Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
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B: 165 - Section 7 ESA consultation, permitting, Section 106 cultural consultation, NEPA
USBWP staff will prepare data and draft documents in support of obtaining environmental clearances for anadromous fish projects sponsored by partners of USBWP, such as Trout Unlimited, Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District, IDFG, and others. ESA Section 7 consultation may occur through the BPA Programmatic, Idaho Programmatic, or Biological Assessments. Staff will track progress of consultation to assure a timely delivery prior to project implementation.

During the planning stages prior to project implementation, USBWP staff will coordinate with archaeologist subcontractors, project sponsors, and BPA or other lead agency to provide a cultural resource survey and report for Section 106 consultation. Staff will track progress of consultation to assure a timely delivery prior to project implementation.

Also during the planning stages, USBWP staff will present projects during the quarterly USBWP Advisory Committee’s public meetings and the Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District’s monthly public meetings. Both groups will continue to receive project updates through project completion.
Prior to project implementation staff will attend bid walkthroughs to clarify environmental compliance conditions to bidding contractors and answer questions related to dewatering, rewatering, turbidity controls, etc. Staff will also attend a preconstruction walkthrough with the winning bidder to review these items in more detail. Staff will provide the contractor with a copy of all documentation required to be kept on the construction site.

During project implementation, staff will monitor turbidity as prescribed by the selected programmatic, confirm BMP’s are being implemented, inspect erosion controls, and assist with staying in compliance during de- and re-watering.

Following implementation, staff will complete and submit required project completion forms for ESA consultation on the sponsor’s behalf, as well as conduct any required post-project monitoring.
USBWP will likewise prepare data and draft documents in support of obtaining ACOE and IDWR 404 permits for anadromous fish projects sponsored by partners of USBWP, such as Trout Unlimited, Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District, IDFG, and others. Staff will coordinate between landowners and sponsors to submit required applications and fees. Following implementation, staff will complete and submit required project completion forms for 404 permits on the sponsor’s behalf.

Projects requiring these activities from projects in the basin include: Beaver Mimicry throughout the Upper Salmon Basin, Canyon Creek Beyeler, Main Lemhi Beyeler, Hayden Creek instream habitat projects, vegetation management projects, Middle Eighteenmile Creek Habitat Improvement Project, Lemhi-Hayden reach, Lemhi Reference Reach, 17mile projects in addition to project development within the Pahsimeroi basin on the Whitworth ranch and BP Bar ranch, and possibly others.
WE Agreement Type:
Deliverable Specification:
Complete Section 7 ESA Consultation, NEPA, IDWR/ACOE, and other permitting for anadromous fish projects sponsored by partners of USBWP, such as Trout Unlimited, Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District, IDFG, and others.
WSE Effective Budget:
% of Total WSE Effective Budget:
WSE Start:
WSE End:
WSE Completion:
WSE Progress:
WSE ID Continued From:
WSE ID Continued To:
Finite or Recurring:

SOWRevision Planned Updated Contractor Comments (optional) BPA Comments (optional)
Work Element Budget (Current Performance Period) $51,000 $47,126 Final total 12/13/2022

