on T1019 Property 03/25/2024
I 100 K'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut Construction Management
J 30 Construct New Channel within Shaw Property 09/18/2024
K 180 Remove Road, Railway Berms, and Bridge on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut 09/18/2024
L 181 Create Wetland Features on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut 09/18/2024
M 30 Construct 2 Side Channels within the Shaw Property 09/18/2024
N 47 Plant Vegetation Along New Channel within Shaw Property 09/18/2024
O 47 Plant native grasses on approximately 155 acres of the Hangman Valley Bottom that lie within Tribal property T1030 just and just west of Highway 95 05/24/2024
P 198 Maintain vegetation planted in previous years at within the Hangman Valley Bottom and select tributaries. 03/25/2024
Q 29 Large Woody Debris Placement in Indian Creek 05/24/2024
R 186 Maintain beaver dams in Hangman Creek with hardwood supplementation 03/25/2024
S 157 Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps 03/25/2024
T 157 Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek 03/25/2024
U 157 Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays 03/25/2024
V 158 Uniquely mark redband trout in upper Hangman Creek 03/25/2024
W 115 Collect SNP's Genetics Samples in Hangman Creek 03/25/2024
X 157 Monitor water temperature in Hangman Creek 03/25/2024
Y 162 Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek
Z 162 Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed
AA 162 Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek
AB 162 Analyze stream temperature data in Hangman Creek
AC 161 Summarize redband trout population status and habitat in Hangman Creek using GIS
AD 119 Manage and administer projects
AE 172 Exclude uplands within the hnt'k'wipn Management Area in favor of additional floodplain acreage
AF 185 Periodic Status Reports for BPA
AG 132 Complete bi-annual progress report for the period 1/2024 to 12/2025.