Contract Description:
*CCR 25399
Winthrop Chewuch Confluence Work Area 2:
SOW changed to reflect no instream work to be completed as federal consultation completed by WSDOT included the restriction of no instream work.
#Year 3 Amendment CCR 23756
See comments below under Winthrop Chewuch Confluence
See comments below under Childers
River bank reference - MSRF consistently uses the hydrologist description of river bank right and left as looking downstream.
The Complexity project is a multi-year, multi-faceted effort, targeting specific properties along the main channel of the Methow River, and three tributaries -- the Chewuch River, the Twisp River, and Beaver Creek. Each site identified will be treated with prescribed methods specific to that site, the overall objective being to reconnect historic side channels and disconnected flood plain areas, thereby increasing the complexity of associated riparian and instream habitat. Four project sites were identified in the 2007/2009 solicitation application (Fender Mill Phase 2, Chain of Lakes, Jennings, and Upper Beaver Creek). The application also included a "programmatic" element for reconnection of side channels and flood plain habitat site(s) for which specific project information and designs were not then known, or prioritization had not been completed. Project site selection completed since the contract was initially approved led to inclusion of Upper Beaver Creek Operskalski, Lower Twisp Yoakum-Doran, Upper Methow BVRA Riley-Green and Sletten, and Chewuch River sites Pete Creek and Winthrop Chewuch Confluence.
To update information stated in the above paragraph:
The Fender Mill site has undergone partial restoration under a separate BPA contract and a WA RCO award. Future efforts at this site will be conducted by Yakama Indian Nation (YIN) under the Accord program. The Chain of Lakes and Jennings projects have not yet been pursued. The Upper Beaver Creek (Batie) site work could not be initiated due to prolonged landowner negotiations. Work at Green, Sletten, and Operskalski was completed under contract 42851. Follow-up assessment and adaptive management will be performed at those sites under this contract. The Riley site is separate from the Green site, though within the same evaluation unit of the Big Valley Reach Assessment (completed by BOR 2008). Restoration work has been delayed pending contract resolution with BPA. Acquisition was completed for the Lower Twisp Yoakum-Doran site, now called MSRF Twisp Left Bank, and preliminary restoration was completed under WA RCO funding. Additional restoration work is slated for completion under the BPA Complexity contract in June 2010. Acquisition of the Pete Creek (Marquardt) property was completed, monitoring wells were installed in the spring of 2010, and vegetative restoration of riparian areas and surface placement of OWD is scheduled for fall of 2010. The Winthrop Chewuch Confluence project is in the evaluation and design phase, a preliminary design report was prepared under separate funding, with a preferred alternative selected. Soils testing and public preferences workshops are scheduled for fall of 2010.
To summarize the work proposed under this contract:
Upper Beaver Creek - Operskalski
Monitoring work completed during 2009 construction season, based on existing photopoints and past photographic and survey record.
Adaptive management implementation will be completed as necessary on previously constructed LWD, bank slope treatments, fencing and planting areas. Work is anticipated to consist of routine maintenance, minor re-construction to correct elevations of placed LWD, and re-planting of selected plantings. LWD was placed according to WDFW specs and field guidance. After one year, it became clear that the design elevation was incorrect. Work will be confined to previously disturbed areas within the original APE. No additional structures or additional work will be completed within the APE. No additional work will be completed in any areas outside of the original APE.
Winthrop Chewuch Confluence
The project site is located on the left bank of the Chewuch River at its confluence with the Methow River in the Town of Winthrop. The site has been historically modified by construction of a vertical bulkhead structure used to retain fill for parking, access, and accessory structures. Because the date of construction and type of fill material used and the past industrial uses on the site, evaluation of soils in the work area will be required to ensure against contamination. As a result, natural vegetation and riparian function has been heavily degraded. The vertical bulkhead is failing, resulting in increased sediment deposition and the potential for bank failure and loss of structure and utilities. MSRF is proposing to address site impacts constructed some time in early 1950s that eliminated opportunities for native vegetation (12-foot high vertical bulkhead). The goal is to increase near shore and in-stream complexity and restore riparian vegetation structure to a more natural condition. This will be accomplished through placement of series of instream LWD structures, wood revetment structures, bank re-sloping, removal of unstable / threatened structures, and revegetation.
Specific work to be completed during Year 3 include:
- complete landowner agreements / easements
- complete soils analysis and historic records search of fill materials (expanded Level I environmental study), to include surface soils analysis (0-6") and at-depth testing (6-9"). Contamination costs - Any costs associated with remediation of contaminated soils would be responsibility of landowner or others, and would not be billed to BPA. To be detailed in landowner agreement prior to soils testing.
- complete public review process and preparation of bid document package
#CCR 23756
Town of Winthrop requested that MSRF expand scope of Confluence work area to include an area of significant erosion near proposed pedestrian bridge construction site. Winthrop is responsible for all bank stabilization efforts related to construction of the new bridge. MSRF is proposing to use BPA funds to improve riparian function of areas impacted by construction, but will not be completing any actions designed for bank stabilization. MSRF has recommended that the Town complete a river modeling effort (to be funded by others) to inform bank restoration efforts. The Town has budgeted funds for riparian plantings, but has not secured funds for riparian function enhancement. Although the scope of complexity enhancement will not be finalized until the modeling effort is completed, MSRF feels it is prudent to request funds from BPA for expected work, given that the bridge will be constructed from May through September 2011. Preliminary work plan includes incorporation of LWD and live plantings to increase structural complexity at the eroded area closest to bridge. The primary work area will be on the left bank (looking downstream).
