The goal of this Contract is to provide standardization, cost effectiveness and coordination between and among all tagging, marking and telemetry programs in the Columbia Basin, and beyond.
The product(s) of this effort will be design, implementation and data management guidance recommendations for TTM project and program recommendations in the form of PNAMP recommendations via varied and published formats.
Contractor-Furnished Property or In-Kind Services: contractors will work closely with PNAMP Coordinator (Ms. Jennifer Bayer, USGS), who will assist with these tasks:
• Project Management
• Group formation, review and facilitation
• Facilitation of review and deliverable process
• Reporting
• Product(s) production
State, Federal, Tribal, University and private participants (including KWA and Tetra Tech-EC) will provide additional in-kind services. The PNAMP FPM work group consists of 159 roster participants.
PNAMP and KWA are responding to the strong and persistent recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) as outlined in their first report in 1997 and specifically in the following reports:
1. The ISRP Preliminary Review of 2007-09 Proposals Report No. 2006-4
2. The ISRP Retrospective Report. Report No. 2005-14
3. The ISRP 2006 Fiscal Year Proposals for Acoustic Tracking. Report No. 2005-19
4. The ISRP Database Review. Report No. 2000-3
5. The ISRP2006 Retrospective Report
Objective 1: Convene the PNAMP Fish Population Monitoring Work Group to scope the process to provide a programmatic review the tagging, telemetry and marking programs in the PNW, with initial emphasis on the Columbia Basin.
Task 1.1: Host a facilitated expert symposium on May 24th in Vancouver, WA of the PNAMP Fish Population Monitoring work group.
Work Elements
? Facilitator for symposium kick off meetings and break out sessions
? KWA and Tetra Tech symposium report
Deliverable: Contact list, topic list, subcommittee structure and draft discussion work plan and timelines for completion of entire project. Meeting notes will include comments on vision, mission and end-product summary paper. Meeting will include in-person, Phone Bridge and Web Ex communications
Schedule: May 24-June 30, 2007.
Objective 2: Present a list of protocol, methods and design topics to the FPM TTM subcommittee.
Task 2.1: Convene a group of experts with explicit knowledge, experience and expertise for this highly technical topic. Prioritize the topics and establish a recommended work plan, project communications plan, and begin discussion of final product information dissemination pathways (e.g., publication(s), outreach, methods manual).
Work Elements
? Consensus outline of a prioritized and recommended work plan to the PNAMP Steering Committee. Subcommittee work element with some outside review prior to SC review.
Deliverable: Prioritized and recommended work plan to the PNAMP Steering Committee.
Schedule: July 31, 2007
Objective 3: Assignments of topical areas and authorship teams.
Task 3.1: Establish a final outline of the TTM product(s)
Work Element
? TTM publication(s) outline approved by the PNAMP Steering Committee.
Deliverable: A single final outline with topical chapters, manuscript topics, monographs and/or publications providing intended outcomes, product goals, objectives, audience and PNAMP processes to establish internal and external peer-review.
Schedule: August 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007.
Objective 4: Final Report to BPA and PNAMP with proposed FY08 and FY09 SOW.
Task 4.1 Phase I Report
Work Elements
? Fish Population Monitoring WG TTM Guidance project report
? FY 08-09 work plan
Deliverable: A single final report that documents all discussion, decisions, meeting notes, active participants, subcommittee members, reviewers and review process and participating groups, and PNAMP approval to proceed to Phase II process. Report will also include a scope of work, product(s), timelines, goals, objectives and budget to complete the final project.
Schedule: May 24, 2007 September 30, 2007
Cultural Resource Investigation:
Not applicable
Threatened and Endangered Species:
Not applicable