Environmental Compliance Documents |
A: 165. Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation Pro |
07/31/2006 |
Environmental Surveys |
B: 165. Environmental Surveys |
07/31/2006 |
Presentation Materials |
C: 99. Program Presentations/Information Sessions |
05/31/2006 |
06/01/2006 |
List of potential Habitat Improvement Projects |
D: 114. Initiate Landowner Contacts/Identify and Select Projects |
07/31/2006 |
07/31/2006 |
Landowner Contacts |
E: 118. Landowner Coordination |
06/30/2006 |
06/30/2006 |
Inter-Agency Coordination |
F: 118. Inter-Agency Coordination |
09/30/2006 |
09/30/2006 |
Program Administration Documents |
G: 119. Manage and Administer Project Activities |
09/30/2006 |
09/30/2006 |
Project Contracts |
H: 119. Contract Preparation and Review |
06/30/2006 |
06/30/2006 |
Five-Year Action PLan |
I: 174. Develop Final Five-Year Action Plan |
03/31/2006 |
04/13/2006 |
Willow Installation Review |
J: 122. Provide On-Site Technical Review |
09/30/2006 |
Project Plans |
K: 175. Develop Project Plans/Designs |
07/31/2006 |
Annual Reports |
L: 132. Produce Annual Reports |
05/31/2006 |
05/11/2006 |
Vegetated Geogrids |
M: 29. Install Vegetated Geogrids - Bank Stabilization Treatments |
12/31/2005 |
01/18/2006 |
Off-Site Livestock Water Developments |
N: 34. Develop Alternative Water Sources |
09/30/2006 |
Riparian Fence |
O: 40. Install Fence |
09/30/2006 |
Riparian Vegetation |
P: 47. Plan Riparian Vegetation |
12/31/2005 |
02/07/2006 |
Fence Maintenance |
Q: 186. Maintain Livestock Exclusion Fences - Birch Creek |
09/30/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Fence Maintenance |
R: 186. Maintain Livestock Exclusion Fences - Meacham Creek |
09/30/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Instream Structure Maintenance |
S: 186. Maintain Bank Stability Structures and Stable Channel Design Projects |
05/31/2006 |
05/31/2006 |
Riparian Plantings |
T: 22. Maintain and Irrigate Riparian Planting Sites |
09/30/2006 |
09/30/2006 |
CREP Planting Projects |
U: 22. Maintain CREP Projects |
08/31/2006 |
Weed Control treatments - 117.4 acres |
V: 22. Weed Control (ODFW) |
09/30/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Weed Control Treatment Contracts |
W: 22. Weed Control (Contracts) |
06/30/2006 |
06/30/2006 |
Long-Term Agreements |
X: 92. Prepare Cooperative Agreements/Leases/Easements |
06/30/2006 |
06/30/2006 |
Stream Flow/Temperature Data |
Y: 157. Collect Stream Flow/Temperature Data |
07/31/2006 |
07/31/2006 |
Temperature Data |
Z: 157. Collect and Summarize Temperature Data |
09/30/2006 |
09/30/2006 |
Channel/Habitat Surveys |
AA: 157. Reconnaissance and Pre-Work Channel/Habitat Surveys |
08/31/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Follow-Up Channel/Habitat Surveys |
AB: 157. Follow-up Channel/Habitat Surveys |
08/31/2006 |
08/31/2006 |
Stream Flow/Temperature Gauging Stations (2) |
AC: 148. Install Flow/Temperature Gauging Stations |
12/31/2005 |
02/07/2006 |