Marquardt / Pete Creek
This project has been developed to reconnect historic side channels at the confluence of the Chewuch River and Pete Creek, to a level necessary to achieve TES species access to overwintering and rearing habitat. The project will require access across multiple private landowner holdings. Acquisition of a 10.23 acre parcel at the lower end of the side channel complex was completed in January of 2009, under BPA contract. Existing easement was negotiated between MSRF and BPA under previous year complexity contract. Copy of agreement in BPA files. Acquisition of 2 additional private properties at the leading edge of the side channel complex was completed in June of 2009 through Washington State RCO and Chelan / Douglas County Tributary Fund. Additional conservation agreements are currently being pursued on the remaining properties in the center section of the identified side channel complex. This process may lead to additional requests for conservation easements or acquisitions. Specific work elements proposed for completion during this period include:
-design, permitting, consultation
-complete landowner agreements / easements
-construction of specified components including installation of surface placed LWD structures (no excavation or anchoring proposed), re-vegetation of all impacted areas within APE, extension of temporary irrigation to planting areas
-monitoring of completed components
-adaptive management as necessary, to include replacement of failed components and/or structures, replanting of failed vegetation. No additional structures will be installed as adaptive management efforts either within or outside of the APE prepared.
MSRF Twisp Left Bank
Residential construction, land clearing, and bank hardening in the flood plain have resulted in loss of complexity within the lower reach of the Twisp River. In 2001, MSRF identified and targeted 11 individual properties within a contiguous grouping adjacent to the boundaries of the Town of Twisp, for protection efforts. Between 2002 and 2009, MSRF completed acquisition and initiated restoration efforts on 7 of the targeted properties with funding from a variety of agencies, including BPA. Acquisition of the final 4 properties (Yoakum / Doran) was completed in June 2009. under grants from RCO and Tributary Fund. BPA funds awarded under the complexity contract will be used to remove placed material and structures that limit re-establishment of natural flood plain processes across these properties, and initiate restoration of impacted planting areas.
Specific work elements for this contract period include:
-Remove placed rip rap and placed fill, residential accessory structures and roads, and other debris associated with long term residential use of the property.
-re-establish appropriate native riparian plantings and protective fencing.
-install surface placed LWD structures within areas of floodplain to increase channel complexity during elevated flows (Note: LWD structures will not require excavation or anchoring that will result in ground disturbance
-monitor completed components
-adaptive management as necessary, to include replacement of failed components and/or structures, replanting failed vegetation. No additional structures will be installed as adaptive managements efforts, either within or outside of the APE prepared.
BVRA 56-0 Green
The Green project was fully implemented in 2009. Work proposed in 2010 Contract period will include:
-monitor work completed during 2009 construction period through photo point and visual observations
-adaptive management as necessary to include adjustment and/or replacement of failed components and/or structures, replanting of failed vegetation.
No additional structures will be installed as adaptive management efforts, either within or outside of the APE prepared
BVRA 56-0 Childers
CR 126745
The Childers project site lies between Riley and Green on Methow River right bank and is a new site added for this contract period. For three years, the landowner has worked aggressively to stabilize approximately 1000 lineal feet of river bank, which has been highly susceptible to erosion during channel meander in the Methow River. Bank restoration will be completed by MSRF under guidance provided by USFWS using a suitable combination of LWD structures and riparian vegetation at a minimum. The purpose of the restoration is to restore natural channel bank complexity and remove inappropriate stabilization structures previously completed by the landowner.
Work will be limited to previously disturbed areas and will include:
•Relocation of existing LWD structures to adjust height and complexity. Structures will be lowered 2-3 feet to intercept flows at a wider range of natural flows. Additional large diameter wood will be added at most locations.
•Bank sloping – eroded high bank areas will be set back to a maximum slope of 3:1 in the areas behind the existing placed LWD
•Riparian plantings – additional plantings and cuttings will be installed along the length of the project to provide greater near shore habitat and improved soil structure to reduce erosion.
#CCR 23756
Construction was begun in fall 2010, and a portion of the larger restoration and habitat complexity project was completed. More work needs to be completed to address degraded conditions caused by previous bank work. It is proposed to add at least 50 pieces of LWD with this additional funding, within the Wolfridge property. The location was identified in the Bureau of Reclamation Big Valley Reach Assessment as a high priority restoration reach. If left in its current condition, re-establishment of a riparian plant community will not be successful, given that the height of the vertical bank would isolate plants from available groundwater. Resloping of the failed vertical bank provides increased opportunity for successful planting, as well as incorporation of LWD to provide near-bank habitat for salmon.
BVRA 60-25 Sletten
The Sletten project was fully implemented in 2009. Work will be limited to previously disturbed areas and will include:
-monitor work completed during 20090 construction period
-adaptive management as necessary to include adjustment and/or replacement of failed components and/or structures, replanting of failed vegetation.
No additional structures will be installed as adaptive management efforts either within or outside of the APE prepared.