Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Expenditures by FY

Contract 16575: PI 200303900 MONITOR REPRO IN WENAT/TUC/KAL

This grid lists expenditures by fiscal year, and provides a breakdown of estimated expenditures by work classification, which are determined using the work element budget ratios from statements of work.

Viewing 4 of 4 FY Contract Expenditure Summaries
Account FY
Account Type
Current Contract Value
Invoiced (All Time)
Habitat Expenditures
Hatchery Expenditures
RME and Data Management Expenditures
Planning and Coordination Expenditures
Other Work Classification Expenditures
BPA Internal Operations Expenditures
Environmental Compliance Expenditures
Reporting Expenditures

Estimated Expenditures by Work Statement Element - this grid lists estimated expenditures by work statement element. Estimates are determined using work statement element effective budget ratios.

Viewing 52 of 52 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
WSE Effective Budget
% of Total WSE Effective Budget
Estimated Expenditures
WSE Start
WSE Progress
WE Class
Primary Focal Species
2007Expense2467157A: Adult sample collection (WDFW)$140,00031.19%$38802/01/200401/31/2006CanceledRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2468157B: Spawning ground surveys (WDFW)$120,00026.74%$33302/01/200401/31/2006CanceledRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2469132C: Produce Annual Report (WDFW and NMFS)$12,7602.84%$3502/28/200603/31/2006OtherReporting
2007Expense2470158D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW)$8,5191.89%$2402/01/200401/31/2006CanceledRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2471162E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW)$20,0004.45%$5502/01/200401/31/2006CanceledRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2472165F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW)$2,0000.44%$602/01/200401/31/2006CanceledEnvironmental Compliance
2007Expense2473141G: Produce Monthly Progress Reports (NMFS and WDFW)$1,0000.22%$302/01/200510/20/2005ConcludedReporting
2007Expense2474157H: DNA data collection (NMFS)$61,44913.69%$17002/01/200501/31/2006ConcludedRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2475162I: Analyze and interpret genetic data (NMFS)$50,00011.14%$13901/31/200501/31/2006OtherRM & E and Data Management
2007Expense2476119J: Project oversight of adult sampling and spawning ecology (WDFW)$15,0003.34%$4202/01/200401/31/2006CanceledPlanning and Coordination

Estimated Expenditures by Focal Species - this grid lists estimated expenditures by primary focal species. Allocations to primary focal species are done according to work statement element effective budget ratios.

Viewing 4 of 4 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
Focal Species
Estimated Expenditures (Direct)
Estimated Expenditures (Contract Admin)
2004Expense $0$0
2005Expense $0$0
2006Expense $0$0
2007Expense $0$0

Estimated Expenditures by ESA-Listed Focal Species - this grid lists estimated expenditures by primary focal species for ESA-Listed focal species only. If this contract does not have any work statement elements where the primary focal species is an ESA-listed species, then this grid will be empty.

Viewing 4 of 4 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
Focal Species
Estimated Expenditures (Direct)
Estimated Expenditures (Contract Admin)
2005Expense $0$0
2004Expense $0$0
2006Expense $0$0
2007Expense $0$0

Estimated Expenditures by Work Statement Element by Focal Species - this grid lists estimated expenditures by work statement element and by primary focal species. Allocations to primary focal species are done according to work statement element effective budget ratios.

Viewing 52 of 52 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
Focal Species
Estimated Expenditures (Direct)
Estimated Expenditures (Contract Admin)
2004Expense2472F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW) $0$0
2004Expense2466M: Pisces Status Report $0$0
2007Expense2472F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW) $0$0
2007Expense2466M: Pisces Status Report $0$0
2005Expense2466M: Pisces Status Report $0$0
2005Expense2472F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW) $0$0
2006Expense2472F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW) $0$0
2006Expense2466M: Pisces Status Report $0$0
2004Expense2470D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW) $0$0
2007Expense2470D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW) $0$0

Estimated Expenditures by Work Statement Element by ESA-Listed Focal Species - this grid lists estimated expenditures by work statement element and by primary focal species for ESA-Listed focal species only. If this contract does not have any work statement elements where the primary focal species is an ESA-listed species, then this grid will be empty.

Viewing 52 of 52 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
Focal Species
Estimated Expenditures (Direct)
Estimated Expenditures (Contract Admin)
2005Expense2471E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW) $0$0
2005Expense2474H: DNA data collection (NMFS) $0$0
2004Expense2471E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW) $0$0
2004Expense2474H: DNA data collection (NMFS) $0$0
2007Expense2471E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW) $0$0
2007Expense2474H: DNA data collection (NMFS) $0$0
2006Expense2471E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW) $0$0
2006Expense2474H: DNA data collection (NMFS) $0$0
2005Expense2470D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW) $0$0
2004Expense2470D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW) $0$0

Estimated Expenditures by Work Statement Element by Location - this grid lists estimated expenditures by work statement element and, using the primary work site location, allocates these estimated expenditures to individual Counties, States, Subbasins and Provinces.

Viewing 52 of 52 Estimated Expenditures
Account FY
Account Type
Estimated Expenditures (Direct)
Estimated Expenditures (Contract Admin)
2007Expense2467A: Adult sample collection (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$388
2007Expense2468B: Spawning ground surveys (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$333
2007Expense2469C: Produce Annual Report (WDFW and NMFS)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$35
2007Expense2470D: PIT tag spring Chinook (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$24
2007Expense2471E: Analyze spawning ecology data (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$55
2007Expense2472F: Environmental Compliance (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$6
2007Expense2473G: Produce Monthly Progress Reports (NMFS and WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$3
2007Expense2474H: DNA data collection (NMFS)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$170$0
2007Expense2475I: Analyze and interpret genetic data (NMFS)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$139
2007Expense2476J: Project oversight of adult sampling and spawning ecology (WDFW)WAChelanColumbia CascadeWenatchee$0$42