Contract Description:
Draft 2005, March 31, 2005
Listed Stock Salmonid Gamete Preservation
Statement of Work and Budget FY2005
BPA Project Number: 1997-03800
BPA Project Title: Listed Stock Salmonid Gamete Preservation
Contract Number: 0004000
Contract Title: Listed Stock Salmonid Gamete Preservation
Performance/Budget Period: 1/1/2005 - 12/31/2005
William Young
Project Leader
Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management
PO Box 1942
McCall, ID 83638
208-634-5290 Fax 208-634-4097
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Arleen Henry
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Nez Perce Tribe Finance Department
P.O. Box 365
Lapwai, ID 83540
Contract Background Section:
The Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management has evolved a major role as natural resource co-managers in the traditional use treaty area encompassing north-central Idaho and eastern Oregon. Management activities include monitoring and evaluating of fish populations, watershed restoration, hatchery supplementation, captive broodstock rearing and enforcement of treaty fishing rights. The long-term goal of these departmental activities is to maintain and restore anadromous and resident fish populations within the 1855 treaty and ensure harvestable populations of aquatic species for both tribal and non-tribal people. In concert with these activities, NPT initiated a conservation-based salmonid gamete preservation project to ensure the long-term persistence of the endemic aquatic resources and assist in future recovery actions.
NPT initiated chinook salmon cryopreservation activities in 1992 in response to the severely reduced returns of adult chinook salmon in Big Creek (a tributary of the Middle Fork Salmon River). In subsequent years, a more comprehensive gene banking effort was initiated including collections from additional chinook spawning aggregates in the Snake River basin and collections from steelhead populations in the region. By collecting from numerous populations of spring and summer chinook salmon and steelhead across the entire Snake River basin, we hope to preserve the greatest amount of endemic salmonid diversity. These actions have been supported and affirmed in numerous regional policy documents.
Several Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC) program measures in the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (FWP 2000) direct the implementation of the Salmonid Gamete Preservation Program:
Measure 7.4E states "cryopreservation (preservation of fish gametes by freezing) has the potential of allowing banking of genetic stocks for future use, especially when the population is severely depleted and its habitat has been damaged or destroyed".
Measure 7.4E.2 directs Federal and State agencies to fund needed research and demonstrations of cryopreservation identified in the coordinated habitat and production process.
The Salmon Subbasin Summary (2001) under Existing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies (3.2) and the Nez Perce Tribe's Research Monitoring and Evaluation (3.2.2.a.) cites:
"Objective 4. Preserve the genetic diversity of salmonid populations at high risk of extirpation through application of cryogenic techniques.
Objective 5. Maintain or restore wild native populations of bull trout, westslope cutthroat trout and resident rainbow trout to ensure species viability."
The Salmon Subbasin Summary (2001) under Existing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies (3.2) under the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's (3.2.3.a.) Anadromous Fish Management cites:
Objective 1. Maintain genetic and life history diversity and integrity of both naturally-and hatchery-produced fish.
Objective 2. Rebuild naturally reproducing populations of anadromous fish to utilize existing and potential habitat at an optimal level.
The Salmon Subbasin Summary (2001) under Existing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies (3.2) under the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's (3.2.3.a.) Resident Fish Management cites:
Objective 2. Maintain genetic integrity of wild native stocks of fish and naturally managed fish when using hatchery supplementation.
The Clearwater Subbasin Summary (2001) under Existing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies for the Nez Perce Tribe Department of Fisheries Resources Management vision cites:
Goals: Conserve, restore and recover native anadromous and resident fish populations.
Strategy: Preserve the genetic diversity of salmonid populations at high risk of extirpation through the application of cryogenic techniques.
The Clearwater Subbasin Summary (2001) under Existing Goals, Objectives, and Strategies under the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Fisheries Management Plan for 2001-2006 (IDFG 2001) cites:
Goal 2. Preserve Idaho's rare fishes to allow for future management options.
The Salmonid Gamete Preservation project has previously received a high project ranking through the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority. The Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority and the Independent Science Review Panel rated the Salmonid Gamete Preservation Project's high priority proposal for a regional germplasm repository as a high priority under the NMFS BiOp (2000).
In a Febuary 12, 2003 letter, NOAA Fisheries and BPA provided the NWPPC with a list of projects necessary to implement the NMFS Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion (2000) during 2003. The Listed Stock Salmonid Gamete Preservation Project received a ranking of "strongly advised" (category 2).
The National Marine Fisheries Service Biological Opinion (2000) identified the following actions relevant to this proposal:
Action 175: Implementation of high priority, safety-net actions can begin with the brood year 2002.
Action 177: Implement and sustain NMFS-approved safety-net programs = regional germplasm repository was approved by CBFWS as an "A" fund under BiOP.
Action 178: Fund for the planning and implementation of additional safety-net programs. Emergency actions, which may endanger a population needing immediate intervention.
Action 184: Determine whether hatchery reforms reduce the risk of extinction and whether hatcheries contribute to recovery.
This project will directly address RPA 177 by delivering a critical component of the NMFS safety-net program through the preservation and maintenance of the genetic diversity and associated phenotypic adaptations contained in distinct ESA-listed stocks. These deliverables directly address many of the reform measures to manage genetic risks identified in the FCRPS Biop (2000) including 1) discontinuation of interbasin transfers of stocks; 2) phasing out inbred, domesticated, and inappropriate composite broodstocks; 3) production of fish derived from locally adapted stocks to the extent feasible and appropriate and; 4) employing mating protocols designed to avoid genetic divergence from the biologically appropriate population.