15 Milestones
Sort Type Title Start End Status Modified By Modified Date
A HIPCOVER Discuss HIP ESA coverage with Bonneville EC lead 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:09:17 PM
Description: The EC Lead will determine if work under this work element may be able to have ESA-coverage (NMFS & USFWS) under the current version of the Habitat Improvement Program Biological Opinions (HIP BiOps). Work that qualifies must comply with conservation measures in the HIP Handbook. Medium to high risk projects will require a technical review by the Bonneville Engineering Technical Services. Before conceptual design commences, contact the EC lead for HIP applicability, instructions and information requirements. The HIP activity categories and risk criteria are located in the “Note” section of the work element background page here:
B 1-HIP HIP Risk Determination (F&W HABITAT ACTIONS ONLY) : Contact BPA EC Lead for risk determination 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 4/19/2021 6:52:03 AM
Description: FOR HABITAT ACTIONS ONLY: The EC Lead will determine if work under this work element may be able to have full ESA-coverage (NMFS & USFWS) under the Habitat Improvement Program Biological Opinion (HIP). The HIP has expanded coverage for projects that may pose a moderate to high risk of impacting an ESA-listed species or critical habitat that would normally require a Biological Assessment. For work that qualifies, projects will undergo a review by the EC Lead and Engineering Technical Services (ETS) team. Before conceptual design commences, contact the EC Lead for HIP consideration, instruction, and information needs and requirements for coverage eligibility. The HIP activity categories and risk criteria are located in the current HIP Handbook located here:
C LAMP Determine if contract work could adversely affect Pacific lamprey 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Contractor will review work proposed under this contract and determine the following: 1) Will field work take place in any area where lamprey may be present? (Any tributary or subbasin where anadromous fish exist is also accessible Pacific lamprey habitat.) 2) Are there any stream disturbing activities or instream activities that could adversely impact Pacific lamprey? Examples of activities posing a threat to lamprey may include (this list is not intended to be all-inclusive): aquatic habitat improvements, fish passage improvements, culvert replacements, water diversions, altered management of water flows, dewatering of any portions of streams, or alteration of irrigation practices. If the answer is yes to BOTH 1 and 2, the contractor must follow guidance from USFWS “Best Management Guidelines for Native Lampreys During In-water Work” at
D ANS Inspect water craft, waders, boots, etc. to be used in or near water for aquatic invasive species 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Aquatic invasive Species Guidance: Uniform Decontamination Procedures: -- Best management guidance for boaters: -- Aquatic Nuisance Species newsletter: -- State Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plans: Oregon: -- Washington: -- Montana: -- Idaho:
E NOXIOUS Inspect and, if necessary, wash vehicles and equipment infested with terrestrial invasive species 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:13:16 PM
Description: Prevent spread of invasive species by identifying and removing invasive species from work vehicles and equipment. Consult resources such as the Plants Database ( or the NatureServe Explorer ( with assistance identifying invasive plants. Other resources include state natural resource offices ( or a local U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office (
F PI Complete and document public involvement activities and provide to EC Lead 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Public involvement is any outreach to the public or landowners about specific actions that are proposed. This could be public letters, meetings, newspaper notices, posted notices at local facilities, or information booths at local events.
G ESA Participate in ESA Consultation 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Work may include drafting BA (or other ESA documentation), completing HIP forms, submitting high risk project designs to the EC Lead, providing copies of Section 10, 4(d), or 6 permits, etc., or submitting Hatchery Genetic Management Plan to BPA for review and ESA consultation initiation, and providing input for the ensuing consultation. Once the program has completed Section 7 consultation and has obtained relevant permits or authorizations (Section 10, 4(d), etc), be familiar with and follow all terms and conditions, including annual reporting, associated with the ESA consultation or permit. Notify BPA immediately of any instances when take has been exceeded or terms and conditions or conservation measures have been violated.
H 106 Provide information for Section 106 Cultural review 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Email EC Lead detailed project description, map, and shapefiles so that BPA can initiate Section 106 review.
I 106 Plan for field inventory 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:13:16 PM
Description: Coordinate with EC Lead and BPA archaeologist to determine appropriate approach and methodology for field inventory, if determined necessary by BPA archaeologist.
J 106 Cultural resource surveys 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Coordinate with EC Lead to schedule cultural resources surveys if required by BPA archaeologist.
K PERMS Obtain/Renew applicable local, state, federal and tribal environmental permits 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:11:25 PM
Description: Work done to obtain permits such as Sec. 401 or 404 (including RGP process), shoreline, NPDES, or any other required federal, state, or local permits. Send copies of final permits to EC Lead as requested.
L Attend bid and pre-construction walkthroughs 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:13:16 PM
Description: Prior to project implementation staff will attend bid walkthroughs to clarify environmental compliance conditions to bidding contractors and answer questions related to dewatering, rewatering, turbidity controls, etc. Staff will also attend a preconstruction walkthrough with the winning bidder to review these items in more detail. Staff will provide the contractor with a copy of all documentation required to be kept on the construction site.
M Submit required project completion forms for ACOE/IDWR permitting 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:13:16 PM
Description: Following implementation, staff will complete and submit required project completion forms for 404 permits on the sponsor’s behalf.
N Complete and document public involvement activities and provide to EC Lead 9/1/2021 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/6/2021 2:13:16 PM
Description: USBWP staff will present projects during the quarterly USBWP Advisory Committee’s public meetings and the Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District’s monthly public meetings. Both groups will continue to receive project updates through project completion.
O DELIV Complete all necessary permitting 8/31/2022 Concluded Eric Leitzinger 7/13/2021 8:27:28 AM
Description: Complete Section 7 ESA Consultation, NEPA, IDWR/ACOE, and other permitting for anadromous fish projects sponsored by partners of USBWP, such as Trout Unlimited, Lemhi Soil and Water Conservation District, IDFG, and others.

This work element does not require Focal Species
This work element does not require Environmental Compliance
This work element does not require RM&E metadata