Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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H: 157 - Monitor Adult Chinook Escapement Using Weirs
Use existing weirs and other escapement monitoring techniques to identify, collect, mark, and enumerate adults escaping into study streams. Record fork length, age, marks, tags, gender, and collect DNA on all general production, integrated brood stock, and wild/natural fish collected at these weirs. Release all returning wild/natural and a portion of integrated brood stock adult Chinook salmon upstream of weirs. All general hatchery production fish collected at weirs in study streams will be taken to the hatchery or released downstream of the weir.

Collect tissue samples for DNA analysis from adult Chinook salmon released to spawn naturally upstream of escapement weirs. These samples will be used to quantify production and productivity estimates for natural and general production hatchery strays (where found) or to determine relatedness between natural spawning populations and/or hatchery stocks used in broodstock creation.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Determine spawner abundance upstream of weirs and collect biological data/samples as necessary (sex, length, DNA…). Data will be proofed and uploaded to program datasets. Archived DNA samples from all adults passed over weirs for future analyses. Sample numbers will vary annually based on run size. Samples will be inventoried electronically and stored at the IDFG Nampa Research Office or the IDFG Eagle Genetics Laboratory.

Locations include:

South Fork Salmon River Weir
Pahsimeroi Weir
Sawtooth Weir
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $40,000 $40,000

6 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A EC Environmental compliance requirements complete 2/1/2015 2/15/2015 Concluded Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 10/10/2014 1:22:17 PM
Description: On-the-ground work associated with this work element cannot proceed until this milestone is complete. Milestone is complete when final documentation is received from BPA environmental compliance staff (completion can be based on pre-existing environmental documentation from BPA).
B PUBPROTOCOL Review, revise, and Publish protocol, study design, and methods in 2/1/2015 1/31/2016 Active Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 10/10/2014 1:22:17 PM
Description: The Protocol (including temporal and spatial design) and Methods for this work element are stored at and need to be finalized (i.e., "Published" through, preferably prior to data collection. Preparations for contract renewals must include reviewing any previously published Protocols/Methods to ensure that they are consistent with how work will be done in any subsequent contract.
C BackUp Secure data back-up 2/1/2015 2/15/2015 Concluded Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 10/10/2014 1:22:18 PM
Description: Minimum requirements: Hard copies of field sheets and original dataloggers secured against fire and flood. At least daily data back-up of electronic data on a separate hard drive. Secure cloud-based or off-site location data back-up to preclude catastrophic data loss at least weekly. More frequent cloud/off-site back-up is greatly encouraged. [Timing guidance: from beginning to end of contract]
D Upload Yearly upload of error-checked datasets 2/1/2015 12/15/2015 Concluded Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 10/10/2014 1:22:18 PM
Description: Upload datasets with associated metadata to a publicly accessible site each year as soon as they have been QA/QC checked. This generally happens within 6 months for direct field-to-database input, but may be longer if laboratory analysis is required (e.g., scale reading or genetic analyses). If data is not QA/QCed within 1 year, data must be made accessible with acknowledgement of QA/QC limitations. Periods for dataset collection should be no longer than a year, and coincide with the logical biology of the data collection, which may not be on a calendar year. Example of a dataset: redd counts for one species for one season for a particular brood year. Dataset upload requirements apply to both original and derived data, which should be at a level of quality suitable for release to resource co-managers to make decisions – not the rigor required as if you were going to use the data for a peer-reviewed publication.
E Assist at adult weirs 6/30/2015 10/1/2015 Concluded Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 9/29/2014 10:14:54 AM
Description: Personnel will be present to operate or assist hatchery personnel in processing adult fish trapped at the following weirs: South Fork Salmon Weir, Pahsimeroi Weir, Sawtooth Weir.
F DELIV Adult Escapement and DNA Data 12/15/2015 Concluded Carl Stiefel (Inactive) 10/9/2014 11:48:09 AM
Description: Determine spawner abundance upstream of weirs and collect biological data/samples as necessary (sex, length, DNA…). Data will be proofed and uploaded to program datasets. Archived DNA samples from all adults passed over weirs for future analyses. Sample numbers will vary annually based on run size. Samples will be inventoried electronically and stored at the IDFG Nampa Research Office or the IDFG Eagle Genetics Laboratory. Locations include: South Fork Salmon River Weir Pahsimeroi Weir Sawtooth Weir

Work Site ID Latitude Longitude State County Province Subbasin
32410 44.153246 -114.883609 Idaho Custer Mountain Snake Salmon
32411 44.9514 -115.7357 Idaho Valley Mountain Snake Salmon
88967 44.68446 -114.040285 Idaho Lemhi Mountain Snake Salmon

Primary Focal Species:
Chinook (O. tshawytscha) - Snake River Spring/Summer ESU (Threatened)
Secondary Focal Species:
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Snake River DPS (Threatened)

Study Plan Name Study Plan Owner Protocol State Sample Design Name
Salmon Studies in Idaho Rivers (1989-098-00) - Weir Operations v1.0 David Venditti Draft Monitor Adult Chinook Escapement Using Weirs - Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) v1.0

ID Name Type Optional Customized Based On Status
135 Adult Trap Fish Processing v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
109 Carcass Count: Mark-Recapture Analysis v1.0 Data Analysis/Interpretation No N/A Finalized
110 Carcass Count: Site Selection and Sampling Frequency v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
107 Carcass Count: Survey v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
108 Carcass Count: Tags and markers v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
111 Carcass Count: Tissue Samples for DNA Analysis v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
1429 Determining adult anadromous salmonid gender. v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
122 Foot-based Live Fish Survey v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
105 Helicopter Survey v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
131 Redd Count Survey v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
133 Rotary Screw Trap Deployment and Operation v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
134 Trap Efficiency Testing v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized
376 Weir enumeration v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Archived
145 Weirs v1.0 Data Collection No N/A Finalized

Title Category Subcategory Subcategory focus 1 Subcategory focus 2
Juvenile emigration estimate by life stage Fish Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish Fish Origin: Natural
Spawning escapement Fish Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) Fish Life Stage: Adult - Spawner Fish Origin: Both
Adult escapement Fish Abundance of Fish (ID: 46) Fish Life Stage: Adult Fish Fish Origin: Both
Juvenile Chinook salmon life history diversity Fish Age Structure: Fish (ID: 49) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish NA
Brood year escapement Fish Age Structure: Fish (ID: 49) Fish Life Stage: Adult Fish NA
Chinook salmon spawning spatial structure Fish Distribution of Fish Species (ID: 62) Fish Life Stage: Adult - Spawner NA
Chinook salmon productivity in study streams with screw traps Fish Progeny-per-Parent Ratio (P:P) (Productivity) (ID: 86) Fish Life Stage: RANGE: Adult to Juvenile NA
Pahsimeroi River RRS Fish Relative Reproductive Success (RRS) (ID: 88) Fish Origin: Natural NA
PIT tagged juvenile Chinook survival from traps to Lower Granite Fish Survival: Fish (ID: 97) Fish Life Stage: Juvenile Fish Fish Origin: Natural
Spawning ground surveys Fish Spawning/Nesting (ID: 507) Fish Origin: Both NA