The utilization of cryobiology is a well-recognized methodology in the establishment of genome resource banks of rare and endangered organisms. Additional justification for this project is based on the following Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan (NMFS 1994); IV.A The recovery to restore these distinct populations (and their genetic and demographic subunits) ..... IV.A.5 Objectives supporting the recovery goal - Judiciously use hatchery production..... but exercise caution to avoid introductions which can degrade the genomes of natural stocks. IV.C.6 The biological diversity of the listed species must be maintained, and particular attention must be paid to the array of genomes.
The 2000 Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program's 6th Scientific Principles is biological diversity allows ecosystems to persist in the face of environmental variation. Habitat strategies include "Use native species whenever feasible. Where a species native to that particular habitat cannot be restored, then another species native to the Columbia River Basin should be used."
In the Review of Salmonid Artificial Production in the Columbia River Basin, several recommendations are relevant to this proposed project:
"Recommendation 15. Germplasm repositories be developed to preserve genetic diversity for application in future recovery and restoration projects in the Basin, and to maintain a gene bank to reinforce diversity among small, inbred natural populations."
The availability of germplasm for future use in maintenance of diversity or restoration of extirpated runs will be invaluable in the long-term ecological framework of the managed river"(Scientific Review Team, ISAB 1998).
"Recommendation 7. Hatchery programs should use large breeding populations to minimize inbreeding effects and maintain what genetic diversity is present within the population."
Recommendation 16. The "genetic status of all natural populations of anadromous… salmonids needs to be understood…"
The Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan; IV.A The recovery to restore these distinct populations (and their genetic and demographic subunits). IV.A..5 Objectives Supporting the Recovery Goal - Judiciously use hatchery production..... but exercise caution to avoid introductions which can degrade the genomes of natural stocks. a. Supplement the weakened natural stock with hatchery-propagated fish, but only of the same genetic lineage. IV.C.6. The following principles have influenced Team evaluations and decisions....and should also serve as guidelines.... a.) Biological Diversity-The biological diversity of the listed species must be maintained, and particular attention must be paid to the array of genomes.... 2) some 38 separate breeding subpopulations.
The National Marine Fisheries Service's Salmon Recovery Plan states that captive broodstock and supplementation programs should be initiated and/or continued for populations identified as being at imminent risk of extinction, facing severe inbreeding depression, or facing demographic risks. The plan further states that the conservation of local populations or stocks of Pacific salmon and the preservation of their genetic resources is an important goal.
Snake River salmonid populations have experienced significant decline in population numbers over the past five decades with chinook salmon and steelhead now listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In spite of a considerable population protection and monitoring effort by management agencies, recovery of these populations has not been successful. Therefore, a genetic resource management approach using cryogenic technology to preserve gametes has been implemented for those salmonid populations (conservation units) at low levels of abundance and high risk of extirpation. The goals of the gamete preservation project are 1) to preserve and maintain salmonid population genetic diversity, 2) as an insurance policy against population collapse and extirpation, 3) for ongoing artificial propagation programs and 4) to preserve genetic material for future management options. The NMFS draft recovery plan states that "the conservation of local populations or stocks of Pacific salmon and the preservation of their genetic resources is an important goal".
This approach seeks to preserve and maintain genetic diversity from artificially propagated and natural salmonid populations utilizing cryogenic technologies. Specifically, this project will target preserving male gametes from ongoing artificial propagation programs that deal with listed Snake River chinook salmon and steelhead. These programs include but are not limited to the Lower Snake River Compensation Plan hatchery supplementation programs on the Imnaha River, South Fork Salmon River, and at the Sawtooth Hatchery. The Idaho Power Company maintained mitigation hatchery programs at Oxbow Hatchery, Rapid River Hatchery and Pahsimeroi Hatchery. Additionally, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) funds captive broodstock programs with stocks from the Salmon, Grande Ronde basin and artificial propagation projects in the Salmon River and Clearwater basins. Cryopreservation activities would also occur on salmonid populations from streams with ongoing or planned conventional hatchery programs such as Johnson Creek, Lostine River, Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. These samples would be available for use with the ongoing hatchery supplementation programs as needed with a portion of all samples being gene banked for future use. Targeted wild/natural populations of chinook salmon and steelhead include those in the Salmon, Imnaha, Grand Ronde and Clearwater River subbasins. Specific sampling locatings include Lake Creek, Sechesh River and South Fork of the Salmon River in the South Fork of the Salmon River drainage, Big Creek, Marsh Creek, Capehorn Creek and other tributaries in the Middle Fork of the Salmon River drainage, the main stem Salmon River and tributaries, the Imnaha River and tributaries, the Grand Ronde River and Tributaries and the Clearwater River and Tributaries. Future collections will include these sites plus additional sites in the Salmon, Imnaha Grand Ronde and Clearwater River subbasins.
1. Preserve the genetic diversity of salmonid populations at high risk of extirpation through application of cryogenic techniques.
2. Maintain gene bank locations at two independent sites for the short and long term.
3. Analyze the genetic material within the gene bank to assess the diversity contained within.
4. Select and sample new spawning aggregates.
The work elements for this project fall into 5 different objectives:
Objective 1 - Coordination
WE A: Coordination with regional and national management agencies
WE B: Conference attendance and presentations
WE C: Produce environmental compliance documentation
Objective 2 - Implementation
WE D: Chinook salmon and steelhead gamete collection
WE E: Gamete transport
WE F: Cryogenically preserve male gametes
Objective 3 - Monitoring
WE G: Collect and generate field and lab data
WE H: Analyze/interpret data
Objective 4 - Maintenance
WE I: Maintain gene bank inventory
WE J: Manage gene bank database
Objective 5 - Administrative
WE K: Produce status report
WE L: Produce annual report
WE M: Subcontract Administration
WE N: Prepare new SOW for FY06