Completed Environmental Compliance Measure as Needed |
A: 165. NEPA analysis and documentation as needed |
04/30/2026 |
Coordination With Watershed and Subbasin Restoration Partners |
B: 191. Coordinate with other Tribal Partners and local agencies to maximize restoration benefits |
04/30/2026 |
Prioritized projects based on the most current data |
C: 114. Identify, evaluate and select new project sites where management rights can be gained to allow for valley bottom, wetland and drainage restoration. |
10/01/2025 |
Prioritized projects based on the most current data |
D: 114. Identify and select restoration projects within Hangman Initiative Project Sites |
10/01/2025 |
Completed pre-acquisition activities for targeted properties within defined Priority Areas completed. |
E: 172. Conduct Pre-Acquisition Activities for Property and/or Easement Acquisition of Lands within Priority Areas Identified in Appropriate Prioritization Plans. |
04/30/2026 |
Completed and accepted management plan that is up to date and inclusive of all properties within the Coeur d'Alene Reservation portion of the Hangman Watershed where BPA holds a conservation easement. |
F: 193. Produce Management Plan for the BPA Mitigation Property in the Hangman Watershed |
04/30/2026 |
Engineering Design Complete for Tribal Property T-1030 |
G: 175. Produce design for T-1030 Property on Hangman Creek |
04/30/2026 |
LWD Design for Indian Creek Complete |
H: 175. Produce Design for LWD Addition on Indian Creek on T1019 Property |
06/06/2025 |
Construction Management Complete |
I: 100. K'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut Construction Management |
12/19/2025 |
Completed channel construction |
J: 30. Construct New Channel within Shaw Property |
04/30/2026 |
Berms and Bridge Removed to Connect Floodplain |
K: 180. Remove Road, Railway Berms, and Bridge on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut |
01/26/2026 |
Three Wetland Ponds Created |
L: 181. Create Wetland Features on k'wne' 'ulchiyark'wmtsut |
04/30/2026 |
Completed channel construction |
M: 30. Construct 2 Side Channels within the Shaw Property |
04/30/2026 |
Deliverable |
N: 47. Plant Vegetation Along New Channel within Shaw Property |
04/30/2026 |
Approximately 155 acres of former agricultural ground within the floodplain of Hangman Creek planted with native grass seed. |
O: 47. Plant native grasses on approximately 155 acres of the Hangman Valley Bottom that lie within Tribal property T1030 just and just west of Highway 95 |
11/28/2025 |
Riparian Plantings on Multiple Properties Maintained |
P: 198. Maintain vegetation planted in previous years at within the Hangman Valley Bottom and select tributaries. |
04/30/2026 |
Large Woody Debris Structures Installed |
Q: 29. Large Woody Debris Placement in Indian Creek |
04/30/2026 |
Dam Building Materials Provided to Beaver |
R: 186. Maintain beaver dams in Hangman Creek with hardwood supplementation |
04/30/2025 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
S: 157. Sample redband trout and non-native salmonids using migration traps |
04/30/2026 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
T: 157. Sample redband trout using electrofishing backpacks in Hangman Creek |
02/20/2026 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
U: 157. Collect data and maintain fixed PIT tag antennae arrays |
04/30/2026 |
Fish Marked with Pit Tags |
V: 158. Uniquely mark redband trout in upper Hangman Creek |
04/30/2026 |
Genetic samples collected and processed using SNP's protocol |
W: 115. Collect SNP's Genetics Samples in Hangman Creek |
03/06/2026 |
Produce accessible, error-checked datasets |
X: 157. Monitor water temperature in Hangman Creek |
04/30/2026 |
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata |
Y: 162. Analyze data generated for redband trout captured in migrant traps in Hangman Creek |
02/20/2026 |
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata |
Z: 162. Analyze data generated from sampling salmonids in tributary habitats in upper Hangman watershed |
04/30/2026 |
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata |
AA: 162. Analyze data logged at stationary PIT antenna arrays for Redband trout in Hangman Creek |
04/28/2025 |
Deliverable: An accessible, error-checked data set with metadata |
AB: 162. Analyze stream temperature data in Hangman Creek |
01/16/2026 |
Summarize and Maintain GIS Layers for Physical and Biological Data |
AC: 161. Summarize redband trout population status and habitat in Hangman Creek using GIS |
04/30/2026 |
Effective implementation management and timely contract administration |
AD: 119. Manage and administer projects |
04/30/2026 |
Conservation Easements and Baseline Reports |
AE: 172. Exclude uplands within the hnt'k'wipn Management Area in favor of additional floodplain acreage |
09/30/2025 |
Completed Annual Report |
AG: 132. Complete bi-annual progress report for the period 1/2024 to 12/2025. |
04/03/2026 |