Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program
SOW Report
Project Number:
Pine Hollow and Jackknife Watershed Restoration
Province Subbasin %
Columbia Plateau John Day 100.00%
Contract Number:
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Contract Description:
The following work plan outlines the series of activities, including methods, products, timeline and cost, to be implemented as part of the Pine Hollow / Jackknife Watershed Project by the Sherman County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) from October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006.

Sherman County SWCD
Pine Hollow / Jackknife Watershed Council
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Oregon Dept of Fish & Wildlife, John Day Basin
Bureau of Land Management
Wasco County SWCD
PG & E Gas Transmission Northwest
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board

One major source of water quality impairment is runoff originating from uplands.  In extreme runoff events, upland and riparian vegetation has been removed by flooding, resulting in undesirable plants and nonfunctioning riparian areas.  Riparian areas have been over grazed and damaged due to a lack of available livestock drinking water outside the streams.  Implementation of best management practices began to reduce erosion in the 1960's.  Erosion continues to be a factor affecting water quality and agricultural stability within the watershed and surrounding areas.  Many landowners see the need to tighten their conservation plans and practices, but lack the funds to do so because market prices for wheat and livestock have been below the cost of production for most of the past 25 years.

Location of Project Work:
Watershed enhancement projects are planned on 7 ranching operations in the Pine Hollow / Jackknife watershed, which is located in the southeastern corner of Sherman County.  Projects will include off-stream water systems (pipeline, trough, and protective fencing), and water and sediment control basins (WASCBs).

ESA and Cultural Resources Coverage Documentation:
All projects sponsored by the Sherman County Soil & Water Conservation District are planned and implemented using the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service standards and specifications.  All projects are subjected to literature surveys for Threatened and Endangered Species and Cultural Resources.  Surveys that show a possible or known presence of T & E Species or Cultural Resources will not be implemented until documentation is completed stating that projects are in compliance with federal NEPA and SHPO requirements.  All documentation will be submitted for approval by NEPA specialists at BPA before groundbreaking begins.

Project Goals:
To implement Fish Habitat Improvement Projects with landowners in the Pine Hollow and Jackknife watersheds.  This will be accomplished through practices that reduce the impact of peak flow events, enhance summer flows, and reduce summer stream temperatures, while reducing soil erosion and sediment delivery to streams.  Projects will be implemented using NRCS standards and specifications that provide design, technical, and engineering assistance for project implementation.  Maps will be created for project management and for T&E and Cultural Resource Surveys.  Funds for technical assistance and maps come out of BPA project 2002-015-00, through in kind work by the Sherman County SWCD and Watershed Councils, and through cost share funding provided by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB).
Account Type(s):
Contract Start Date:
Contract End Date:
Current Contract Value:

* Expenditures data includes accruals and are based on data through 30-Nov-2024.

Env. Compliance Lead:
Work Order Task(s):
Contract Type:
Contract (IGC)
Pricing Method:
Cost Reimbursement (CNF)
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Full Name Organization Write Permission Contact Role Email Work Phone
Jamie Cleveland Bonneville Power Administration Yes COR (503) 230-3160
Angela Dowling Bonneville Power Administration Yes Contracting Officer (503) 230-3642
Jason Faucera Sherman Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Yes Technical Contact (541) 565-3551x111
Carl Keller Bonneville Power Administration No Env. Compliance Lead (503) 230-7692
Rosemary Mazaika Bonneville Power Administration Yes F&W Approver (503) 230-5869

Viewing of Work Statement Elements

Deliverable Title WSE Sort Letter, Number, Title Start End Concluded
Submit NEPA Checklist to BPA NEPA Contact A: 165. Obtain Environmental Compliance For Upland Projects 04/30/2006 05/22/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #1, Project #: PH-01 (T4S R18E Sec. 33 SE) B: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #1, Project #: PH-01 (T4S R18E Sec. 33 SE) 07/30/2006 05/24/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #1, Project #: PH-14 (T4S R18E Sec. 29 SW) C: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #1, Project #: PH-14 (T4S R18E Sec. 29 SW) 07/30/2006 05/26/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 18 NW) D: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 18 NW) 07/30/2006 05/29/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 13 SE) E: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 13 SE) 07/30/2006 05/31/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SW) F: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SW) 07/30/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SE) G: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SE) 07/30/2006 06/06/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #4, Project #: PH-06 (T7S R17E Sec. 13 SW) H: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #4, Project #: PH-06 (T7S R17E Sec. 13 SW) 07/30/2006 07/05/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #4, Project #: PH-07 (T7S R17E Sec. 11 SE) I: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #4, Project #: PH-07 (T7S R17E Sec. 11 SE) 07/30/2006 06/28/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #5, Project #: PH-08 (T5S R17E Sec. 35 SE) J: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-08 (T5S R17E Sec. 35 SE) 07/30/2006 06/20/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (PH-15 SWCD) (T6S R17E Sec. 35 NW) K: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (PH-15 SWCD) (T6S R17E Sec. 35 NW) 07/30/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (T6S R17E Sec. 35 SW) L: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (T6S R17E Sec. 35 SW) 07/30/2006 06/26/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #6, Project #: PH-12 (T4S R18E Sec. 22 NE) M: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #6, Project #: PH-12 (T4S R18E Sec. 22 NE) 07/30/2006
1 WASCB Constructed for Landowner #8, Project #: PH-16 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 SE) N: 55. Construct WASCB - Landowner #8, Project #: PH-16 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 SE) 06/30/2006
1 Off-Stream Water Facility for Landowners #8, Project #: PH-17 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 NE) O: 34. Off-Stream Watering Facility - Existing Source, Landowner #8, Project #: PH-17 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 NE) 09/30/2006
Annual Report Submitted for October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005 Contract Performance Period P: 132. Annual Report (October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005) 12/15/2005 04/28/2006
Project Managed R: 119. Manage & Administer Project 09/30/2006 09/30/2006

Viewing of Implementation Metrics
Viewing of Environmental Metrics Customize

Primary Focal Species Work Statement Elements
Steelhead (O. mykiss) - Middle Columbia River DPS (Threatened)
  • 9 instances of WE 55 Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Sort WE ID WE Title NEPA NOAA USFWS NHPA Has Provisions Inadvertent Discovery Completed
A 165 Obtain Environmental Compliance For Upland Projects
B 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #1, Project #: PH-01 (T4S R18E Sec. 33 SE)
C 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #1, Project #: PH-14 (T4S R18E Sec. 29 SW)
D 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 18 NW)
E 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #2, Project #: PH-02 (T3S R17E Sec. 13 SE)
F 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SW)
G 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #3, Project #: PH-05 (T3S R18E Sec. 7 SE)
H 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #4, Project #: PH-06 (T7S R17E Sec. 13 SW)
I 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #4, Project #: PH-07 (T7S R17E Sec. 11 SE)
J 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-08 (T5S R17E Sec. 35 SE)
K 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (PH-15 SWCD) (T6S R17E Sec. 35 NW)
L 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #5, Project #: PH-10 (T6S R17E Sec. 35 SW)
M 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #6, Project #: PH-12 (T4S R18E Sec. 22 NE)
N 55 Construct WASCB - Landowner #8, Project #: PH-16 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 SE)
O 34 Off-Stream Watering Facility - Existing Source, Landowner #8, Project #: PH-17 (T5S R18E Sec. 18 NE)
P 132 Annual Report (October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005)
Q 185 Quarterly Status Reports - Red/Yellow/Green
R 119 Manage & Administer Project