Contract Description:
Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery
Statement of Work and Budget FY2005
Draft March 2005
BPA Project Number: 1983-350-00
Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery Operations & Maintenance
Contract Number: 20668
Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery O&M
1/01/05 - 12/31/05
Harold R. Harty
Fish Hatchery Supervisor III
Nez Perce Tribe - DFRM
P.O. Box 635
Lapwai, Idaho 83540
Phone: 208/843-7384 / Fax: 208/276-4461
Thomas Rickman
Finance Manager
Nez Perce Tribe - Finance Department
P.O. Box 365
Lapwai, Idaho 83540
Phone: 208/843-7317 / Fax: 208/843-7319
Arleen Henry
Financial Assistant
Nez Perce Tribe - Finance
P.O. Box 365
Lapwai, Idaho 83540
Phone: 208/843-7317 / Fax: 208/843-7319
Contract Background Section:
{This section may contain project history, background, goal, objectives, study area information, information on coordination with other contracts under a project, literature cited, etc.}
The Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC) authorized construction of Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery facilities 17, May 2000, in Helena, MT. Construction began July 2001 and was essentially completed in October 2002. The hatchery was dedicated 9, October 2002. Spring and fall chinook salmon eggs were brought on-station, for incubation in October and all systems appeared to be functioning.
This statement of work and budget contain activities and costs associated with the operation and maintenance of the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery and six satellite facilities. Based on NPPC authorization for out-year operation and maintenance costs we are requesting the following:
FY2005 O&M budget: $1,974,000 (new 2005 dollars).
Broodstock development, for the Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery program, has continued by taking advantage of successful brood years and procuring gametes at State and Federal hatcheries in the Clearwater subbasin.
NPTH staff will transport to Site 1705 and hold for spawning up to 500 adults trapped at the Clearwater and Powell hatcheries. In addition, NPTH staff will spawn spring chinook adults at Newsome and Yoosa/Camp satellite facilities and transport 104,000 and 160,000 green eggs, respectively, to NPTH for incubation and early rearing.
NPTH staff will transport approximately 880 adult fall chinook from Lower Granite Dam to Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery in 2004. In addition, the adult ladder at Site 1705 will be in operation from 23, August 2004, through early December to collect adult fall chinook. Approximately 1 million green eggs will be taken for incubation and rearing. Fall chinook progeny from these eggs will receive final rearing at NPTH and North Lapwai Valley facilities and be released as sub-yearlings in May and June 2005.
To summarize, the following numbers and groups of fish will be reared and/or released in 2005 through the NPTH program.
· 500,000 BY03 fall chinook at Site 1705 - release into Clearwater River
· 250,000 BY03 fall chinook at North Lapwai Valley facility - release into Lapwai Creek
· 400,000 BY03 spring chinook at 1705 - release into Meadow Creek/Selway River
· 75,000 BY03 spring chinook at Newsome satellite facility - release into Newsome Creek
· 150,000 BY03 spring chinook at Yoosa/Camp satellite facility - release into Lolo Creek
NPTH support staff shall assist FishPro, Inc. staff in writing the NPTH operations manual for the new facilities. They will participate with the planning staff in selecting equipment for NPTH facilities and will be trained by FishPro to operate equipment and systems in the new facilities as they come on line.
The Nez Perce Tribal Hatchery program is an existing safety-net- project and is addressed in the 2000 Biological Opinion Action 177:
"This action funds the actual implementation and operation of safety-net projects. Depending on the planning results, specific measures may include funding modifications to existing facilities, or construction and operation of new facilities. The obligation to fund the safety-net program, including O&M, monitoring, and evaluation, will continue indefinitely, as circumstances warrant."