CCR 51933
Contract did not spend funds because of lack of staff capacity to construction the project. Funds will be de-obligated and reallocate elsewhere in the Warm Springs Program.
CCR-47740: 12 month NCTE to December 1, 2023. Due to staffing and contracting limitations CTWS is unable to complete this work during the initial contract period. All WEs, milestones and deliverables have been extended 12 months, to allow for CTWS to complete the work during 2023. WEs A, B, C and H are currently funded via the annual Habitat Restoration Contract (89827) which will expire on 2/28/2023, this WE funding will be carried forward to the 2023 annual Habitat Restoration Contract via CR-359270.
This contract is solely for the implementation of the Shitike Creek Headworks Removal and Restoration Project. The cost of the project will be shared with Portland General Electric and will focus of the removal of an abandoned water diversion structure in Shitike Creek that is a complete passage barrier. All work performed in this contract will be completed by sub-contractors. Completion of this project will result in: 1. unimpeded fish passage to 18.6 miles of habitat upstream of the Shitike Creek Headworks structure, 2. Increased habitat complexity in .21 miles of mainstem (.1 miles) and side channel (.11 miles) via instream LWD and boulder placement downstream of the headworks structure, 3. .75 acres of floodplain habitat being reconnected, downstream of the headworks structure, and 4. Enhancement and planting of 1.5 acres of riparian corridor with native riparian plants downstream of the headworks structure. This work will benefit all life stages of anadromous ( Pacific lamprey, steelhead, and Chinook salmon) and resident (redband trout, and bull trout) fish species.
The Pelton Round Butte Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2030) Pacific Lamprey Passage Evaluation and Mitigation Plan (PGE and CTWSRO 2019) completed an assessment of the potential actions to enhance lamprey populations in the Deschutes Basin. After concluding that productive habitat for Pacific lamprey is present above the hydroelectric project, but passage through the project by adult and juvenile lamprey would not be possible, mitigation measures were established to address this loss of productive habitat. Barrier removal and habitat enhancement are listed as eligible projects to mitigation for the loss of productive habitat. The removal of the ‘Headworks’ structure is widely recognized through extensive migration and distribution research on Pacific Lamprey in the Deschutes Basin as priority mitigation action to improve lamprey populations.
In 2018 the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon (CTWSRO) completed an Aquatic Restoration Strategy for the entire Reservation that identified and prioritized watersheds where restoration actions would have the greatest potential to restore and enhance ecological conditions. One element of this Strategy was the development of a prioritization matrix to rank individual projects for a suite of target species important to the Tribes. Within the Matrix, a total of 34 subwatersheds across the Warm Springs Reservation were evaluated for fish use, habitat conditions, water quality, and climate change resiliency. Scores were assigned to these variables and a tiered ranking was established to prioritize high, medium, and low priority subwatersheds for restoration potential. In addition, a total of 40 conceptual projects were scored and ranked throughout these subwatersheds. The Shitike Creek Headworks Fish Passage and Habitat Enhancement Project ranked 14th on a list 40 potential restoration and enhancement projects conceptualized across the Reservation. This ranking was based on a scoring system that includes summer steelhead, spring Chinook, bull trout, and Pacific lamprey. If the ranking system were structured solely for Pacific lamprey the project would rank 1st due to the removal of complete migration barrier providing access to over eighteen miles of unused Pacific lamprey habitat.
The project was designed under contract 78649 and the design plans are located in the documents for that contract (
Detailed cost share breakdown for this project are located in the documents for this contract