Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program

Milestones Summary

Viewing 16 of 16 Milestones
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A119Manage and Administer ProjectsProject AdministrationCoordinate efforts between funding agency, subcontractors, local stakeholders (i.e. including private landowners, city governments, and irrigation district representatives). Provide BPA with an estimate of contract work that will occur prior to September 30 but will not be billed until October 1 or later. Generally, this should be done by September 10.AFPCIRFunding Package - Conduct internal review (e.g., Supervisor or Interagency)09/03/200710/31/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 1:44 PM
A119Manage and Administer ProjectsProject AdministrationCoordinate efforts between funding agency, subcontractors, local stakeholders (i.e. including private landowners, city governments, and irrigation district representatives). Provide BPA with an estimate of contract work that will occur prior to September 30 but will not be billed until October 1 or later. Generally, this should be done by September 10.BASSEBAccrual - Submit September estimate to BPA09/01/200709/15/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
A119Manage and Administer ProjectsProject AdministrationCoordinate efforts between funding agency, subcontractors, local stakeholders (i.e. including private landowners, city governments, and irrigation district representatives). Provide BPA with an estimate of contract work that will occur prior to September 30 but will not be billed until October 1 or later. Generally, this should be done by September 10.C Coordinate with stakeholders on project activities04/16/200710/31/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 3:37 PM
A119Manage and Administer ProjectsProject AdministrationCoordinate efforts between funding agency, subcontractors, local stakeholders (i.e. including private landowners, city governments, and irrigation district representatives). Provide BPA with an estimate of contract work that will occur prior to September 30 but will not be billed until October 1 or later. Generally, this should be done by September 10.D Initiate discussions with local stakeholders04/16/200710/31/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 3:39 PM
A119Manage and Administer ProjectsProject AdministrationCoordinate efforts between funding agency, subcontractors, local stakeholders (i.e. including private landowners, city governments, and irrigation district representatives). Provide BPA with an estimate of contract work that will occur prior to September 30 but will not be billed until October 1 or later. Generally, this should be done by September 10.EDELIVFunding Package - Submit draft to COTR 10/31/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 1:44 PM
B185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.ASRJul-Sep 2007 (7/1/2007 - 9/30/2007)10/01/200710/15/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 1:52 PM
B185Produce CBFish Status ReportPeriodic Status Reports for BPAThe Contractor shall report on the status of milestones and deliverables in Pisces. Reports shall be completed either monthly or quarterly as determined by the BPA COTR. Additionally, when indicating a deliverable milestone as COMPLETE, the contractor shall provide metrics and the final location (latitude and longitude) prior to submitting the report to the BPA COTR.BSRFinal Oct 2007 (10/1/2007 - 10/31/2007)10/17/200710/31/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 1:52 PM
C175Produce DesignDesign Specification ReportCovers all work associated with preparation of engineering or technical drawings required for development of Design Specification Report. This includes but not limited to evaluating stranded smolts, identifying impediments to adult steelhead passage, GIS mapping of upstream and downstream limits of each impediment and ultimately recommending actions to selectively modify the stream channel geometry at each location identified.ADELIVDesign Specification Report 07/30/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
C175Produce DesignDesign Specification ReportCovers all work associated with preparation of engineering or technical drawings required for development of Design Specification Report. This includes but not limited to evaluating stranded smolts, identifying impediments to adult steelhead passage, GIS mapping of upstream and downstream limits of each impediment and ultimately recommending actions to selectively modify the stream channel geometry at each location identified.B Stranded smolts will be evaluated as to low-flow channel issues.05/01/200706/01/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
C175Produce DesignDesign Specification ReportCovers all work associated with preparation of engineering or technical drawings required for development of Design Specification Report. This includes but not limited to evaluating stranded smolts, identifying impediments to adult steelhead passage, GIS mapping of upstream and downstream limits of each impediment and ultimately recommending actions to selectively modify the stream channel geometry at each location identified.C Develop and advertise a Request for Proposal05/01/200710/31/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 3:41 PM
C175Produce DesignDesign Specification ReportCovers all work associated with preparation of engineering or technical drawings required for development of Design Specification Report. This includes but not limited to evaluating stranded smolts, identifying impediments to adult steelhead passage, GIS mapping of upstream and downstream limits of each impediment and ultimately recommending actions to selectively modify the stream channel geometry at each location identified.D Collaboration between engineering firm and construction company06/15/200707/15/2007ActiveLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
C175Produce DesignDesign Specification ReportCovers all work associated with preparation of engineering or technical drawings required for development of Design Specification Report. This includes but not limited to evaluating stranded smolts, identifying impediments to adult steelhead passage, GIS mapping of upstream and downstream limits of each impediment and ultimately recommending actions to selectively modify the stream channel geometry at each location identified.E Develop construction design specific to sites.05/01/200710/31/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)09/18/2007 3:41 PM
D165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationWater release schedule and WDFW smolt out plantingCovers any work by contractor to assemble, gather, acquire, or prepare documents in support of obtaining environmental compliance. This phase of work does not require specific BPA environmental documentation but certain tasks require NOAA or WDFW coordination worthy of tracking.ADELIVDevelop Water release schedule 04/30/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
D165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationWater release schedule and WDFW smolt out plantingCovers any work by contractor to assemble, gather, acquire, or prepare documents in support of obtaining environmental compliance. This phase of work does not require specific BPA environmental documentation but certain tasks require NOAA or WDFW coordination worthy of tracking.B Develop water release schedule for smolt out plant04/16/200704/30/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
D165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationWater release schedule and WDFW smolt out plantingCovers any work by contractor to assemble, gather, acquire, or prepare documents in support of obtaining environmental compliance. This phase of work does not require specific BPA environmental documentation but certain tasks require NOAA or WDFW coordination worthy of tracking.C Develop request to WDFW to out plant summer steelhead04/16/200704/30/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM
D165Produce Environmental Compliance DocumentationWater release schedule and WDFW smolt out plantingCovers any work by contractor to assemble, gather, acquire, or prepare documents in support of obtaining environmental compliance. This phase of work does not require specific BPA environmental documentation but certain tasks require NOAA or WDFW coordination worthy of tracking.D Develop hold harmless agreement04/16/200704/30/2007ConcludedLinda Hermeston (Inactive)07/27/2007 3:17 PM